Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 285


Chapter 285 The Son of Heaven Longs for Longevity

From early morning to chanting sutras until the afternoon, Fang Dou was tired despite masquerade as having an ability no.

I have to admire that among the 3,000 monks, although there are many related households, there are also many great monks, who are superb in meditation and completely motionless.

Directly in front of Fang Dou, there is a thin old monk, who seems to be weak, but is actually Yue Liyuan.

At first, Fang Dou didn't notice it, but as time went on, the old monk's chanting became louder and he sat more calmly.

"Yi! ”

Fang Dou couldn't help but stared at the old monk, the more he looked at it, the more strange it became.

This old monk, the control of fleshy body, has reached the Peak state.

From a distance, it looks like a rock pine growing on the edge of a cliff. It has deep roots and is completely motionless after the wind.

"It's amazing!"

Fang Dou remembered the 'Three Corpse Guards Divine Law', and it was introduced in it that surrendering the fleshy body corpses can achieve this.

The way of Shimen and Taoism is also the same way.

Fang Dou breathes deeply and started to try it out to see if he could get the old monk's attitude.

Easier said than done, Fang Dou tried a little and found that his whole body was a problem.

Soreness, itching, numbness, swelling, all kinds of means all rushed up, floating on the skin and drilling into the bone marrow.

For a time, all kinds of hallucinations were used in his mind, causing Fang Dou to be in a trance.

"The corpses are in chaos!"

Fang Dou thought, this thought came to his mind.

To be careless, the realm of the old monk has proven to this point.

Fang Dou was horrified. Although this old monk was not a holy monk, he was not far behind.

"How can you despise your fleshy body?"

A familiar voice rang in Fang Dou's ear, it was Master Haiyuan.

Fang Dou was shivered and woke up suddenly, "Yes!"

"It's a waste of Liuli's state of mind, why can't you see through this falsehood?"

The sea After Master Yuan said these words, there was no sound.

Fang Dou breathes deeply, the fire of the heart burns, the Vermilion Bird chirps, the house of the heart opens, and it shines all over the body, limbs and bones.

In an instant, the corpses that began to stir were suppressed, and all kinds of feelings faded away like a tide.

“hu hu!”

Fang Dou suddenly broke out in a cold sweat on his back. He didn’t know where he was, but he walked around at the juncture of the cultivation deviation.

Mage Haiyuan, although he didn't lend a helping hand, saved his life with a punch.

"The corpses?"

Fang Dou looked at his whole body, and saw that under the flesh and between the skeletons, there were faintly discernible black energy, which were just many evil corpses.

Internal organs, because of the six gods entrenched, Purple Mansion Divine Lightning baptism, but the corpse will be wiped out, and one will be clean.

"Sure enough!"

Taoist cultivation, beheading evil corpses, various spell cultivation techniques, all have different routes to the same destination.

Purple Mansion Divine Lightning Inner repair, Fang Dou wants to control himself, but also falls on the Golden Rooster.

Came back to his senses, Fang Dou was pleasantly surprised to find that the realm of fleshy body has risen sharply, and it is not far from the Great Accomplishment of the Golden Rooster.

"Complete chanting!"

In front of the Temple of Heaven, the head of the Ministry of Rites, the contemporary famous Confucian scholar, Yuyang Gong on behalf of the emperor announced.

Three thousand monks began to leave the square, leaving only the four Great Saint monks left.

When Fang Dou left, for some reason, his heart was light, and it always felt like the end of his prison sentence.

Before walking a few steps, I heard the voice of martial law, "Fang Dou, look here!"

I saw martial law and martial law, wearing cassocks, walking slowly Come.

Seeing Fang Dou, he hurriedly took off his cassock and said with a smile, "This thing is too cumbersome, I don't want to wear it!"

After all, martial law also took off Under the cassock, revealing the inner gray robe!

"Let's go, these days, I can't eat well, and I can't sleep well. Let's find a restaurant and have a big meal!"

The martial law has long been unbearable, carefree, put his arms around Fang Dou's shoulders.

Jie Xing shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work. Today is Buddha's birthday, we have to stay in the palace and wait for Your Majesty to give a feast."

paused, Jie Xing said, "Tonight, Concubine Jin will dance on the stage, everyone will be blessed."

Mentioning Concubine Jin's name, Jie Xing and Martial Law, her eyes showed reverence.

This woman, who is married for the second time, can still be alone in the six palaces, with a stunning face, singing voice, lithe and graceful, and a peerless dance.

Emperor Longguang favored him alone and kept him in the deep palace, and all the people who admired him all sighed with embarrassment.

Now, on the birthday of the Buddha, and also the birthday of the Queen Mother, Concubine Jin invited herself to lead the dance.

"I heard that Concubine Jin's dance song is the "Non Clothes and Feather Clothes Fairy Song" that has long been lost in the world!"

"In order to plan this dance, Concubine Jin spent seven years in the world, sewing together. Feather-making, good intentions!"

When martial law said this, his eyes were obsessed, "Jinfei's face is as beautiful as Fairy, if you can see her from a distance, it's worth it!"

"There is a chance, the emperor will give a banquet. As monks, we have the opportunity to meet Jinfei!" yearning.

Fang Dou's expression was a little weird, and he couldn't bear to tell them that he had seen Concubine Jin in person, and was entertained by him, eating snacks and drinking hot tea.

At this time, on the altar of sacrifice, the dead wood daoist of Taoism began to recite the green words and sincerely pray to God.

In front of the huge Bronze Cauldron, a raging fire is burned, and the incense medicine ingredient is poured into it.


The dead wood daoist is full of energy, every word, clanging, can be clearly heard ten miles away.

Emperor Longguang listened with his eyes closed, rhythm in his hand, and couldn't help but praise, "Yes, Master Minggao's writing style won my heart!"

"Love Concubine, do you know that Qing Ci is a Taoist blessing and praises God."

"How would you feel if Deity immortal heard this Qing Ci?"

Jin The concubine bowed slightly, "My concubine is not immortal, so I can't answer your questions for Your Majesty!"

paused, she continued, "Your Majesty is the lord of the world, and the power is unparalleled, why should you expect Longevity?"

Emperor Longguang laughed heartily, "Concubine Ai, is this admonishing me?"

"Immortality, ordinary people can dream, how come I'm an Emperor, so I can't think Think?"

"With my achievements, although it is not as good as the ancient Human Sovereign, it is not too far behind. Why can't my merits soar?"

Concubine Jin returned to her previous indifferent expression. , said, "How can the concubine know about Immortal God?"

Emperor Longguang was slightly angry, "Aifei, you really refuse to meet me frankly?"

"My concubine is guilty!"

The anger rolled on Emperor Longguang's face, "I just hate it, Heavenly Dao is unfair!"

"The people in this world all ask God to worship Buddha, But I don't know, it is I who bless them and nurture the people!"

"Immortal God has no merit, but enjoys the incense. I have worked hard to rule the country, and I have worked hard, but I have a hundred years of trouble. What is the reason?"

"If you give me another 500 years or 1,000 years, I will surely make the world free from hunger, cold, war, peace on the frontier, and acknowledge allegiance for the barbarians!"

In Concubine Jin's eyes , with a hint of pity, and his voice was like the ethereal sound in the cloud palace.

"Your Majesty, talk about Heavenly Dao, it is disrespectful!"

Emperor Longguang stood up suddenly, "This is my dynasty, even if immortal descends to earth, as long as you don't listen to me His will is to be disrespectful!"

"Concubine Jin, you are optimistic, now Shimen, Taoism and famous religions are in my hands, and there is no one in the mortal world who dares to disobey My Will!"

(end of this chapter)

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