Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 221


Chapter 221 Daoist Disciples

Fang Dou turned around quickly and saw a young man wearing a lotus crown, wearing Supreme Absolute Eight Divinatory daoist robe, looking at him with a bad expression.

This is the encounter with the 'Supervisor'.

The young Taoist priest in front of him, whether it is daoist robe or temperament, is far from comparable to ordinary folk warlocks. No matter what, they must belong to the children of Taoism.

When Qilie talked about these people before, he must have spit out thick phlegm and scolded 'old facetious' three times.

The young man was Feng De who followed the Daoist Steel Whip. When he saw that several people were scattered, he scolded 'mob' and came down in person to prevent everyone from escaping.

Unfortunately, the first person he found was Fang Dou.

Fang Dou was stunned for a while, and was about to explain when he saw Feng De's impatient face.

“Who are you following?”

“Red Fire Banner, old man drinking fire!” Fang Dou answered honestly.

Feng De asked again, "What's your contact number?"

"Pipa!" Very suspicious!

Feng De nodded, confirmed his identity, and asked, "Why did you run away?"

"Who ran away, I was scattered by the flash flood!"

Fang Dou explained patiently, "The Qianqiu Society mobilized the power of the mountains and rivers, and the battallions were all swept away!"

Feng De nodded, this is true, the sub-altar of the Qianqiu Society has the 'moving force' The power of mountains can mobilize the power of rocks and water veins, and trifling mountain torrents is nothing difficult.

"You are not running away, hurry back to the mountain and continue to attack!"

Feng De's words were so arrogant that Fang Dou was not happy to hear them.

First is Xiao Leshi, and then the young Taoist priest in front of him. These Taoist people don't treat others as human beings!

"You don't need to tell me, I also want to join my companions!"

Fang Dou cupped the hands, "Farewell!"

Feng De sees Fang Dou like this Attitude, eyebrows raised, "Which warlock are you, who brought you here?"

The subtext is, to ask the origin of Fang Dou, and then take revenge afterward.

Fang Dou opened his mouth, and was about to speak, when suddenly there was a burst of smoke in front of him.


The cold light flashed, Fang Dou's chest was cold, and he was already hit.

He staggered back immediately, stroking his chest, fortunately wrapped in a daoist robe to avoid this deadly attack.


Fang Dou lifts the head, and sees the rolling mountain fog in front of him, covering it all around and can't see his fingers.

At the same time, the young Taoist priest named Feng De had disappeared into the smoke.

You brat

Fang Dou was furious, subconsciously thinking that this was Feng De's blinding trick and secret sneak attack.

But after a while, Fang Dou realized that something was wrong. The fog in the mountain was strange, and it didn't look like it was human.

a single thought, jumping in Fang Dou's mind.

“Moving Mountains Divine Ability!”

On Tianchi Mountain, there is a sub-altar of Tiangang altar, which has the 'Moving Mountains' Divine Ability, and its level is higher than that of Mountain Ghost Talisman Summoning.

The 'Mountain Moving' Divine Ability can not only move rocks and run water veins, but also manipulate mountain winds, dense fog, and air currents, with all kinds of powerful means.

The demon of the Qianqiu Society manipulated the mountain fog to cover up his figure and waited for an opportunity to perform an assassination.

"Good guy!"

Fang Dou smiled, dare to play this in front of me?

Although the Mountain Ghost Rune is suppressed, it cannot be covered by the trifling mountain fog.

The main force of the Qianqiu Society is still running the water veins, launching mountain torrents to impact people from all walks of life, and the manipulating the mountain fog here is only an insignificant part.

The mountain torrents could not be dealt with before, so what about these mountain fogs?

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed through the fog, and cold light suddenly came to the front.

Fang Dou raised his hand sharply, "Listen to the mountain ghost, disperse the clouds and mists!"

Like a gust of wind blowing, the mist dissipated, and the Qianqiu Society demons appeared, a hand-held A sharp-edged, middle age person in gray.

This person stepped on the armor and horse rune, which came and went like the wind, and the sharp blade in his hand was extremely sharp.

As the fog cleared, the man looked shocked, wondering what was wrong!

"Leave it!"

Fang Dou raised his steel rod, moving fast as lightning, and pierced into the chest of the Qianqiu Society demon.


The demon screamed and died on the spot.

It turned out that this person was only a third-rate warlock realm, relying on the mountain fog to cover up his body, only to appear and disappear unpredictably everywhere, assassinating the lonely folk warlock.

This time, when I met Fang Dou, the little trick didn't work, and I also lost my life.

"The vitality of all directions, obey the orders!"

"The wind blows, exorcise the evil mist!"

This voice was just the young Taoist priest - Feng De.

tone barely fell , and an aura rose up, outlining the talisman in the air, whirling to disperse the mountain fog.

The line of sight became clearer, Feng De was just 100 meters to the left of Fang Dou, and beside him, there were three sneaky Qianqiu Society demons, each holding a sharp blade, ready for a sneak attack.

Feng De cast a spell, sweeping away the mountain fog with a smile on his lips.

"The demon who hides its head and shows its tail, die!"

Feng De clenched his fingers and chanted a spell in his mouth, "Divine Weapon, kill the demon!"

The air flow around him slowed down, and when it slowed down to a certain extreme, a large group of golden light instantly erupted, and the castration was extremely violent, drowning the three monsters in an instant.

The dazzling golden light made Fang Dou narrow his eyes.

When the rays of light receded, I saw the bodies of the three demons on the ground, riddled with holes like honeycombs, and had already cooled down.

"You didn't run away, but you're a bit daring, just follow me!"

Feng De saw the corpse under Fang Dou's feet, his face slowed down, nodded.

Fang Dou thought about it, following him, he could enter the Qianqiu Society branch faster, and join Qilie and the others.

So Fang Dou followed Feng De and went all the way.

Everywhere on the mountain, the sounds of various musical instruments, the bamboo flute and Taoxun, echoed and connected with each other, but scattered in all directions.

Obviously, the Qianqiu Society's attack just now scattered all the troops, and they are still trying their best to gather together at the moment.

Feng De coldly snorted, "It's all trash!"

When he said this, he knew that Fang Dou was by his side, and he didn't mean to be taboo at all.

"If it weren't for us trash, I'm afraid Your Excellency might not be able to walk all the way to the mountain like a spring tour!"

Fang Dou said coldly.

Feng De glanced at him, "You folk warlocks, you won't be able to achieve enough, but you will have more failures. If our senior and junior brothers from Taoism joined forces, they would have captured Tianchi Mountain and wiped out the mountain a few days ago. Demon!"

Fang Dou rolled his eyes and said the famous sentence of the ages, "You can do it!"

Feng De's anger rose when he heard this, the short-haired Teenager, how to see how it reserves a beating!

He didn't intend to bear it anymore, he raised his hand on the spot, and he was about to teach Fang Dou a lesson.

At this time, a white line rose in the air with dreary and cold aura.

Fang Dou's hairs stand up, Flying Sword!

next moment, he found it was a false alarm.

Feng De extended the hand and caught the white thread, which turned out to be a dagger-like dagger, tied with half a piece of red cloth.

"Very good, Martial Uncle, they have found the enemy's nest!"

The young Taoist smiled excitedly after seeing the red cloth.

Obviously, the short sword is tied with red cloth, which is their unique way of contact.

"You, come with me!"

Feng De has the intention to teach Fang Dou a lesson, but now the situation is urgent and he has to join up with Martial Uncle.

After thinking about it, I still took Fang Dou with me and took time to teach him a lesson.

(end of this chapter)

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