Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 234


Chapter 234 A Thousand Mountains Rise in One Night

After dinner, Fang Dou, Qilie, Hou Liuge, and Take a walk by the lake.

The lake breeze is blowing slowly, which is very pleasant.

"If there were fishermen on a boat on the lake, singing fisherman's songs!"

"The rich and noble families by the lake take care of the opera troupe, sing opera in the pavilions and pavilions, and the silk, bamboo and string music will be the most important. It can be as far as ten miles away!"

"That's the romantic scene!"

Brother Hou came to Taihu Lake and introduced them to the scenery here.

"Unfortunately, we will fight together!"

"On the edge of Taihu Lake, there will be no peace for a long time!"

The three of them sighed for a while, and turned to the edge of the pavilion. , I saw that there were two guests visiting and were chatting with the old man drinking fire.

"Qi Lie, Fang Dou, come here quickly, I'll introduce two seniors to you!"

The old man who drinks fire points to the left, this is a stocky old man with a body on his back. Wrapped in a sheepskin jacket, on a red silk belt, with a waist drum, he is pa ta pa ta smoking dry tobacco.

"This is the leader of the Purple Qi Rising From The East flag, Guanzhong warlock, Bai Sancai!"

Fang Dou listened in awe, and this person's communication instrument , it is the sturdy suona.

"This Jinnan's Sheng Zhiling was also invited and only arrived today!"

She was wearing a staff robe, smiling, looking at Qilie and Fang. Dou tone nodded, "Hello, two nephews, Uncle didn't bring any gifts when he got old, these two coins are yours!" a penny.

Ordinary coins, not a treasure, but also amazingly beautiful.

In other words, this Sheng Zhiling really took a piece of money as a gift.

This is too lonely, even if it is like Sancai Bai, it is better to give nothing than a trifling.

Whether it's Fang Dou or Qilie, it's all worth the money.

The old man drinking fire raised his head, "Take it!"

"many thanks Uncle Qiao!"

Fang Dou and Qilie expressed their gratitude one after another.

At this time, Bai San finished smoking the cigarette stick and emptied the remaining ashes.

"The old man also has a gift for you two Junior!"

He took out two bronze daggers from his arms and handed them to Fang Dou and Qilie respectively.

"A few years ago, there was a Junior in the village who renovated his house and dug up some odds and ends from the ground."

"These two daggers are quite complete. Play!"

This gift is too expensive.

Bronze daggers, dating back to Ancient Era, are not only relics, but also a great material for spelling.

Fang Dou took the bronze dagger and sensed Mi Dou's reaction, knowing that it was another treasure.

No one didn't expect, the muffled old man in Guanzhong, the first shot is great generosity.

Sheng Zhiling was a little embarrassed, and suddenly opened the mouth and said, "Hold on, those two copper coins, exchange them first!"

Qilie and Fang Dou looked at each other, heartbroken. Think about this cheapskate, where did the old man who drinks fire meet?

Sheng Zhi ordered to take the copper coins, chanted and cast spells, "Innate the mother of money, exorcise ghosts!"

Two rays of light were collected into the copper coins, and then handed to Qi Qi respectively. Lie and Fang Dou.

"The spell in the copper coin, at a critical moment, is enough to save your life!"

After performing the spell, Sheng's face paled slightly, obviously consuming a lot.

The fire-drinking old man laughed heartily, "Old Joe, you are so polite, you are only two juniors, why do you need to spend so much money?"

"And Old Bai, You are too reluctant, two intact bronze ware, how many people can’t buy it!”

Bai Sancai is bowing his head and stuffing tobacco into the cigarette pot. The tobacco he smokes is far better than that of Mount Huang pine The Taoist use is more crude.

"Old fire, let's gather here this time to attack the old nest of Qianqiu Society, but we have to discuss it and don't be careless!" For plot against, be the first to speak.

He glanced at Bai Sancai, "I heard that on Tianchi Mountain, Old Bai suffered heavy losses, and he lost three of his five disciplines!"

Bai Sancai said dissatisfiedly, "The surname is Qiao's, you're right in saying that, I don't know that I brought a few children from the clan this time, and it's not enough to die if you don't have enough!"

The fire medical smell is choking, even the old man who drinks fire can't bear it Live to persuade.

"All calm down, Qianqiu Society is the enemy, we are our own people, there is no need to hurt the peace!"

"By the way, Lao Qiao, you are enjoying yourself in Jinnan, why? Thinking of coming to this muddy water?"

The old man who drinks fire knows Sheng Zhiling, and it is not a day or two.

She was laughed and said, "Someone promised that if the Qianqiu Society can be removed, part of the market vacated here will be handed over to the Jinnan Aristocratic Family for operation."

Drinking Fire The old man listened and ate the taste, "No wonder!"

Behind Sheng Zhiling, there was the Jinnan Aristocratic Family as the backing, which was better than Hanging Yinguan, and he could only invite them to come over by exchanging benefits.

On the other side, Fang Dou asked Fang Dou in a low voice, "What is the origin of these two seniors?"

He could see that Sheng Zhiling and Bai Sancai were both. A first-class warlock, famous even locally.

"Bai Sancai is the lineage of Nangong Mountain in Guanzhong, and is famous for singing and casting spells."

"Sheng Zhiling, born in the Aristocratic Family in southern Jin, whose ancestral place is in Wu'an Mountain in southern Jin, is good at Use money as a Magical Artifact."

It can be seen that this time the seal concept has paid off, attracting warlocks from all over the world, martial power coercion, and huge promises of money, which is bound to destroy the Qianqiu Society.

The three first-class warlocks, surrounded by many folk loose cultivators, began to discuss their next actions.

After a while, Sheng Zhi ordered to follow the local customs, and also erected a big flag embroidered with money, called the money flag, and the contact signal was the local three-legged mud whistle!

Unconsciously, the sky was getting dark, and more and more folk warlocks gathered by the Taihu Lake. There were more than a dozen flags alone.

But the master hasn't arrived yet, so we can only continue to wait.

Many people are staring into the distance. Daoist Steel Whip and the others have not come. Could it be that this attack on Qianqiu Society has caused some bad variables?

This night, everyone had their own thoughts, either taking a nap or sleepless.

Second day In the early morning, a heavy fog rose over the lake, which gradually dissipated until the sun came out.


Everyone looked at the lake and saw an unprecedented scene.

The original surface of Taihu Lake was flat to the end of the sky, like a flat sheet of silk and satin, undulating along the lake wind. Except for three or two water birds, occasionally big fish jumped on the water.

But, from now on, this peace is gone forever.

What appeared in front of everyone's eyes was a continuous stream of mountains and rivers, and the black pressure blocked the line of sight.

In this situation, it is like a group of brawny men entering the bath, so crowded that there is no room for outsiders to step on.

"Isn't that Tianchi Mountain?"

Someone has just come down from Tianchi Mountain, and he is unforgettable about this mountain, but he found this mountain from among the mountains.

"And Lion Mountain!"

"Here is Tianping Mountain!"

"Huayan Mountain!"

"This is ..."

As the names of the mountains that were familiar to each other were reported by everyone, the complexion became ugly among the many civil warlocks under the banner.

In Kuaiji County, all the famous mountains that can be named have been moved into Taihu Lake.

Overnight, the mountains entered Taihu Lake.

(end of this chapter)

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