Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 267


Chapter 267 Platinum Breath

After getting the pepper, the biggest problem was solved.

Next comes the pot body, ingredients, and charcoal.

Originally, Fang Dou wanted to simplify the complexity and just find an iron pot.

But didn't expect, Kong Ziruo was more particular than him, and got gold pots, silver pots, copper pots, iron pots, tin pots, and other unknown alloy pots.

"Always try a few more times to determine which pot tastes the best!"

Fang Dou thinks it makes sense. In his previous life, stainless steel was used, which was convenient. In terms of iron, iron is not dominant, and copper stove hot pot is also used.

Ingredients and charcoal came rolling in with a wave of Kong Ziruo's hand.

Freshly slaughtered beef and mutton, dragged in pieces, and all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables hung with dew.

"Where's the hairy belly?"

Fang Dou couldn't help asking, looking at the empty stomach.

“Do you also need to go into the water?”

Kong Ziruo is a little curious, the tripe and beef stomach are not easy to clean, and the taste is too strong. Usually, they are marinated with heavy sauce before they can be eaten. It has always been the favorite of the bottom laborers.

"uncle, let me tell you, beef offal is Top Grade!"

Fang Dou said here, he became more and more certain, Kong Ziruo came from an extraordinary background. It is the source of protein supplementation for the bottom people, and he has never eaten it.

In addition to the previous conversation with the old man, Fang Dou slightly guessed that this person should have more or less connections with Sword Immortal in Shu.

Previously or for, I ordered a hot pot for a meal. Now Fang Dou has changed his mind. Seizing this opportunity, he may be able to get a little chance.

"Then give it a try!"

Kong Ziruo ordered again, asking someone to clean up the tripe, slice it and put it on a plate with ice cubes.

The place where the hot pot is served is in the small restaurant where Fang Dou lives.

Fang Dou was a little surprised when he came to the small restaurant in the Pleiades district of White Tiger Street with his composure.

“Are you a member of Shimen?”

Fang Dou said with a laugh, “You are a monk today, maybe a Taoist priest next year, and a scholar the day after tomorrow. ."

"uncle, do you care about your identity?"

Kong Ziruo smiled and shook his head, with such a big heart, it doesn't seem to be any of the three families.

"Everything is moved in!"

Today's weather is extremely cold, and snowflakes have begun to fall in a short while. Through childhood, it was almost half the size of a palm.

Fang Dou specially selected a pavilion and set up hot pot charcoal. In several pots next to it, the hot soup was tumbling, namely beef bone soup, tomato soup, and butter with a thick layer of red oil. soup.

"uncle, which pot should you choose first?"

"Let's go from light to strong, okay?"

Empty, holding a Stone mortar, adding peppers and sesame seeds into it, and pounding it with joy. Hearing that, he raised his head and said, "Yes!"

He made the sauce himself, most of which were red peppers, and scooped out a spoonful of it for delivery. In his mouth, his head was full of sweat, "Happy!"

Fang Dou sighed when he saw it.

"Fang Dou, teach me how to eat this hot pot?"

Fang Dou introduced Kong Ziruo, "Hold it with chopsticks, rinse it in the hot soup a few times, Just blanched the mutton with Mr. Yu, pick it up when the heat is up, and start eating!"

Kong Ziruo immediately understood, "This is so convenient!"

The 'self-service' of hot pot attribute , it suits his appetite.

After a while, Kong Ziruo was brow beaded with sweat, a mouthful of meat, a mouthful of spicy sauce, and his face flushed.

The fruits and vegetables next to it don't need to be put in the pot. When you eat it, you can just pull a few slices and stuff them into your mouth to reduce the fire.

Fang Dou was also eating with his head down. After a long absence of hot pot, the first bite was in his mouth, and tears were almost left in his mouth.

This is how people live!

He thought to himself that he would take this opportunity to get some seeds and tomatoes.

The two sat in the pavilion and ate hot pot in front of the snowflakes in the sky. From day to night, they saw that there were still large white snowflakes falling under the dark night sky.

Time flies by unconsciously, Fang Dou and Kong Ziruo enjoyed their meal more and more, the sound of the soup bottom rolling in their ears stopped, and it turned out that the beef bone soup had been boiled dry.

"Try the tomato soup base!"

The slightly red hot soup tumbled, Sora took a bite, sweet and sour appetizing, even nodded, this is not bad.

"There are also hairy belly, yellow throat, duck intestines, these are all good things!"

Fang Dou took a quick look and found that there were good things next to him that didn't move, so he hurried Put it on the table.

Kongziruo slightly frowned, "Can this be eaten?"

"You can eat it, keep it, you will never forget it, addicted!"

Fang Dou folder A piece of hairy belly was raised, and it was so thin that it looked translucent. After dipping it in the hot soup a few times, it was lifted up when the corners were rolled up.

“hu hu!”

Fang Dou blew hot air and chewed the hairy belly a few times. I also tried it, the entrance is full of light, crisp and delicious, and it has a different flavor.

When Fang Dou wanted a second chopstick, he found that the plate was already empty.

Kong Ziruo had a big appetite, and swept away the hairy belly, yellow throat, duck intestines, etc., unconsciously, he had already eliminated half a cylinder of hot sauce.

The half-tank mentioned here is a pottery jar used to hold water and rice.

Fang Dou was a little worried, "uncle, can you still hold on?"

Kong Ziruo's face was flushed, "Fang Dou, your hot pot is simply delicious on earth, must Teach it to me!"

"A trivial matter!"

Fang Dou suddenly couldn't help but ask, "uncle, you are not ordinary!"

Kong Ziruo stared at Fang Dou, "You see it!"


Fang Dou affirmed, "You are so good at eating, plus Yu Laosan You are polite, I have already guessed, you are the legendary 'gluttonous eater'!"

Kong Ziruo listened, happily said with a laugh, "You guessed it right!"

"I'm sorry, I'll give you a toast!"

The two of them staggered, eating hot pot and drinking small wine, unconsciously, it was the second day in the morning.

Seeing that the plates and cups are empty, this hot pot feast is coming to an end.

Kong Ziruo said, "Fang Dou, I've been delicious in my life, but I have some regrets. I haven't found the delicious food in my life that I desperately want to eat."

"Now, I finally found it. Now, it's your hot pot!"

"After all, what do you want, you are willing to exchange hot pot with me!"

Fang Dou smiled and waved his hand, "The hot pot method It's simple, it's not worth anything, uncle wants to learn, I'll teach you, it's nothing!"

Kong Ziruo stared into his eyes, "Is this your truth?"

"Don't think about it. I’ve been around for so many years, and I’ve already seen it through the hearts of people. The most trustworthy deal is the one-win-one-loss deal!”

Fang Dou gritted his teeth, “I heard you and the senior farmer mention that my lungs are too weak, Is there a way to solve it?"

"That's right!"

Kong Ziruo nodded, "You cultivation Flying Sword can't do the Dharma, you only cultivate the outer Dharma, not the inner one, the lungs If the qi is too weak, if it continues, you will eventually suffer from backlash, or die from coughing up blood, or die from gold in the lungs. , without a complete system, there will always be hidden dangers in cultivation!"

"I have a platinum breath, I can make up for your shortcomings and exchange them for hot pot, can you agree?"

Yes, a fool would not agree!

Fang Dou was overjoyed and happily agreed.

(end of this chapter)

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