Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 243


Chapter 243 Killing

In just a few words, the fate of the Left Elder has been determined.

However, many folk warlocks on the shore are regarded as as it should be by rights.

Anyone with eyesight who saw with his own eyes the domineering arrogance of Ming Xin just now will not doubt that they do have this confidence.

"hehe, Ming Xin, do you really think you can pinch me?"

Zuo Elder laughed nervously, and even stared at Ming Xin for a long time. Fear.

Slightly frowned, raising the feather racket again, will abolish the left Elder.

“move mountain, collapsing sea!”

The left Elder made a seal on his chest, and behind him, the phantom of the Tiangang altar slowly rose.

Fang Dou widened his eyes, for fear of missing any details. This is the Tiangang altar of the complete volume. Compared with the one he has mastered, it is more complete and more functional.

The Qianqiu Society can move all the famous mountains in Jiangji County to Taihu Lake. In the final analysis, it is only possible by this Tiangang Dharma altar.

The Five Elements Mountain on the left Elder was broken, and now took out this Tiangang altar, obviously not willing to be captured alive, ready for Final Struggle.

"No, he's going to destroy the altar!"

Fang Dou could see that the opponent was desperate to squeeze the altar's potential, but he was desperate to use some big move. !

The altar of Tiangang shattered instantly, turned into a shattered light in the sky, scattered in the middle of Taihu Lake, and fell on the mountains.

crash-bang, a strange scene happened.

All the lake water rises into the air, like hitting a transparent glass bottle.

The position of mountain and water is reversed in the blink of an eye.

Mingyi finally understood, the purpose of the left elder, he displayed 'move mountain, collapsing sea' at the cost of destroying the Tiangang altar, the purpose was to disturb the Five Elements in this area.

Five Elements is upside down, and the spell formidable power of Hangyin Guan has been greatly weakened.

"Akihiko, after so many years of separation, you are still so incompetent."

He gently raised his feather beater, twisted his wrist slightly, and hit Elder's left chest in the air.

The left Elder's body, like dead wood, fell from the air on the spot and flew to the shore of Taihu Lake, with no ability to resist at all.


Ming Yi suddenly found that the water of Taihu Lake above his head had turned into a cage, trapping him and Daoist Steel Whip in it.

“such insignificant ability!”

This kind of means, he can only accept and break it, but Mingxin didn’t move, he just wanted to see what the left elder should want to do.

The left Elder flew upside down and landed on the shore of Taihu Lake, like a stone smashing the water, and the civilian warlocks fled in panic.

"A group of carrion-eating hyenas, die without regret!"

Don't look at the left Elder in front of Ming Xin, and have no resistance at all, but against the folk warlock, it can be described as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

He stretched out his hand lightly waved, and the soil on the shore rose, instantly turning into a stone pillar, knocking more than a dozen folk warlocks to pieces.

"Come again!"

A stream of water was held in his palm, and hundreds of sharp water needles were shot out, covering a large crowd, and immediately a thick blood mist rose.

“so that's how it is!”

Ming saw, hehe laughed.

"Ming Yan, this guy is too useless. After the defeat, he still wants to kill those trashy fish to vent his anger, even the mage's face is not good?"

Zuo Elder this time, Such as fierce tiger entering a flock of sheep, killing civilian warlocks in a mess.

Everyone fled desperately, but he played with applause, and with a single finger, he could take away double-digit lives.

Daoist Steel Whip couldn't stand it any longer, "Mingxi Senior Brother, are we in charge?"


Mingxi hugged He raised his arms and said, "Although Ming Yan is an abandoned disciple, he was once a person who hangs the seal, but now his death is approaching, how can there be no more people to be buried?" .

Mr. Wen thought to himself, if these cultivators are as rumored, they will be severly emotional!

"Furthermore, Ming Yan was smashed by me just now, and his internal organs were shattered. He has not lived long. The more he exerts his strength at this moment, the closer his death is!"

Ming Yan sighed faintly. , "After today, the Qianqiu Society is gone!"

On the shore, Elder Zuo strolled around in the courtyard, constantly hunting and killing civilian warlocks. Although he was only one person, he surrounded everyone.

Whoever wants to escape must first be slaughtered by his hands.

"Elder Zuo, you can't fight against the concept of hanging seals, but you come to bully us. What kind of ability is this?"

Someone was unwilling and shouted.

As a result, the left Elder stabbed his finger across the distance of several hundred meters, blowing his head off.

On the shore, many flags were swayed, and various folk warlocks were like headless flies, each fleeing for their lives.

However, there are exceptions.

The fire-drinking old man's red fire flag is one of the few that still stands, the left Elder and the others have not yet reached this point, but everyone can no longer stand.

“Martial Uncle, what should I do?”

Even though Qilie was brave, he knew that a monster like Zuo Elder, all of them together, was not enough for him to kill with two hands.

The fire-drinking old man glared at him, "A real man will die if he dies, what are you afraid of?"

Qilie nodded, "Martial Uncle said yes!"


Fang Dou gritted his teeth and was targeted by a mage, which didn't feel good.

He began to rack his brains, thinking about what to do, staring in the direction of the left Elder slaughter all sides.

Suddenly, Fang Dou found himself hallucinating.

"Jinling County, Jiming Temple Fang Dou, the rumored unknown monk!"

This voice turned out to be the left Elder who was fighting all the way, he didn't even look at Fang On Dou's side, he directly talked to him.

Fang Dou looked around all around and observed Qilie, Brother Hou Liu and the others, but he didn't seem to hear the sound. It seemed that Elder Zuo was only targeting him.

"You don't need to speak, just think in your heart!"

The voice of the left elder continued, "This is the secret technique of telepathy, only you and I can hear it. !"

Fang Dou immediately asked back, "What are you doing to me?"

"Threatening you!"

Fang Dou snort disdainfully, "What do I have? The handle is in your hand?"

"Of course there is. I sent Yan Venerable to go to Jinling County to hunt you down, but they were all killed by you, isn't it true? "

"hmph!" Fang Dou coldly snorted.

"I didn't realize until just now that although Yan Venerable changed the spell, the essence of research is the same as Zhang's old ghost."

"In other words, Yan Venerable He is the runaway slave in the mouth of the old ghost, and the ghost book in his hand, I am afraid it will fall into your hands!"

"Don't be in a hurry to refute, as long as there is suspicion, guess what, Zhang old ghost will Won't listen to your explanation?"

Fang Dou suddenly caught the key, "Isn't that ghost cultivator dead?"

"hehe, the half-human half-ghost of his cultivation, How can he die so easily."

"He is still alive, as long as he gets a clue, he will definitely come to you!"

Fang Dou has a headache, he has seen the ability of Old Ancestor. , If he is still alive and comes to him to ask for a ghost book, it will be a catastrophe.

I didn't see Qianqiu Society, what is the scene now?

The sound transmission of the left Elder continues to transmit.

"Let's make an exchange, I will keep this secret forever, you have to help me with one thing."

Fang Dou not even think, categorically refused, "absolutely impossible!"

"Don't rush to say no, just listen to me!"

(end of this chapter)

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