Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1286


Chapter 1286 Responses to Buddhism and Taoism

Wenquxing and Wuquxing are two legendary stars in the sky, corresponding to Wenquxing and Wuquxing respectively. Wu Erdao.

According to rumors, only Peak characters in Wen and Wu Dao can be reincarnated as stars.

These two stars came into being, either to end troubled times or to assist Mingjun.

Wenquxing is one of the legends of famous religions.

As for the martial arts stars, most of them came from the military, but they haven't appeared for many years.

At the moment, it is an eventful autumn, and the twin stars of Wenqu and Wuqu have come into the world, and they are all in the capital.

The meaning of this picture is already very clear, the double stars come to the world, assist the Imperial Court, and rule the world.

This news alone can only be regarded as a small surprise. No matter how prosperous the Imperial Court is in the world, it will not threaten the cultivator.

However, combined with the previous two pieces of information, the young emperor is a candidate for Heavenly Emperor and the son of a famous sect already exists, so the situation is not optimistic.

Probably the Bodhisattva also didn't expect that there is such a profound background behind the promotion of rice by Imperial Court.

have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, as expected, have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly.

The famous teacher has been forbearing over the years, playing a straight flush as soon as you make a shot, so that you don't even have a chance to intervene.

Yantong stayed in the Pure Land for the next time, and the Bodhisattva communicated with each other and ignored him.

After all, this is a high-level recollection, he is only an auditor, if the Bodhisattva are unwilling to respond, the auditor will not listen.

Yantong waits quietly. As the leader of Buddhism and Taoism on the surface, as long as the Bodhisattva negotiates and wants the people below to execute it, they must pass through him, so if you want to know anything, just wait. .

I don't know how long!

“Yantong, Imperial Court cannot succeed in promoting rice seeds.”

“What does Bodhisattva mean?”

“You can use Buddha The various resources of Dao must obstruct this matter!"

Yantong thought for a while, and was a little embarrassed, "Bodhisattva, the Imperial Court has become a general trend, I'm afraid it can't be stopped!"

"If you can't stop it, you have to do it. The Imperial Court will be completed in three years. If it is delayed for ten years or eighty percent, it will be considered a success!" The task is to buy time for Buddhism and Taoism.

After all, it will take three years for Imperial Court to spread rice seeds to the world. During this period, Buddhism and Taoism are also trying their best to earn more merits.

As long as the Imperial Court is delayed, Buddhism will win.

"This matter, no matter how you hear it, it sounds like you're taking the blame!"

Yantong is a little worried, it's not easy to handle!

The promotion of rice seeds all over the world, if it can be successful, so that there will be no more people dying of starvation in the world, that would be a great merit.

I didn't see it right now, just the announcement was made, and the public sentiment was boiling, and the people's support for the Imperial Court was rolling and rising.

This is the general trend, the trend of the times is rolling in, walking the heavens-defying road is the dead end.

Yetong was ordered to do everything possible to prevent the success of the Imperial Court, which is not a good sign.

If the trouble is not good, in the end, when the trouble is big, Yuantong will have to take the blame.

Although he wants to understand, he doesn't have anything else to turn around right now. If he says half of the word 'no', he won't even be able to leave the Pure Land today.

"Respect the decree!"

Yuantong saluted devoutly, turned over and stepped back.

The Bodhisattva have a lot of troubles. This time the famous religion is coming, Buddhism and Taoism must respond. Otherwise, the opponent will succeed.

"It's strange to say, Emperor Xin Little Monk, how come he has never been seen?"

Yuantong keenly noticed that Emperor Xin Little Monk did not accompany these Bodhisattva, apparently hidden somewhere else.

"No, I want to remind the main body!"


"There is a false alarm, I want to inform the main body!"

In the Taoist Celestial Grotto, Dan Rong sighed then said, and the restlessness of many days was swept away.

Suddenly my mouth was dry, I couldn't wait to fill it with water, I picked up the kettle and drank from the cow at Hukou.

The Taoist journey to the underworld finally came to fruition.

It turns out that a certain Chunyang daoist personally went down to the underworld to meet Earth Sovereign Yan Jun.

For the purpose of this trip, Chunyang daoist also made a promise, please move Earth Sovereign Yan Jun to open the door of convenience.

The result is also a pity. Earth Sovereign Yan Jun checked and finally found the trace of a Heavenly Emperor candidate.

"Among the Hundred Schools!"

It turned out that the Heavenly Emperor candidate was actually among the Hundred Schools, no wonder the Taoists couldn't find it!

The Hundred Schools of Schools originally had fish and dragons mixed in together. There were so many people and miscellaneous people.

In addition, Baijia is deeply hostile to Taoism, and has more latent experience, so Taoism can't find anything.

This makes sense. The revival of the Hundred Schools was originally intended to pave the way for Heavenly Emperor candidates.

Excluding the two Heavenly Emperor candidates found by Buddhism and Taoism, this is the third Heavenly Emperor candidate.

The Taoist high-level officials were overjoyed, but they did not forget to keep it secret.

Dan Rong's level, at most, is here, and there is no way to inquire further.

The high-level officials have clearly begun to infiltrate the Hundred Schools Schools, looking for suspected candidates for Heavenly Emperor candidates.

It's a big deal, Dan Rong is also a group that is kept secret, so I don't know.

But it is conceivable that once the Taoists found the Heavenly Emperor candidate, the situation really became lively.

When the time comes, Taoism, Buddhism and famous religions will start an unprecedented battle.

The previous three coexisted, and it was in a state of equilibrium, and no one wanted to break it.

But it's different now. To choose the emperor on behalf of the sky is a life-and-death struggle. There is no peaceful coexistence. If you want to win, you must fight.

Dan Rong hurriedly drank a pot of water, suppressing his inner excitement, knowing this news is very important to the body.

After taking a breath, Dan Rong decided to notify the main body immediately.


“Master, what’s the matter with you?”

Beijing city gate, Fang Dou took Hongluan, just came to the huge gate, just now. To step over.

Suddenly, Fang Dou stopped halfway with his right foot hanging in the air, seemingly frozen.

Hong Luan saw that the Master's expression was unusual, so he couldn't help but ask.


Fang Dou shook his head, either not, or both.

Dan Rong and Yuantong both sent messages at the same time, and the content was quite explosive.

Yuantong is the future of Buddhist and Taoist calculations. The first Fang Dou has long guessed it, and now it is more formal.

On the other hand, the latter two are very precious, making Fang Dou's judgment of the situation move in a more correct direction.

As for Dan Rong's side...

Fang Dou laughed, Earth Sovereign Yan Jun was really interesting and helped him cover up Yuan Ming's tracks.

As for the Heavenly Emperor candidate hiding in the Hundred Schools School...

They didn't lie, because Yuan Ming was dispatched by Fang Dou to act with the sons of famous families and the others, so he could be considered to be in A hundred schools of thought.

The Taoist inquiries, without involving Gouqu Mountain, are already the best results.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou looked up at the city wall. Over the years, after mending and replacing materials, the familiar traces have long since disappeared.

The feeling of revisiting an old haunt is not as clear as I imagined, but it seems to be covered with a layer of fog, and I can only see the vagueness.

"No wonder, it's been so many years!"

The capital in front of me is like the ship of Theseus. The earth and stone materials have been changed several times, and even the outline has changed. , where is the appearance of the year?

(end of this chapter)

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