Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 276


Chapter 276 Their hearts are different

Three thousand monks, who did not drink or eat, recited sutras from early morning to midnight, Overhead is full of stars.

At this time, the Emperor Yijia came, walked to the Temple of Sacrifices to Heaven, and met several holy monks.

"This Buddha's birthday coincides with the 60th birthday behind the scenes. I have to work for you all the saints!"

Several saints, namely Feixiang and Jingdi in Jindi The origin of the Central Plains, the factors of the Central Plains, and the sea of Huai Di.

Haiyuan, from Huaidi, is a newly promoted saint monk in Shimen, extremely renowned, and was named by the emperor to Beijing.

Shimen knew very well that Emperor Longguang wanted to expose Haiyuan, so that Shimen could not hide.

A newly born holy monk is enough to attract the fear of Taoists.

The emperor is selfless and good, and Emperor Longguang seems to be advocating Taoism, but also to use strength to restrain the growing Shimen.

Taoism is arrogant and cold, and it is not close to Qianshou, but Shimen is different. Under the banner of "All Living Things Equality, etc."

Comparing the two, it is Shimen's rising star, who has developed from behind.

Emperor Longguang and Taoism hit it off and work together to restrict the development of Shimen.

However, the nature of Shimen and Taoism has determined that they will not be willing to live under the powerful.

The famous religion is different. It pursues the same light and dust, and integrates into the general trend of the court. Unnoticeable influence changes the world and practices its own way.

So, in the eyes of Shimen and Taoists, the famous religion is already a dog with a collar, and it is not enough!

"It is Supreme's honor to pray for the Queen Mother's blessing!"

"mercy, my Buddha, will bless the Queen Mother with a long life!"

Emperor Longguang sighed, "The Empress Dowager is old, and her birthday is approaching. I can't bear the separation of mother and child. If there is an immortality medicine pill, even if I do my best, I will dedicate it to the Queen Mother!"

The holy monk looked at each other a few times, sighed, and persuaded, "Your Majesty, a person without immortality in the world, how can you come to the medicine pill of immortality, this is a foolish talk, it is not credible!"

Long Guang The emperor said, "I have heard that if a cultivator can ascend to immortality, he can ascend to the Celestial Court."

"Several holy monks, if someone from Shimen can ascend, can you do your filial piety instead of me? , ask the Divine Immortal for the medicine of immortality, so that the mother's queen will have a long life!"


The non-sign, the source, the prime factor, and the abyss, all put their hands together.

"The monks don't lie, I have been released for nearly hundreds of years, and no one can ascend. Even if there is one in the future, they will be reborn in the Pure Land." , leading to Taoism.

"There may be a way for Taoists to ascend to immortality!"

Emperor Longguang called the two daoists, Deadwood and Huang Guan, who were next to him, "Two daoists, what do you think?"

Withered wood is bitter, these bald donkeys are too sinister, pulling us to back up.

Huang Guan daoist said firstly, "It's good that Your Majesty knows that the two of us are still condensing the five qi, but we are trifling Chaoyuan daoist, there is no Three Flowers Gather on Crown, and there is no Yang God omniscient. , how come to ascend to immortality!"

Emperor Longguang said, "Taoist talents come out in large numbers, there must be seniors, and they have reached the threshold of ascending to immortals. Can the two daoists recommend one or two!"


At this time, withered wood and yellow crown, both long bowed at the same time, "Your Majesty, I really don't know!"

Emperor Longguang sighed, "Forget it, the two daoists have difficulties, I can't force it either!"

He tossed his sleeves, "Today's rehearsal, here we go!"

Three thousand monks, such as the amnesty, got up in a hurry and left the temple of sacrifice to heaven square.

Fang Dou followed them, looking for martial law everywhere, trying to talk to him, there were silhouettes in front of him, and there were not a few fat monks, where can I find them.

