Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 261


Chapter 261 Cut off a tail

"The one who caught the stinky fox!"

Fang Dou raised the steel The staff, wrapped around the crane's head with one palm, and grasped the middle section with the other, as if holding a gun.

Although it was originally returned to Qilie, Fang Dou has memorized the contents of the "Family Legacy Book of War" by heart.

We met in Kuaiji County, and Qilie also declared that he did not mind Fang Dou cultivation.

Fang Dou practiced the Golden Rooster Pile, with strong muscles and strong muscles, a Divine Force suit, and weak stick skills, so he had to learn the Spear Art from the "Family Legacy Book of War".

At this moment, Fang Dou is holding the crane head steel staff, the waist and horse are united, as stable as Mount Tai.

Seeing this, the white-clothed girl walked around him a few times and saw that there was no weak spot at all.

Therefore, this fox demon raised the bone mask, raised his head and let out a sharp howl.

"The corpse is coming, the ghost is coming!"

Fang Dou's expression changed greatly. , In the empty wilderness, a group of Ghost Fire rises, echoing the summon of the fox demon.

Bone skeletons broke out of the ground and built into weak skeletons, with the sound of collision at the joints, limping towards Fang Dou.

At the same time, gusts of overcast wind wrapped around the Ghost Fire dust, making a heart-pounding ghost cry.

“such insignificant ability!”

Fang Dou shot like the wind, the steel rod pierced the air, making a high-pitched sound that pierced the eardrums.

When a bone was hit on the head, it was hit by a steel rod, all split up and in pieces on the spot, everywhere all is white bone meal.

"Come again!"

Fang Dou slammed down, punched or stabbed, and smashed the skeleton frame to pieces.

These bones look impressive but is worthless, they can't scare him.

Fang Dou has even seen real evil spirits, so how could he be fooled?

"The nine tails of Qingqiu appear in the world, and the ghosts cry and cry blood!"

The white-clothed girl put her palms on her chest with a sacred expression, and her back slowly rose... ...two tails.

The skeleton and Remnant Soul summoned became fierce in an instant, even with the Ghost Fire skyrocketing several times, moving towards Fang Dou all directions.

"Thunder God obeys orders!"

Fang Dou came to fool people again, mobilized the power of the Five Zang Temple, and a group of thunder pills achieved success in the palm of his hand.

"Hurry up like a decree, go!"

Lei Maru flew out, smashed through five skeletons one after another, neutralized seven or eight groups of Ghost Fire, and finally exploded all around like daylight, The blazing white light did not dissipate for a long time.

"thunder technique!"

The white-clothed girl's hair stood on end and she was shocked. The short-haired boy in front of her turned out to be an old facetious with stunts.

The thunder technique of Taoism is a natural nemesis for monsters. As long as you fail to achieve Monster Immortal and wash your body's breath pure, you will naturally fear thunder technique.

Fang Dou slowed down and sprayed a three-inch long white light from his nose and mouth, which was also a thunder technique.

The white light shot towards the girl, fast as a flying knife, and there was no time to dodge.


The white-clothed girl staggered back and raised the bone mask in her hands in a hurry, only to feel the ferocious force explode, and her hands were extremely sore.

The mask exploded to smithereens, her body lightened, and she flew backwards like soar into the clouds and mount the mists.

"What a powerful thunder technique, I'm not an opponent!"

The white-clothed girl gritted her teeth and forcibly swallowed the blood. A small face the size of a palm, extremely pure moved towards Fang Dou, so pitiful.

"This little brother, do we have any misunderstanding?"

"The fat monk is your friend, I will be him soon, so let him go!"

"Little girls like it the most. I want to make a strong cultivator like you on the path of cultivation. Can we make friends?"

Fang Dou received the thunder technique and felt exhausted It's also too powerful, I kept my mouth shut, I ran the cultivation technique in my body, and finally recovered a little bit.

At this time, the white-clothed girl pretended to be pitiful and displayed a charm.

Fang Dou didn't hesitate, looked towards her eyes directly, but it was incredible, the next moment's heart was like a heavy blow.

In his eyes, the contours of the white-clothed girl's face changed like water, turning into the appearance of another girl.

The girl has short ears and hair clips on her head. Although she is wearing a fat school uniform, she cannot hide her youthful breath. Her smile is like pure water, clear and sweet.

"Fang Dou, what are you doing with a stick?"

Fang Dou was silent, the girl in front of him was the first girl he liked in his previous life, or in junior high school time acquaintance.

This is a variation of the demon fox, using the innate talent within the clan.

The innate talent of Qingqiuhu lineage is that he can see through the person who is most nostalgic in the other's heart, and turns it into a confusing appearance, making it impossible to resist.

"I want to see, you can't be fooled!"

The demon fox is very proud. She was fooled by martial law before, and this time she is not afraid that Fang Dou will not be fooled.

Fang Dou stepped forward, gently cupping the girl's cheeks with both hands, his eyes full of tenderness.

The demon fox laughed wildly in his heart, "It's done!"

Next moment, Fang Dou slammed his hands hard, forcibly pinching the pink face of the 'girl' baby fat into a big cake face .

"You still have the face to see me?"

"Cheat my class notes, cheat my Q coins, cheat my skin, let me dove in the canyon team battle, put Show my love letter to my roommates, and it spreads throughout the school!"

"I'm so pissed off!"

"You thought you could commit murder by being pretty, and I'm going to take revenge now!"

Fang Dou's face was fierce, his hands kneading on the 'girl' face, like the wrong dough.

The demon fox was stunned, what, not a lover, or an enemy?

What's going on? She screamed inwardly, but Fang Dou rubbed her face flushed, and her hands were powerless to resist.

"Stop it, stop it!"

The demon fox didn't expect, Fang Dou's first love in his life, the object of which was a green tea girl, and rashly incarnating as this person was unprovoked bear the anger.

“ao wu wu wu !”

'Girl' shows one's ferocious appearance, raising a paw, trying to crush Fang Dou's palm.

With a crisp sound, the fox's paws grabbed Fang Dou's palm, as if holding pig iron, sparks flew everywhere, and there was no expected flesh and blood flying.

"Are you showing your feet?"

Fang Dou hehe exclaimed, "Small Fox, you are still young!"

tone barely fell, Fang Dou shoots a thunder bead from the palm of his hand, hitting the white-clothed girl's chest.

The white-clothed girl was in a hurry, with two tails behind her back, stretched out in front of her, emitting holy azure light, blocking the constantly rotating thunder bead and bouncing it away.

"A little ability!"

Fang Dou raised the crane head steel rod, "Look at my Flying Sword?"

What? Flying Sword!

Hearing the word Flying Sword, the white-clothed girl's first reaction was disbelief, but when she saw Fang Dou's palm, the white light flashed disappeared, and the soul flew away and scattered in fright.

"No, no, no!"

She said three nos in a row, each time more quickly, and when the third no word came out, the white light had come to the front, pierced. into flesh and blood.


next moment, the white-clothed girl disappeared out of thin air, and her clothes fell to the ground.

Fang Dou was startled and went to check, only to see a bloody docked tail lying among the scattered clothes.

"What's this?"

Somewhere ten miles away, the lovable body of a white-clothed girl, bathed in the moonlight, fled in a hurry, and had to give up her clothes. Even Fox Race doesn't mind being naked.

"smelly brat, you cut off my tail and ruined my thousand-year-old cultivation, this Miss will never let you go!"

tone barely fell, the white-clothed girl turned around, turned Make a fiery-red fox, the tail is docked at the back of the stock, the wound is smooth, and the blood is still dripping.

She turned and ran into the grass, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

(end of this chapter)

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