Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1324


Chapter 1324 Wang Lingguan

"What a powerful sword technique!"

The audience was dizzying to see, Amazed.

The White Emperor Sword Immortal just waved his hand, grazing the immortal sword outside of Nine Heavens, seemingly useless.

Mo Duyu also took advantage of the opportunity to defeat the White Emperor Sword Immortal while the immortal sword was out.

But who would have thought that the immortal sword was condescending, posing a threat to Mo Duyu.

The distance from the sky to the ground is in the blink of an eye, and it is too late to even stab the musket into the chest.

Therefore, Mo Duyu chose to retreat rationally.

Wu wu!

The force of the musket's thrust from the front suddenly turned into an upward lift, as if it was supporting a thousand mountains, and the sound of breaking through the air caused a buzzing sound in both ears.

Although Mo Duyu changed his moves quickly, he was still not as fast as the immortal sword flying from the sky.

oh la la!

The sharp and heavy spear tip fell to the ground with a pat, and the spear was cut into two pieces.

Mo Du's jade hand loosened his head, knowing that something was wrong, and he was about to pour all his strength into his armor.

A suit of bronze armor looks like a copper mirror facing the candle, instantly brightening up.

The water-like flames gathered from the periphery to the center, gathered in the raised position of the armor, and shone brightly.

At this moment, Mo Duyu is like the Golden Armor Deity falling from the sky, majestic and majestic.


The immortal sword was on the top of the head, and Mo Duyu's head, with a helmet at the moment, bore the brunt of this sword.


Mo Duyu staggered, almost fell on the ground, grabbed the flaming horse, bent forward, and escaped from the edge of the immortal sword.

Looking at the helmet again, it's been pierced through. If I didn't get out in time, I'm afraid my brain will see blood.

"Good sword technique, really good sword technique!"

After getting out of trouble, Mo Duyu praised repeatedly, but his tone was cold in grammar.

"Master, this White Emperor Sword Immortal, how is it so powerful?"

Hong Luan seems to be clicking one's tongue in wonder. According to the current method, I am afraid that neither of the two Senior Brothers are not. opponent.

"Is it strange?"

Fang Dou is not at all strange. Before that, the three Sword Immortal aloof and remote failed to make a full shot.

And right now, Sword Immortals have stepped down from the altar and shot as cultivators, naturally without reservations.

This is the true power of Sword Immortal in Shu.

However, he is still worse than Fang Dou!

The gazes of the people around him became more and more awe-inspiring as they looked towards Fang Dou.

What kind of monster is this Sword Immortal of the town country, who can compete with the White Emperor Sword Immortal and two Sword Immortals of the same level?


"Alliance Leader, are we still participating?"

Tijiang daoist suddenly heard that a same sect asked in a low voice, turned to look Go, a whole bunch of people are staring at themselves.

He sighed, sure enough...

The battle between Mo Duyu and the White Emperor Sword Immortal was like a Divine Dragon in the sky, making everyone in the arena feel ashamed.

With such a character, let alone challenge yourself, even if you look directly at him, you won't dare!

The qualifications for the autumn harvest festival are hopeless.

"Are you afraid?"

No one answers, that's the default.

Tijiang daoist hate iron for not becoming steel, these useless things, if you have to use people, yourself...

After thinking about it, he suppressed his anger and comforted, "Don't Anxious, I have my own coup!"

"When the time comes, I will see for myself!"

From the angle that no one saw, Tijiang daoist sneered, and a sickness appeared on his face "What about the Fire Department's Tianzhang?"


Mo Duyu made a seal with one hand and pointed to the void, "Where is the Dharma Protector God General?"

"The end is here!"

On the originally empty sacrificial platform, a majestic silhouette suddenly appeared, wearing a red robe in red armor, holding a steel whip, and his eyes were not angry. Self power.

"I am the leader of the five hundred spirit officials, and the guardians of the four directions are in the center!"

"I am the king of the great spirit officials of the Dutian."