To offer sacrifices to the Temple of Heaven all around, many guards stand all around, guarding the main road leading to the palace, to prevent these monks from straying and breaking into the forbidden area of the palace.

When the crowd dwindled, Fang Dou found out that martial law was gone.

"That's it, that's it!"

Fang Dou turned around and was about to go back to the restaurant, when he suddenly remembered something. The two golden men next to him.

I heard that it was the highest achievement of the Mohist organization.

Previously, Brother Hou introduced that the Ancestor Master of the Mo family, named 'Moment', is a naturally formed organ of Heaven and Earth.

The existence of 'moment' gave birth to the Mohist lineage, which contains all Supreme's subtleties.

The two golden men, the descendants of the Mo family, attempted to restore the miracle of the 'moment' and created the two supreme creations.

Fang Dou walked all the way to the gate of the palace wall, and saw two magnificent Chinese watches in the distance, towering into the clouds, the texture is pure white as jade, and the pillars are carved with cloud pattern coiled dragons, which are lifelike.

The Chinese watch is more than a kilometer long, and it is inserted into the cloud with no end in sight.

What is even more shocking is that next to the two Chinese watches, there is a tall golden figure supporting the two sides of the Chinese watches.

Fang Dou wanted to walk in and look again, but suddenly a silhouette flashed in front of him, and several tall warriors stood in front of him, raising their hands expressionlessly, "Please stop!"

"I If you want to visit Huabiao and Jinren, there is no malicious intent!"

"I am resting now, I refuse to visit!"

The expressions and voices of the luxuries were stiff, and they stood upright in Fang's way. in front of Dou.

Fang Dou suddenly realized that something was wrong. These were all mechanic. Judging from the actions just now, he walked as fast as the wind. Obviously, he had a lot of knowledge in the joints.

"But a friend of the Mo family, in front!"

Fang Dou shouted twice, and saw a young man with oily hands walking slowly, blocking the front of him. Wrestlers, give way to both sides automatically.

"There is something going on recently, Huabiao is not allowed to approach here, you go!"

Fang Dou took out the Thousand Machine Disk, "I am a friend who is also a student of mechanical arts, and the greatest wish in his life. , is to come to the capital to see Huabiao and Jinren, please take it easy!"

The young man's expression softened slightly when he saw Qianjipan, "You stand here and watch, remember that after a moment, you must Get out of here, or Yellow Cloth Strongman will drive you away!"

"Is this Yellow Cloth Strongman?"

Fang Dou looked towards the tall strongman on both sides, his face like a knife , Tall, stout arms seem to contain infinite strength.

He heard the sixth brother say that Yellow Cloth Strongman is the peak work of the mechanical technique, which is comparable to the battle strength of the mage level, and now I finally see it.

The young man turned and left, returning to the bottom of the Huabiao, where there were already many colleagues from the Mo family, drilling in and out at the feet of the golden man, transporting various parts.

"Kong Jiubian, what did you just go out for?"

A hair grey-white old craftsman, with flexible fingers, put together a pair of parts, and in a blink of an eye Fast spinning turbine shape.

"Send away!"

"Your Majesty ordered us to maintain the Jinmai Golden People. This is a top-secret matter, and outsiders must not know about it, but don't be soft-hearted!"

"Send away!" p>

Kong Jiu changed nodded, "I know, Yellow Cloth Strongman is blocked outside, no one can break in!"

After finishing speaking, the young man also threw himself into the heavy work.

Fang Dou looked up at the Futian Huabiao, the two golden statues of the city, and a strange feeling arose in his heart.

He had learned from Brother Hou, the introduction to the mechanics, and he knew the mechanics, which was different from the mechanics, and involved a lot of metaphysical knowledge.

For example, physical knowledge clearly shows that perpetual motion machines do not exist, but there are many aspects in mechanical techniques that completely subvert this knowledge.

Even if Newton crossed over, he would be tortured to death in the face of Mojia's tricks!

(end of this chapter)

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