Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 256


Chapter 256 Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit

Fang Dou looked at the child named God, thinking that he really found a treasure .

In this world, the same rice raises hundreds of people, and the innate talents are all different.

Shimen uses 'wisdom root', Taoism talks about 'root bone', and famously teaches 'perception'. Although the names are different, they all point to the same thing, the potential of cultivation.

If human beings are born with spirituality, cultivation will double the results for half the effort. Plants, birds and birds have spirituality, and they can turn demons into immortals.

In the town of Black Tortoise, many people are born with spirituality after the legacy of the legendary Black Tortoise.

For example, Mr. Liao can see the remains of the Black Tortoise spirit from the tornado, and aptitude is not bad.

It's a pity that these people are trapped in small towns all their lives and have no chance to get in touch with cultivation. When the grades arrive, their roots are set, and the Innate spirituality brought by the mother's womb has evaporated, and they have become members of the foolish beings.

The godsend in front of me is one of them, and it is the most outstanding existence.

The town of Black Tortoise has never been built so far, and no one has ever had a great opportunity like him.

While still in the womb, Godsend was brought into a tornado and acquired the legacy of the Black Tortoise spirit.

After he was born, the Innate spirituality in his body was unbelievably strong. In the skeleton hair, blood and flesh, those shining fragments were the remains of the Black Tortoise spirit.

This state is undoubtedly very dangerous. If it is seen by the evil way warlock, it will definitely be like Supreme Treasure.

The natural state brought by the gods is almost the same as the ginseng baby, and it can be greatly nourished when eaten raw.

Fortunately, he met Fang Dou.

Fang Dou taught the Qi-eating method and unlocked the treasure within the body, refining the remnants of the Black Tortoise spirit.

And then, Purple Mansion Divine Lightning's Martial cultivator practice method, which fits his own attribute by mistake.

God-given one day of sudden enlightenment, the endless broken light in the body begins to refining into power.

The rays of light on the top of the head gathered together and gradually shrunk into a small Black Tortoise, opening his mouth slightly to swallow the surrounding mist.

"This is Black Tortoise...Primordial Spirit?"

The thought popped into Fang Dou's mind, and he shook his head sharply.

How could it be possible, a trifling brat, by mistake, cultivation to the Second Layer, and condensing the Primordial Spirit in half a day, this is too funny?

After a while, the miniature Black Tortoise on top of Tianshou's head suddenly opened his eyes and made a childish voice, "Master, why have you grown so big?"

It really is Primordial Spirit!

"Godsend, try it out, can you return to your body?"

The miniature Black Tortoise then closed his eyes, turned into a stream of light, and burrowed into the heavenly spirit above his head. .

Next moment, Tianci opened his eyes, clapped his hands and shouted, "Master, I succeeded!"

This child, whether it is talent or spirituality, is so outstanding that it is enviable .

Fang Dou sighed, "Godsend, stop screaming, I'm not your Master!"

Such a genius, whether it's Shimen Taoist or a famous sect, will grab it With the adoption of apprentices, the training is good, the key to the development of Sect in the future.

Tianci was stunned, "Master, is it because I didn't behave well just now and let you down!"

He panicked. People are regarded as monsters and have always been unhappy.

Usually relying on his fists is powerful, any urchin dares to laugh at him, God will fight back, and he will not admit defeat at all.

But from the bottom of my heart, Tianci felt lonely and hesitant, and felt that there was no place for him in this world.

Until today, Fang Dou has come down from the sky, he doesn't hate him as a monster, and he patiently imparts the ability of cultivation, which makes Tianci feel extremely warm.

Tianci even thought about leaving the town with Fang Dou and never coming back.

However, Fang Dou refused to accept him. God-given felt that the light world had just risen, and it turned dark in the blink of an eye.

"Please, Master, don't want me, I'll be obedient."

"I won't fight in the future, I'll follow your cultivation!"

Godsend Holding Fang Dou's sleeve, he looked at him pitifully, like a puppy about to be abandoned.

Fang Dou sighed, rubbing God's head, "You are still young, you didn't know this world, and you don't understand many things."

"You followed me today, and you will know Delay your future, with your aptitude, you can meet a better Master in the future!"

Tianci shook his head seriously, "No matter how good they are, they are still far away, I want the Master in front of me!"

Fang Dou looked at the innocent eyes of the child, and was moved. What if he saw such talent and beauty in this life, he paid a lot of hard work.

"On the cultivation path, it's just jealousy that you can't see others being excellent. If you let it go, you will become a Heart Demon over time!"

Yes, you saw a rising star today Better than you, jealousy in my heart, in a few days, I will have murderous intentions.

You can't always see others being better than you.

A normal heart, looking down on honor and disgrace, is the way to longevity.

"Don't cry, I will continue to teach you the method of cultivation!"

After Fang Dou figured it out, he simply opened up, and saw the third to sixth layers of the Qi-eating method. Godsend.

It took a while.

Tianci's face flushed with suffocation, and he raised his head and said in grievance, "Master, am I too useless?"

After entering the third level of the Qi-eating method, Tianci's previous godlike expression The progress turned out to be ineffective.

Fang Dou relaxed, this is normal cultivation!


Suddenly, Fang Dou thought about it, he knew the reason inside.

God-given was born from the Black Tortoise spirit, got Innate spirituality from the mother's womb, and spread it on the limbs and bones. If you follow a step-by-step cultivation, digest these essences, with no difficulty, you will be able to cross the warlock realm and become a mage and even higher. realm.

However, the essence in fleshy body is always too conspicuous. If it is seen by evil demons or monsters, it will definitely cause trouble.

Fang Dou gifted Purple Mansion Divine Lightning to solve this problem by mistake.

Heaven-sent in the body, with the legacy of the Black Tortoise spirit, the water spirit is exuberant to the extreme, rejecting the other four changes, and can only focus on the cultivation kidney water Black Tortoise.

As a result, the essence of his whole body was transformed into Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit.

After Primordial Spirit is restrained, Tianci will have no natural phenomenon in the future, grow up like an ordinary child, and don't have to worry about being coveted by bad people.

"Don't worry, cultivation must be down-to-earth and move forward step by step!"

Fang Dou comforted Tianci, "Also, you were able to manipulate the little turtle to speak before, this ability, later on It can definitely be discovered by outsiders."

Tianci finished listening to the nodded, "I listen to the Master!"

Fang Dou sighed again, "Don't call so early, I really can't bear to delay you If you don't have a Master yet, come to Jinling County Jiming Temple to find me, and I will accept you as a disciple!"

He left a time difference , I am afraid that such an excellent seedling like a godsend will not wait until the age of sixteen, and will definitely be included in the discerning eye and the profound Taoism of a certain family property.

The karma that Fang Dou left behind today may be able to reap more in the future.

In case, when Tianci reaches the age of sixteen, he can still find him as a teacher. This is fate, and Fang Dou will never refuse.

After all, keeping such a genius brat by your side is extremely easy to cause Dao Heart instability and affect the progress!

(end of this chapter)

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