The direction of Taoism sounded. A few exclamations, "Wang Lingguan!"

Wang Lingguan is the head of the Taoist Dharma Protector God General, and Wubai Lingguan ranks first.

Most Taoist temples are guarded by Wang Lingguan in front of the gate, and the main hall at the back is the Spiritual God that is truly worshipped.

Mo Duyu actually invited this god general!


A shout suddenly came to mind from the audience. It turned out to be Ling Xiao Sword Immortal and Qingcheng Sword Immortal.

"You Taoists play two against one, what is this?"

At first, the daoist spread his hands, "Sorry, Dharma Protector God General, can only be regarded as one of the Divine Ability."

As he said, he pointed in the direction of Buddhism, "This Buddhist son is tactful, good at driving Dharma Protector God General, and I heard that there are four god generals in front of him!"

"Fight the enemy. God will also consume his own movement method power, and he is not the second person!"

Then, he looked towards Ling Xiao Sword Immortal, "even more how, I heard that Er waited for Sword Immortal's Sword. Immortal, once channeled, it is no different from a living being!"

"The White Emperor Sword Immortal cast an immortal sword just now, wouldn't it be two-on-one?"

Qingcheng Sword Immortal then scolded, "You are arrogant, how can you confuse immortal swords?"

"Why not?"

"You wait for my family's divine generals just as I view your fairy swords, and even more so. There is no difference!"

At the beginning, the daoist suddenly turned towards Fang Dou, "Zhenguo Sword Immortal, you are Sword Immortal, and you are not in Shu, so speak justice for us!"

Ling Xiao Sword Immortal and Qingcheng Sword Immortal are stunned, not good!

"Do you really want me to say that?"

Fang Dou faint smile, looked away from the two Sword Immortals, looked towards the original daoist.

In the beginning, the daoist decided that it was nodded, "Not bad!"

"Well, I said, Taoists can use gods, just like Sword Immortal can use fairy swords!"


He laughed at himself, "I am also a Sword Immortal, so I can't play with my bare hands, right?"

After listening to the daoist at the beginning, he looked towards the two Sword Immortals, "What do you guys think?"

Ling Xiao Sword Immortal was relaxed in his heart, but he still looked angry, and handed over to Fang Dou, "Today's kindness will be repaid in the future!"

To others, this sentence is no different. to threats.

didn't expect , Fang Dou didn't get angry, but shook his head, "No need to thank you, because it's not necessary!" , the battle in the arena still has to continue.

"Bai Di Sword Immortal, I have Wang Lingguan assisted by me, and your defeat is decided!"

Mo Duyu was fully clothed, followed by Wang Lingguan, and the two imposing manners even succeeded One, far more vigorous than before.

In contrast, White Emperor Sword Immortal is a bit underwhelming.

"Not necessarily!"

The White Emperor Sword Immortal jumped up, the immortal sword in his hand hovered, circled from the right, and flew under the fierce horse, actually going from bottom to top, even The horse was pierced by the man.

"Wow, don't even think about it!"

Wang Lingguan walked over, not satisfied with the speed, and stretched out his steel whip to hit the next one.

The immortal sword sparked everywhere and collapsed ten paces away.

The fiery red silhouette flew out like a shadow, holding a steel whip and beating the fairy sword endlessly.

Here, Wang Lingguan entangled the sword, Mo Duyu raised the musket again and stabbed it at the White Emperor Sword Immortal.

Heavenly Fire is entangled with light, turning into dozens of pythons, biting at every corner of White Emperor Sword Immortal's body, steaming with steam and white mist.

At this moment, White Emperor Sword Immortal has no immortal sword in his hand, and has already fallen into the disadvantage.

Mo Duyu summoned Dharma Protector God General, immediately turned the situation around, and suppressed the White Emperor Sword Immortal.

This also lets the audience know that his cards are far from exhausted.

A good terrifying character, Taoism has such a profound background, and talents emerge in an endless stream.

(end of this chapter)

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