Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 246


Chapter 246 is weird

Fang Dou was fascinated here, while Qilie was curious.

"Fang Dou, what are you looking at?"

The folk warlock has a natural awe of the government.

Now is a peaceful and prosperous age, and the government is very majestic. The Imperial Court is famous for its famous teachers, legalists, soldiers, Mohists, and farmers. It is extremely prosperous.

Let's not say anything else, but any warlock that breaks into the government office is bound to be suppressed, and his strength is weakened to bits and pieces, and even ordinary catchers can be caught.

Not to mention, the soldiers and horses that form a battle formation, led by the art of war, can slaughter chickens and dogs like chickens and slaughter civilian warlocks.

As time goes by, folk warlocks also know that it is within the tolerance of the government to eat their food and deceive the common people.

But I want to pretend to be an expert who looks down on princes. I'm sorry.

The Imperial Court has subdued the famous religions, attracted Taoists and Shimen, and is not afraid of being stabbed by scattered folk warlocks. This is where the confidence lies.

In other words, folk warlocks who can have a relationship with the government are not ordinary people.

"Brother Qilie, what day is today?"

Qilie thought for a while, "The sixth day of the eighth lunar month!"

"Ah, the time is not More!"

Buddha's birthday, which is also the 60th birthday of the Queen Mother, falls on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month in the coming year.

Participating in such a grand festival, at least you have to go to the capital before you can prepare for the follow-up matters.

No wonder Guan Ziqing wanted to send someone to send an urgent letter. Fang Dou's name has already been reported. If the Buddha's birthday is missed, even his sponsor will be held accountable.

"That, Fang Dou brother, what exactly is in the letter?"

Qilie was still curious and couldn't help but ask.

Fang Dou closed the letter and said plainly, "The local County Magistrate, recommend me to attend the Buddha's birthday!"


The old man, rushed to Fang Dou, "Is this true?"

Seeing that Martial Uncle was more excited than himself, Qilie took a few steps back.

"This is a book by County Magistrate, how can it be fake?"

Fang Dou handed out the letter, thinking that County Magistrate is interesting enough.

It is as strong as Fuyuan Temple, and there are only eight places. For this reason, the Buddhist sons of both sides open strife and veiled struggle. In the end, the winner can only be determined by fighting skills.

According to the letter, there is a fixed number of famous temples and ancient temples in the world. The number of places assigned to each temple by the Imperial Court is fixed and cannot be added or subtracted.

But when it comes to County Magistrate's Guan Ziqing, as a disciple of a famous teacher and an apprentice of Molin Academy, he is qualified to recommend a monk for selection.

This quota, independent and outside Fuyuan Temple, monks have no right to interfere!

Don't look at what Fang Dou said casually, but the old man who drinks fire hears it, but his heart is beating wildly.

This Buddha's birthday, although only the monks and Daoists from all over the world were invited, the influence on the folk warlock was not small at all.

In the eyes of the fire-drinking old man, there is more envy and jealousy.

Participating in the Buddha's birthday means being able to enter the Imperial Palace for the first time, meeting the Emperor, the princes and grandsons, and making friends with officials and nobles.

Such a scene, any folk warlock can dream of.

The fire-drinking old man is already a first-class warlock. Among the folk warlocks, it has come to an end, and it is still very difficult to live normally.

If you want to find the mountains and rivers that live in seclusion, you must pave the way with real gold, white silver, and manage the local government. !

"Fang Dou, if you are a prosperous person in the future, don't forget us!"

After listening to Martial Uncle's explanation, Qi Lie happily patted Fang Dou on the shoulder. Born without knowing what jealousy is!

Brother Hou Liu's eyes lit up and wrapped around Fang Dou, "When you go to the capital, be sure to check it out for me, next to the Xingtianhua watch in front of the main entrance of Imperial Palace, there are two statues of Zhenmai gold. Humans!"

"The two golden figures were created by the Mohist sages, and they are the pinnacle of mechanical techniques!"


Fang Dou agreed while drumming in his heart, I'm really not a monk!

County Magistrate is aware of this, and recommends me.

Arhat of Heavenly King Palace, got this news and got up on the spot in shock.

The young monk who came to report the letter was very jealous. How could a stray fish in the countryside have such a bad luck.

Fuyuan Temple had never thought about the number of places in Guan Ziqing's hands, but this person was a disciple of the famous teacher, and he kept a distance from Shimen, so he couldn't talk to him at all.

Who would have thought that Fang Dou would take advantage of it.

It should be noted that for the eight-person quota of Fuyuan Temple, the one selected is either the prison or the first one, and even his Arhat can be selected.


Arhat put his hands together, he had to admit that the moment he heard the news, three poisons arose in his heart, which affected his mood.

"Venerable, what should I do?"

Arhat was sweating with anxiety when he saw the monk in front of him, sighed, and asked, "That's not possible, you still want to take this place Grab it?”

“Why not?”

“What qualifications do you have to take away the opportunity that others have earned by virtue of ability!”

Heavenly King Palace Arhat said again, "Besides, he is close friends with martial law and martial law. Are you sure that you have the ability to offend him?"

"Recite the scriptures for me a hundred times until the jealousy is quelled. So far!"



The Steel Whip Daoist raised his head in surprise, "Fang Dou, who killed Ming Yan, was chosen to enter Beijing to participate in Buddha's birthday?"

He is a person who hangs the seal, so he doesn't pay much attention to this, after all, it is not difficult to enter and exit the Imperial Palace.

"Fang Dou, he is a disciple of Shimen, why didn't people from Fuyuan Temple talk to him?"

Several Junior looked at each other in blank dismay, "This, we I really don't know!"

"However, Jiming Temple is next to Fuyuan Temple. If the two sides say that it has nothing to do with it, it is unrealistic!"

"I see!"

The steel whip Taoist waved back the crowd, thinking to himself, Shimen's bald donkeys have stretched their hands long enough.

I originally thought that Fang Dou was a young talent from the side door, but now it seems that he has been marked by Shimen and won over.


I think of Feng De, the most outstanding among the younger generation of Hangyin Guan, who died, and Taoist Steel Whip's heart twitched, all because of his carelessness.

This ruthless and tough Taoist priest had some old tears in private.


Mr. Wen was more straightforward. After hearing the news, he immediately came to Fang Dou.

"You actually know Ziqing, why didn't you tell me?"

It turns out that Mr. Wen and Guan Ziqing have a relationship.

Guan Ziqing was young and successful, and was selected into the Molin Academy, and immediately joined a great Sect.

That year, Mr. Wen fell behind the Sun Shan again, Chaos broke into the snow and wind, and passed out on the street.

When I woke up, the stove beside me was warm, accompanied by the sound of rice wine bubbling.

After eating a pot of yellow wine, Wen Xian came to live, and after receiving a gift from Guan Ziqing, he was able to return to his hometown of Kuaiji County.

For Mr. Wen, Guan Ziqing has life-saving grace for him.

"Fang Dou, even Ziqing praised you so much, it seems I didn't miss it!"

Mr. Wen paused and took out a tortoise shell, "You went to Beijing this time. , there are many dangers on the road, this tortoise shell is given to you, maybe it can save you from a disaster!"

Fang Dou weighed it a few times, the tortoise shell glowed with black light, and it was heavy and pressed heavily. Good things, don't give in, just accept it.

(end of this chapter)

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