Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1220


Chapter 1220 Selling Secrets

"Godfather, you are the famous Sword Immortal, can't you keep your word?"

Big Fatty Bai was hesitant to see Fang Dou, anxious, and began to run on him.

Fang Dou smiled and shook his head, "Break your word and get fat, I think you are fat enough!"

He pointed to the other side, "What you said just now sounds familiar to me, it should be Before the Battle of Ba Shui Shan, the oath made by the son of the Dan family!"

Big Fatty Bai subconsciously felt wrong, or nodded, "Yes!"

Anyway, in his mind , Fang Dou is the son of the Dan family, there is no difference between the two.

Fang Dou spread his hands and said with a smile, "Why are you looking for the son of the Dan family, come to find me Sword Immortal Fang Dou?"

Big Fatty Bai was stunned, Immediately, his heart froze, he was thicker than his face, and things were not easy to handle.

"You say you are a searcher for merit and virtue, is there any evidence?"

"I can be transformed into my true form!"

Fang Dou also shook his head, " Both human and physical evidence are indispensable!"

Big Fatty Bai was stunned, but there was also human evidence, even a military strategist, but could he still be brought in to testify?

"Godfather, you're boring, a real man dares to do it..."

Before he could finish speaking, Fang Dou shook his head, "Wrong, this is wrong. If you find the son of the Dan family, talk to him!"

"This is the end of the matter, everything is clear, you mistook me for the son of the Dan family, that's why you have today's misunderstanding!"

"I read in your pill furnace to be psychic, and if spiritual wisdom is not turned on, I don't care!"

"Golden Wire Jiao, see you off!"

Under the order, Jin Xianjiao stepped forward, "Please!"

The big Fatty Bai was stunned for a moment, and then burst into tears with grief, "Godfather, are you really so heartless?"

Fang Dou waved his hand, "Find your real godfather and cry with him again!"

"I don't!"

Big Fatty Bai stubbornly snorted, " In my life, I only recognize you as a godfather!"

Besides you, who else can come up with the continuously Pure Yang Pill for me to improve my realm?

"Then there's no other way!"

Fang Dou flicked his sleeves, "Jinxianjiao, blast out!"


Big Fatty Bai shouted anxiously, "Godfather, I've kept a tight lip for you, and I didn't reveal any secrets about you being the son of the Dan family!"

I don't like Fang Dou Interested, he finally relentlessly threatened.

"If you drive me away, Xiaofang, I will be homeless, maybe I will be captured by bad guys and tortured, what Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven, Crystal Storm!"

"I can't bear the pain when I eat a snack, and I will definitely confess. When the time comes to reveal your secret, what should I do?"

Fang Dou smiled slightly, with you, on my site, Threatening to my head.

"You're still thoughtful!"

When Fatty Bai saw this, he thought the threat had played a role, "Then..."

before he waited for him Opening his mouth, Fang Dou ordered the Golden Line Jiao, "Stop chasing people, and silence them on the spot!"


Big Fatty Bai sucked in a breath of cold air, too hard.

"Slow down, slow down!"

Seeing the golden thread Jiaojiao stretch out, revealing cold light shining scales and minions, he began to panic.

As a pill furnace, it is true that skin is rough and flesh is thick, but after all, it is not a magic weapon for fighting, and its defense is limited. In the face of the golden thread dragon, which has the advantages of defense and piercing, he will never be able to. odds.

Once you fight, you can hold on for a few rounds at most, and then you will be riddled with holes.

"Slow what's slow!"

Jinxianjiao baring fangs and brandishing claws, "I've been with you for a long time, I look like a pig, and I want to pretend to be smart, Ah bah!"

"The master has an order, you can't kill the non-farmers!"

"Watch the fight!"

Big Fatty Bai was attacked by a golden thread After a few strokes, red and swollen lines appeared on his face, and his heart became more and more panic.

"Godfather, if you spare my life, I will tell you the secret of Shimen's battle with the Tianhe Water Demon!" The fangs, although seemingly subtle, can always gnaw something in one bite.


Just when Fatty Bai was in complete despair, Fang Dou's voice was like the sound of nature, and the critical moment came.

The sharp teeth of the golden thread jiao stopped in front of him within easy reach.

"Come back!"

The golden thread Jiao hovered in the air, intertwined into a cheat bracelet, and slipped into Fang Dou's wrist.

Big Fatty Bai breathed a sigh of relief, but found that his whole body was weak, and he was sitting on the ground softly, unable to lift up any strength.

"Sit down and talk!"

Fang Dou gave an order, and Fatty Bai shivered violently, knowing that if he didn't talk to him, he would die.

Originally, he thought that there is nothing better in the world than one's own, but just now, in the face of the attack of the golden thread dragon, he wandered on the edge of life and death, and then he realized that living is the most important thing. important.

Even, Big Fatty Bai thought ashamed in his heart, as long as Fang Dou is willing to bypass him, even if he doesn't want to fuck his son, it's okay to let him be the master.

After being subdued, he consciously lowered his conditions.

"Speaking of which, what's the secret?"

Big Fatty Bai was about to speak, but his reason reminded him that he must negotiate good terms.

"Godfather, I can tell you the secret, just take it as an apology for being rude to you before!"

"But my Xiaofang's ability is beyond your imagination. Think about it, accept me as... a fucking son!"

Big Fatty Bai gathered up his courage and observed Fang Dou's attitude as he spoke. servant'.

Who would have thought, Fang Dou thought for a moment and agreed.

"You talk first, I'll listen and think about it!"

Big Fatty Bai saw that something was going on, and he immediately described it vividly.

"Godfather, do you know that before I came to Gouqu Mountain, I had also been to Dajiang!"

"Well, let's talk!"

"On the edge of the big river, I saw some of your high school apprentices, good guys, all of them are a giant amongst men, all handsome and extraordinary..."

"The point is, don't be useless. !"

Big Fatty Bai drooped his head, felt the frustration, took the time to organize the language, and continued.

"I was on the riverside, and I saw the two sides fighting in the Formation. With a single technique, you can also see any details of the Dajiang battlefield!"

Fang Dou didn't answer, that's true, he was watching the Dajiang battle just now.

"But, I am extraordinary natural talent, there is one thing that others can't see, only Xiaofang I can see!"

Big Fatty Bai talks about this and can't wait to get up Lifting his tail, "Godfather, what do you guess?"

"Well, I can't guess, you just say it!"


Big Fatty Bai was a little lost, and explained, "You know, my name is the Kungfu Seeking Fragrance Furnace, and I have a wonderful function!"

"Since I was enlightened and transformed into a human form, I have Born with an ability, you can see the flow of merit in the world!"

Speaking of this, Fatty Bai affirmed, "I saw the same clue on the edge of the big river!"

"I'll be more certain when I see the Tianhe water demon piercing the water veins and causing floods to bring disasters!"

"Shimen, the biggest purpose of attacking the Tianhe water demon this time is for this. A pile of merit!"

Fang Dou was slightly surprised, merit, what is the merit in this?

Even if Yuantong is in Shimen, he doesn't know the inside story. Is there really some big secret hidden?

(end of this chapter)

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