Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 258


Chapter 258 Martial Law is Difficult

Fang Dou is so kind to God, in addition to being passionate about love, he also values fate.

With half a bucket of rice with him, Fang Dou gradually discovered that his cultivation all along the way depends on fate.

Therefore, he also cherishes fate very much.

The god-sent aptitude is excellent, on the one hand, on the other hand, this child is the key to Fang Dou's breakthrough kidney water Black Tortoise.

Fang Dou taught the operation method of Purple Mansion Divine Lightning, God-given self-taught, actually condensed the Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit.

Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit, this is incredible, the level is higher than the Black Tortoise of the Kidney House.

A breakthrough of such a level would be unwilling to be seen by outsiders in any cultivation person.

Godsend without reservation, all for Fang Dou to see, thus peeping out the essence of Black Tortoise.

the other mountain's stone can polish jade, even more how this is the ultimate fine jade essence.

Fang Dou saw it, the long-stagnant realm finally began to break through.

In the Five Zang Temple, at the location of the Black Turtle of the North, there is a cloud of blue water mist, and a phantom is visible.

With the experience of Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit, it is already a matter of where water flows, a canal is formed.

"Fire the earth to produce water, this hexagram is too accurate!"

Fire and earth coexist to produce water, and the Spiritual God who guards the northern water level is truly a Black Tortoise.

The hexagram of these four characters not only refers to the threshold of cultivation, but also contains the place name of 'Black Tortoise Town'.

If Fang Dou hadn't acted righteously, rescued the Liao Clan, and obtained traces of the Black Tortoise spirit after being transformed, there would not have been a breakthrough at this moment.

This fate is actually inextricably linked, and it is impossible to miss a single link.

"In the dark, is there a hand of creation secretly fiddling with everything?"

Fang Dou doubted in his heart, "But, I heard that God doesn't play dice!"

I heard the sound of hua hua water, as if I was at the seaside, surrounded by heaven overflowing giant waves, which beat the waves.

This is the sound from the Five Zang Temple, the achievement of the Black Tortoise Spiritual God, and the opening of the Kidney Palace.

At this point, the six gods have achieved the fourth, this Purple Mansion Divine Lightning, the success of the 1st Stage, is already not far.

The remaining Azure Dragon and White Tiger gods, the probability of choosing one of the two.

Fang Dou raised his palm, and the three rays of light in his palm softened and turned into a lightning.

Inside the lightning, three kinds of forces are turbulent, rotating and accelerating each other, as fast as a powerful arrow, flying a hundred paces away in the blink of an eye.

Pa-ta, the tree with the big mouth of the bowl exploded in the middle on the spot, leaving only ashes on the ground.

“hu hu!”

Fang Dou performed it again, and under the traction of the palm, a thunder pillar elongated and bent, changing into various shapes.

After a while, it finally condensed into a spherical thunderbolt and fell against the ground, blasting a huge pit with violent force.

Compared with the God-sent Black Tortoise Divine Lightning, Fang Dou's thunder technique destructive power is stronger, the changes are more complicated, and the effect on dead objects is not much different, but if it is fighting, it is enough to make the enemy suffer.

"Dongmu Azure Dragon, or Xijin White Tiger?"

Fang Dou stopped and scratched the back of his head, not a good choice!

He didn't know that, hundreds of miles away, acquaintances were under martial law, and they had followed the monks of Fuyuan Temple to live in a dilapidated temple.

The incense of Shimen in the south is prosperous, compared with that in the north, it is a bit miserable.

There are even temples in ruins, and monks have fled, leaving a large number of dilapidated temples.

The temple in front of you is one of them, and it is larger than the Jiming Temple occupied by Fang Dou, comparable to the middle-sized temples in the Jiangnan area.

“Abbot, why did you come here?”

The official quota for the Sangha in Beijing is eight, but they travel and do everything by themselves, so they bring a hundred followers.

Fuzi Jiekong of Guanyin Hall and Heavenly King Palace Buddha Jieping were among them.

A group of young monks, even if they usually go out, rarely come to the Northland.

Most of the temple collapsed, wild grass in the courtyard, snakes and rats raging in the incense burner, and in the collapsed great hall, the Buddha statue was broken and slanted to the ground, with a compassionate face moved towards the sky.

The abbot presided over and put his hands together, "Amitabha!"

For a time, the sadness spread all around, and many monks put their hands together and recited the Buddha's name.

The martial law followed, and his expression became solemn.

That night, a group of monks packed up hastily and let the members of the sangha stay.

The martial law is called by the abbot in front of him to teach him the attainments of Dharma.

The two of them were alone, ten feet away, guarded by three or two Arhats, very safe.

The abbot presided over, took out the wooden box from his arms, and opened it to reveal a relic.

"Martial law, put your hands on your chest and follow my instructions!"

Martial law put your palms together in relic, "As you bid!"

Abbot The host sighed, "Your aptitude is dull, it's nothing, I pay attention to the sudden enlightenment. Once you get the Tao, you can become a Buddha!"

"I spill things through excessive enthusiasm this time. It will help you improve your cultivation base and raise your starting point invisibly, but if you are disappointing, it will actually hurt you in the future!"

The martial law quickly got up and knelt down, "The Disciple is useless, and the abbot is worried!"


This pair of father and son, living in Shimen, can only be called master and disciple for life.

"It's getting late, so let's practice cultivation!"

The abbot opened his mouth to give pointers. lock up.

The martial law handed over the relic, which is still under the abbot's custody.

"Martial law, after we enter Beijing, all your actions will be linked to Fuyuan Temple. Don't be reckless?"

"Disciple understands!"

"Disciple understands!"


The abbot presided over the nodded, "Our country prospered with 'Mude', Dragon Vein transformed into shape, and finally achieved Azure Dragon Vein, the capital is on the pulse."

"Remember, when you arrive in the capital , this is taboo, don't say anything that shouldn't be said!"

"Disciple got it!"


A secret place In the ruins, Jieping found Jiekong, "It's almost the capital, do you plan to endure it?"

Jiekong stared at him, "What do you want to do?"

" I just don't understand, during this time, we have become servants to serve, martial law and precepts are the masters, you can endure such humiliation?"

Jieping sneered and emphasized, "Anyway, I I can't bear it!"

Jiekong saw that he didn't look like a joke, and roared in a low voice, "What do you want to do?"

As a Buddhist son of Guanyin Temple, although proud and arrogant , but at least the overall situation is still there, knowing that some things touch the bottom line, absolutely can't touch it, and can't even think about it.

Jieping waved his hand, "Forget it, you've lost your temper, and you're not the same person as me. I'll come here alone for this matter!"

After saying that, he turned and left.


Jiekong was so anxious to chant 'Amitabha', but he didn't dare to make a loud noise.

According to Jiekong's idea, participating in the Sangha is just to get an admission ticket. If you really want to emerge, you must rely on your own ability.

The martial law is a straw bag, and Jieping is far inferior to him. Even if he enters the Sangha, he will only be overshadowed by the brilliance of his elders.

On the contrary, Jiekong did not hesitate to endure the humiliation, looking at the scenery of the two, that is, to enter the capital, and rely on his own Dharma talents to win the future of the world.

But he never expected that Jieping was narrow-minded and already had the intention to kill.

"Hey, Jieping, you are bringing about one's own destruction!"

(end of this chapter)

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