Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 239


Chapter 239 Escape

Qilie and Fang Dou went together and came to the edge of the imaginary formation. Fire Thunder Bead, blasting a corner of the imaginary formation.

They were lucky. In order to resist the Old Ancestor, the two Elders mobilized 90% of their strength, and the imaginary formation in the water and the sky could be easily torn apart.

But, forcibly blasted with Dan Fire Thunder Bead, the movement was still too much.

It came once before, and now it comes again.

What is tolerable and what is not?

The left Elder is using the 'Five Elements Mountain' secret skill, locking the ghosts in the air, and the right elder is not idle, gathering the souls.

The evil spirits were swarming, across a long distance, and fell on the heads of the people.


The warlocks were in a commotion. This is a demon that has been sacrificed, and it is enough for them to deal with it for most of the day.

There are more than a few hundred evil spirits on the soul gathering banner, who can stop it like this dense cloud and torrential rain!

"I'm coming!"

Qilie released the divine fire flying crows with both arms, and the two black crows gu gu rose up and rushed into the group of evil spirits, bursting on the spot, all feathers. They are all steel essence arrows and sticky feather-winged arrows that cover this area in an instant.

The earth trembled, and the aftermath submerged in the water, driving waves several meters high.

The smoke dissipated, and the group of evil spirits attacked again, only slightly damaged.

"Ghosts can transform between reality and reality, you're useless!"

At this time, a young man in the money banner, the Junior of Shengzhi, took out a long , and untangle the tangled cloth.

Showing a money sword, brilliant!


The money sword slashed towards an evil spirit, and a large cloud of smoke rose up.

However, more evil spirits are coming one after another, forcing the young man to retreat.

"Let's go!"

Qilie beckoned the other warlocks to evacuate.

A few more warlocks, mastering the spell of catching ghosts, stood beside the youth of the Sheng family, or formed a ring of grass, or held a willow whip, and began to block the tide of evil spirits.

It's a pity, an utterly inadequate measure, to no avail.

Fang Dou sighed, at this moment, he can't help but hide his clumsiness, his palms are full of water, everywhere all is golden-bright and dazzling beans.

After the 98 bean soldiers appeared, they were so powerful that they shocked everyone on the spot.

It's not that the warlocks present have not practiced 'scattered beans turns into soldiers', but this spell consumes too much, and a normal person can only refine one or two beans.

No one can make hundreds of pills in one go.

"The bean soldiers obey the orders and kill the evil spirits!"

The alien bean soldiers led the remaining bean soldiers to form a large formation. Pure Yang Qi was born, attached to the sword and gun above the weapon.

When the evil spirits saw Chunyang, they encountered deadly natural enemies, and they all wailed and retreated.

However, under the urging of Gathering Soul Banner, the evil spirits followed one after another, involuntarily ramming into the large formation under the bean soldiers.

pu chi pu chi, in the muffled sound, the evil spirits were penetrated by the long spear, and they couldn't even make their bodies virtual, and they were directly strung on it and kept screaming.

"Good job, Fang Dou brother!"

Qilie moved towards Fang Dou and gave him a thumbs up.

Other warlocks took the opportunity to escape, fleeing along the blasted gap one by one.

"It's almost there, let's go!"

Qilie and Brother Hou Liu, guarding the edge of the gap, greeted Fang Dou and left together.

Fang Dou nodded.

The attack of the bean soldiers just now, let alone killing hundreds of evil spirits, the gathering of souls has suffered heavy losses!

Evil ghosts are not ordinary. It needs to be refined from the soul, weed out the weak and keep the strong, and devour each other to grow, and finally we can achieve the evil spirit.

The strength of each evil spirit is comparable to that of a second-rate to third-rate warlock.

That is to say, Fang Dou took away a big piece of effort from the right Elder in this wave just now.

At this time, Tu Old Ancestor and the two Elders on the left and right were also fighting in full swing.

The left Elder used the Five Elements Mountain formation to lock the Old Ancestor's ghost crying and sorrowful formation.

After some struggle, the Guikushouyuntai formation began to move, and even the feet of Five Elements Mountain loosened. The left Elder casted spells desperately, and his face became more and more gray.

The right Elder couldn't do anything, so he had no choice but to shake the Soul Gathering Banner from the side, using ghosts to overcome ghosts and ghosts.

During the period, the wave of evil spirits he had separated wanted to leave Qilie and the others behind.

Didn't expect, Fang Dou cast 'scattered beans turns into soldiers' and killed hundreds of evil spirits.

Old Ancestor, the right Elder, can't do anything about it, but he can still show his prestige to these folk warlocks.

"Junior, courting death!"

The right Elder shook the Soul Gathering Banner, a Black Dragon-like plume of smoke, tumbling down from the air.

The target of the smoke column is Fang Dou.

The bean soldiers took the lead and gathered into a large formation to block in front of the smoke column.

Under the billowing black smoke, the bean soldiers were blasted one by one, golden light one after another went out, and finally returned to the appearance of beans.

Master powerhouse, just take a note, the Chongyang formation can't stop it.

Fang Dou took advantage of the time he had bought, and stepped on the sandals to avoid this wave of attacks.

But the brain reacted and the speed on the feet couldn't keep up!

The plume of smoke roaring like a Black Dragon, which seemed to be slow but impatient, suddenly hit Fang Dou.

At a critical juncture, the copper coins given by Sheng Zhiling finally came in handy.

golden light flashed, the copper coin split in half, and a Three Legged Golden Toad jumped out.

"gu gu, the outer circle is round and the inner square, expelling ghosts and spirits!"

Fang Dou thought to himself, it turned out to be a summon prop!

The Three Legged Golden Toad asked again, "I don't help poor ghosts. After all, how much gold and silver do you have on you?"

"How much do you want?" Fang Dou asked .

"Not a word, but if you have no money, you are not worth my help!"

Three Legged Golden Toad looked arrogant, obviously not an ordinary toad.

Fang Dou from the very beginning, stared at its third leg, thinking it was a male!

"Uh, on me, roughly 80,000 to 90,000 taels are there!"

"Sure enough, it's a poor ghost!"

Three Legged Golden Toad looks Arrogant, but the trembling voice indicates that it is not in a stable mood.

"You make a small request, and I can fulfill it!"

Fang Dou kept approaching the smoke pillar in front of him, "Help me fight it back!"

Three Legged Golden Toad, suddenly opened his mouth, like eating noodles, sucking the smoke column into his mouth from beginning to end.

And then hiccupped, "Finally met a rich man, and every time he was a poor guy, my Three Legged Golden Toad's style is dying!"

Said After all, the Three Legged Golden Toad waved his hand, "Goodbye!"

The tone barely fell, the golden light was shattered, and this alien beast was disappeared.

Fang Dou was stunned for a while, then looked up, Qilie and Hou Liu were still waiting in front of the gap.

The conversation with Three Legged Golden Toad just now was like a dream.

"Come on!"

Fang Dou approached and heard Qilie ask, "I saw the golden light flashed just now, and the enemy's attack was gone. Is there any inside story?"

"It was the copper coins given by Uncle Sheng, and it worked?"

"So powerful?"

Qilie touched the copper coins in his arms, thinking to himself Going to try one or two another day.

The three quickly rushed out of the gap, and the imaginary formations behind them slowly closed.

(end of this chapter)

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