Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1037


Chapter 1037 Mount Huang

Mount Huang is buzzing with people, sometimes causing a sensation in the jungle, making birds and beasts extinct.

In the past, the mountain road was rough and difficult, and the terrain was profound, even if there were few tourists.

But in the past few days, there have always been outsiders visiting one after another, most of them with a northern accent, have endured the hardships of a long journey, and they don't seem to be coming on a scenic tour.

The locals naturally got an explanation from the mountain, and try not to go out or go up the mountain as much as possible.

As for those who don't know it, there are also people who have entered the mountains by mistake, and are often sent out in a confused way.

A flat area on the mountainside is a natural shelter from the wind.


A jade seal rises into the sky, rolls back its brilliance, and collapses into large swathes of mountains and rocks.

The target, like a tall and strong Taoist priest, first turned into a golden light, trying to leave immediately.

The jade seal hangs in the air and wanders, following the golden light he transformed, always following closely from behind.

When the Taoist priest couldn't hold on anymore, the golden light dissipated, and after the main body appeared, the jade seal fell at will.

The Taoist raised his hand and flew out an iron gossip from his cuff, spinning to knock the jade seal flying.


Yuyin exerted a slight force, knocking Tie Bagua into the air, and still shot down the top of the Taoist priest.

The spirits of the Taoist priests are so violent that even the iron gossip can't stop them.

"Admit defeat!"

A frustrating cry rang out from all around, "I still lose!"

"Does the daoist have to make a move to defeat this person? "

The other party conceded defeat, Yuyin paused out of thin air, slowly flew backwards, and fell into the hands of a young Taoist priest.

Several Mount Huang Disciples, with admiration and congratulations.

"Fengchu Senior Brother, congratulations on winning another round!"

The young Taoist priest holding the jade seal is the Number One Person of Hangyinguan, Mingjue daoist direct disciple Phoenix chick.

Feng Chu bowed his hands to the opponent, "you let me win!"

Then, he walked to the side and sat down, and began to adjust his luck and regain his lost strength.

The defeated Taoist priest of the northern Dao Sect, although slightly frustrated, did not react too violently.

In the past few days, there have been more than a dozen Sect challenges in succession, all of which have been defeated by Fengchu one after another. On his side, it is not extraordinary shame and humiliation, but a normal phenomenon.

He stepped aside, and there were dozens of Sects behind him who had not yet played. Seeing this, he began to stir.

Fortunately, this is the site of Dao Sect in the south, and it is easy to cause public anger to openly fight the wheel, so they still wait patiently for the phoenix to complete the cultivation.

"didn't expect, the south has quietly become a climate for so many years!"

First there is Daozi Danrong, and then there is a rising star like Fengchu, which shows that people are outstanding.

Originally, according to the idea of Dao Sect in the north, the two Daozi should all be born in the north.

It was with this idea that I came to this discussion on crossing the river.

There are countless challenges in the northern Sect. The real purpose is to regain the luck of the southern Dao Sect, get rid of the identity of the Dan Dao fusion child, and return to the northern Dao Sect.

"This child of the phoenix is just average!"

"In the north, there are also many rising stars, who one day defeat the Ten Sects, and some who break through the daoist. There are so many phoenix chicks!"

Speaking of their own rising stars, the cultivators of the northern Dao Sect, all of them were very excited.

At the moment, the northern cultivators on Mount Huang are all ordinary members. Any one of the rising stars mentioned above can solve the phoenix chick.

Mount Huang would not be able to resist without the phoenix chick. At that time, if Dan Rong didn't want to see sect be humiliated, he had to come forward.

Once Dan Rong is defeated, the identity of Daozi will be handed over. This is the real goal of crossing the river.


"Things will turn around soon!"

The cultivators of the northern Dao Sect, know that those rising stars are moving to different places, one After another defeats the Southern Sect, they are all gaining momentum. When the accumulation is completed, they will challenge Danrong to win the title of Daozi.

Taoist twins must not be one south and one north, both must be in the north.

This is the voice of all Dao Sect cultivators in the north, there is no need for Dao Sect in the south to express their opinions,

"It's almost there!"

Count the time, Fengchu He has finished resting and has opened his eyes.

On the Dao Sect side in the north, the order of battle had already been agreed upon. A dark-faced Taoist, holding a lightning bolt, was about to step forward.


The cool breeze pierced the battlefield, and the rays of light flickered, like a sharp blade cutting through the mountain road.

One person appeared in front of both parties and stopped in an instant.

"Sorry, is Feng Chu present?"

Feng Chu was shocked and said, "Feng Chu is here!"

The person who came was Fang Yujing, he grinned, "very good, at the order of the tutor, come to send Dan!"

"Please accept it!"

Wai Feng When Chu opened her mouth, Fang Yujing put the medicine pill bottle into Feng Chu's hand.


Feng Chu doesn't even know his Master, so how dare he accept things of unknown origin.

"Good advice, take this pill as soon as possible, don't stay for a long time!"

Feng Chi nodded with a smile, but thought to herself, can you eat a medicine pill of unknown origin? ?

"I recognize him!"

In the crowd of Dao Sect in the north, a person suddenly recalled exclaiming Fang Yujing's identity.

"He is the second disciple of Sword Immortal Fang Dou, Fang Yujing!"


Feng Chu looked towards Fang Yujing's eyes and began to change.

Others don't know yet, but Mingjue daoist mentioned to him that he had had a relationship with Fang Dou.

However, Fang Dou is obviously 'fallen', how can he order Disciple to send medicine pills?

This is too strange.

"Fang Dou's remnant, dare to show up, he can't be left!"

The cultivators in the northern Dao Sect are restless. Ever since the fall of 'Fang Dou', Taoists have visited Qu Shan tried to cut weeds and eliminate the roots, but unfortunately even Celestial Grotto disappeared without a trace.

In vain, he destroyed the Taoist temple and set it on fire in a fit of rage, destroying the buildings on Gouqu Mountain.

Since then, the whereabouts of Xiu Tianci and Fang Yujing's two Disciples are unknown.

Who would have thought that I would meet second disciple Fang Yujing today.

"And Xiu Tianci didn't show up, capture him first, and torture the rest of the people!"

Feng Chu frowned, the other party came for him after all, and Dao Sect in the north shouted and shouted. Kill, too don't give face.

Moreover, this place is Mount Huang, he and the other party have outsiders and are not qualified to call the shots.

Suddenly heard a Mount Huang Disciple muttering in a low voice behind him, "That's nice, but isn't it the secret Sword Art technique that is coveted only by others!"

Feng Chu suddenly realized, Still in a greedy word.

Looking at Fang Yujing in the middle of the storm, he didn't realize that he was in crisis, but looked at Feng Chu and pointed to the medicine pill in his hand.

"This medicine pill is ordered by your tutor. You'd better take it now, and the effect will be kept for you to start!"

Fengchu didn't know whether to cry or laugh, What is this amazing medicine pill, you still think about it, don't you know that those people in the north can't wait to eat you?

"Brother Yujing, you brought Dan here, if nothing happens now..."

Feng Chu hinted at the other party so that Fang Yujing would run away when he saw the opportunity.

Fang Yujing nodded, "Let's go after you finish eating!"

(end of this chapter)

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