Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1526


Chapter 1526 Intense

Fang Dou and Qizhou daoist, the newly released sworn brothers, after seeing the arrival of the good and evil forces , knew immediately that the opportunity was coming.

The idea of the evil way is very simple. If you want to defend them separately, first kill Yue Zun and Gan Scallop daoist, especially in front of everyone on Tianping Island.

There is no such thing as a tragic death in the face of the reinforcements, which is more damaging to the morale of the lonely army on the island.

In particular, the morale of the reinforcements was high a moment ago, and the next moment the reinforcements were wiped out.

Therefore, the right side will never allow the other side's plan to succeed.

Fang Dou wants to take action.

He also knew that this cheap eldest brother was in a bad situation, so he didn't expect the other party to help.


Fang Dou stared at Ancient Mulberry Xiushi. This person is the key. If he can be killed, the catastrophe will dissipate on the spot, and Tianping Island will be in danger.

Magnetic-Essence Divine Light wraps around in a circle, with light needles on the inside and outside surfaces, moved towards Ancient Mulberry. The showman spins and escapes, not limited to the neck, arms and ankles. Once it hits, it tightens and drills into Flesh and blood raged.

However, with the shrewdness of the Ancient Mulberry showman, Fang Dou will not be able to ask for instructions.

As expected...

On the surface of the Transcending-Spirit Treasure fan, a radiant spring suddenly appeared, and among the green lights flickered, many yellow-green buds grew, and in a moment, from the dry fan surface, grew into a A mask with eyes, mouth and nose.

"This mask!"

Not only was Fang Dou surprised, Yue Zun and the others were also startled, the yellow daoist in the crowd, even more subconsciously touching their chests. The outline of this mask is exactly the same as the mask given by the robber. The only difference is that the mask of the robber is a dead tree bark, while the Ancient Mulberry Xiushi is made of buds from the bark.

Amid the astonished eyes of everyone, the Ancient Mulberry showman put on a mask, and at this moment, the hill that Yue Zun had struck had already fallen in front of him.

In this mountain, the essence of a thousand mountains is condensed and condensed. Although it is only the size of a fist, it can suppress all substances.

When the mountain fell, with the power to destroy all, it hit the forehead of Ancient Mulberry Xiushi.

At this moment, Ancient Mulberry Xiushi's forehead has been blocked by the mask.

“dong! ”

A muffled sound was heard for a long time. It was also mixed with the sound of mountains bursting, rocks rolling around, and the ground sinking. In an instant, it became The earth shook and the mountain quivered

It is unimaginable for mortals, from a hill as big as a fist, such a world-destroying movement can be heard.


The Ancient Mulberry Xiushi shook his head, exerted his strength, and said Xiaoshan bounced back.

At this time, Fang Dou's Magnetic-Essence Divine Light was also killed.

The Transcending-Spirit Treasure fan was raised again, fanning out a gust of wind, telling the halo to freeze, but the light needles on the surface of the halo began to stretch and stab him up and down

The light needles stretched dozens of feet in the blink of an eye, making people worry about whether they would be broken or not, but in the moment, Ancient Mulberry has already shown the whole body.

The Ancient Mulberry Xiushi didn't turn his head, the mask burst out with green light, rolling down like water, instantly wrapping his body.

Magnetic-Essence Divine Light sticks on the green light, stops in place, and can't save in the slightest, this is an opponent.


Fang Dou condensed the light needle extremely, reaching the limit of subtlety, the green light that enveloped Ancient Mulberry Xiushi's body, but there was still no gap, so The defense is really amazing.

"I'm coming!"

Seeing this, Qizhou daoist stretched his hand out of his cuff, showing two small boats in his palm, a nuclear boat and a grass boat.

"Don't be reluctant to talk about brother."

On the island, Fang Dou heard from the Aquarius daoist that the Qizhou daoist had forcibly shot in order to kill the old black claw monster. The fire poison broke out in the body, almost died, and now a few have recovered. It seems normal, but in fact, the fire poison is forcibly suppressed.

In case of another shot, maybe the fire poison will break out in an all-round way, and you will die immediately.

In all fairness, even though Qizhou daoist is a cheap big brother, Fang Dou is still reluctant to let him die.

"Fire poison, spirit rice."

Fang Dou thought of this and took out a handful of spirit rice, which was influenced by the Star Officer and contained great strength.

With a little force in the palm of your hand, knead the spirit rice and melt it into a transparent ball.

"Brother Tan, here it is!"

"What is this, a medicine pill?"

The odd boat daoist feels strange in his heart, but he is about to start, and he has no time to take care of him. Just put it in your arms.

The two boats flew out and stabbed directly at the Ancient Mulberry showman. This pair of treasure holes had amazing piercing power, and it was to see if they could shake the green light's defense.

Yue Zun's Qianshan Unity, Fang Dou's Magnetic-Essence Divine Light, both blunt and sharp weapons, can never penetrate defenses, and its formidable power is evident.

However, the fact that Qizhou daoist can become famous is indispensable to Xiaozhou. There is nothing in the world that can resist the hole, so he desperately shot.

Even if he knew that after this blow, his body would no longer be able to suppress the fire poison, and he might die on the spot, so he would not turn back.

A man of righteousness, die generously, without regard to trifles.

whiz whiz whiz!

A nuclear boat, a grass boat, breaking through the air, seems to be gentle like paddling water, but in fact it has a sharpness that penetrates everything. An Ancient Mulberry scholar didn't even try to stop him, because he knew that he couldn't stop him, so he could only resist it with a mask.

The eyes under the mask glowed, urging the treasure, the green light wrapped around the whole body became more and more vigorous, and even condensed the phantom of green leaves and vines, interweaving the torso and limbs into a coat.

In order to block the parallel attacks of the two boats, the Ancient Mulberry show was also spare no effort.

Fang Dou watched the power of the two boats, and was surprised. Even if he could use the immortal sword, his formidable power was merely this. There are indeed strange people overseas.

This cheap eldest brother is not simple, if at the peak period, it should not be under the Ancient Mulberry show.

"Ancient Mulberry scholar, you broke my arm by sneak attack. This is a villain's act. Now let's face each other and take my trick."

Qizhou daoist in public Point out, I was forced into such a predicament by you, not because of lack of strength, but because of your sneak attack.

“What is the reason for success or failure?”

Ancient Mulberry Xiushi disdainfully said, “Today your failure is a foregone conclusion.”

next At the moment, two boats broke through the air and hit the chest and throat of the Ancient Mulberry show.

Under the fury of Qizhou daoist, he still pays attention to strategy, deliberately avoiding the face that is protected by the mask, and choosing two key points that are easy to obtain.

The throat or heart is pierced, even if there is a secret technique to prolong life, it will also be a strong injury.


The boat pierces into the soft place and makes a unique sound.

Look at the green light again, squeezed to the point of almost disappearing, it's a difference of only one level the paper will shatter on the spot.


Although the green light is only a thin layer of paper, it has not been broken, and the attack of the odd boat daoist has failed.


The Ancient Mulberry Xiushi suddenly groaned and took two steps back. Lu Ran mixed with a bright red in the green light on his face.


The Right Way party was ecstatic when he saw this, and he was indeed a daoist, and he hurt Ancient Mulberry's beautiful soil.

However, Fang Dou noticed that the Ancient Mulberry Xiushi's face instantly became hot after the shot, which was the beginning of the fire poison.

(end of this chapter)

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