Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 475


Chapter 475 Lightning Breaks Ghost Qi

In a great formation of wandering ghosts, a certain tongue-in-cheek ghost is jumping around, and the huge bird head is proud Yang Yang opened his mouth.

"I can talk to anyone, and I can talk to anyone!"

He looked towards the ghosts around him, all of them gloomy and silent. The sense of superiority in my heart is getting stronger.


The ghosts and evil spirits around were silent, and they moved forward slowly, their goal being the mountain pass that entered Shu.


The tongue-tied person dared to speak, but suddenly realized that something was wrong, and desperately asked for help, "Save me, save me!"

tone barely fell , a Flying Sword fell, inserted into the top of his head, twisted carefully a few times, and scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

As a result, this world is clean, and there is no noise from the tongue-in-cheek ghosts. The ghosts regained their calm and continued to move forward.

Fang Dou took the Flying Sword, smacking his mouth, "too weak!"

A tongue-in-cheek ghost, except that he can talk and tell lies, his strength is the same as an ordinary solitary soul, unbound ghost .

Fang Dou beheaded dozens of heads one after another, and it went smoothly as expected.

"Forget it, keep looking for the next prey!"


The sword light shuttles back and forth, piercing an evil ghost back and forth, Yin Qi rolls like a cloud.

This evil ghost, with water plants on its head and fish scales all over its body, is precisely the rare species of 'water devil'.

Don't look at the water devil, just underestimate him, this devil can also leap like the wind and be strong as an ox on land.

It is precisely Fang Dou's competitor, Mi Changgu, who controls Flying Sword.

This Lingxiao Disciple was high-spirited and vigorous when beheading evil spirits, and his shots were neat and tidy.

The water devil, the water grass on his head suddenly stretched and turned into tentacles, trying to catch Mi Changgu.

Mi Chang Gu stepped sideways, his palm brushed down, cut off the water plant that stretched out in front of him, and stabbed the water devil's ankle with a sword back.

The cold light flashed, the water devil pierced his ankle, his body was unstable, and he took a few steps back.

At this time, another habit flew up, piercing the head of the water devil.

"It's obviously a ghost, but it's too hard to kill!"

The water devil's head exploded, but his body suddenly retreated, and there was a gust of wind around him, and Ghost Qi gathered. Re-grow a head.

Mi Chang Gu started with the Flying Sword, and suddenly broke out the sword, falling from the sky, covering the water devil.

Under the action of the sword, the water devil was fixed in place, and with one breath, he was penetrated thousands of times, forcibly smashed into Yin Qi.


Mi Chang looked at his heart, not at all relaxed.

Every time you kill the evil spirits, there will be no corpses in the end, and you will be restored to the spooky Ghost Qi.

The fewer evil ghosts, the more Ghost Qi. In the end, under the strong atmosphere of Ghost Qi, more and more powerful evil ghosts are born, and they will fall into more difficult times.

However, sword cultivators can't stop beheading evil spirits just because of scruples.

"I have to do it!"

Mi Chang sighed, swept across the land, and continued to look for the next target.



Fang Dou also found the same problem in another corner of the battlefield.

Theoretically speaking, ghosts are all living people and have died once.

Now that he is beheading with the Flying Sword, how can he kill the 'dead' ghost again?

The fact is that Flying Sword killed the ghosts and finally exploded into Yin Qi. Can we say that these Yin Qi are ghosts, or the remains of ghosts?

Of course not!

The ghosts were killed by the Flying Sword, which was equivalent to disappearing completely, but the Yin Qi they left behind was not a small disaster.

Fang Dou plot against, every time a ghost beheaded, there will be a small loss of Yin Qi, but the remaining Yin Qi is still considerable.

In battle, these ghosts can absorb Yin Qi for healing, and even regenerate their bodies, and even break through.

Theoretically speaking, if Yin Qi is continuously supplied, the ghosts cannot be killed at all.

"Treating the symptoms, not the root cause!"

Fang Dou finally understood why the sword cultivator killed evil spirits year after year, but still had endless poison.

The existence of Yin Qi, like a ghost pawn, is the embodiment of the laws of the world and cannot be eliminated at all.

The sword cultivator can kill the ghosts composed of Yin Qi, but it cannot kill Yin Qi, so there is an annual ghost-killing festival.

Right now, the ghosts that Fang Dou killed and Yin Qi left behind will be absorbed by other ghosts, strengthening or transforming.

"Just like the law of conservation of energy!"

Fang Dou shook his head, which was too bad.

The sword cultivator is all flesh and blood, but the army of wandering ghosts, but Yin Qi's 'perpetual motion machine', can completely consume the opponent's death.

"We have to think of a way!"

Fang Dou took this thought and killed a few rare evil spirits.

Just as he was looking for his target, he suddenly realized that the iron plate of the Book of the Ghosts, with its ferocious head, yawned, as if it had woken up.

In an instant, this magic weapon sent out a hunger signal, requesting to absorb Yin Qi.

It turns out that Yin Qi is also an item of great nourishment for Serving Ghosts!

Fang Dou suddenly realized that he had long heard that this magic weapon was made from a powerful ghost.

"Forget it, you can absorb as much as you can!"

Fang Dou held the ghost book in one hand and began to charge around the wandering ghost formations.

He knew very well that he was outnumbered and had to use guerrilla tactics.

The Flying Sword keeps cutting the corners of the big formation, and when a sword light goes down, hundreds of ghosts are disappeared.

Now it's different. The scattered Yin Qi didn't have time to be absorbed and contained by the big formation, and turned into a puff of green smoke, which was sucked into the mouth by the ghost book.


Maybe Artifact Spirit of the ghost book just woke up and had a small appetite, but as time passed, the speed of swallowing Yin Qi, become terrifying.

I saw that Yin Qi was compressed, turned into a drizzle, and threw it into the mouth of the iron-brand evil spirit.

Many weak ghosts, under the force of swallowing, flew away and scattered on the spot.

A moment later, the iron-plate evil ghost heard an urging sound.

It turns out that the wandering Yin Qi in this area has been absorbed.

But the ghosts are still not satisfied. If they want Yin Qi again, only Fang Dou kills the ghosts and reveals Yin Qi.

"Okay, I'll let you eat enough!"

Fang Dou glanced around and found not far away, a burly evil ghost, two horns growing on the head, holding stone pillar , is moving slowly.

'Mountain Ghost', skin is rough, flesh is thick, solid as a rock from the inside out.

Swipe, Flying Sword flashed, this mountain ghost lost half of his arm.

Fang Dou's Sword Art, is good at finding gaps and entering, without the stone skin of the hard steel mountain ghost, find the gap and fall, and it will easily cut off the arm.

The arm fell to the ground, and the scattered Yin Qi disappeared without a trace on the spot.

The mountain ghost waved his broken arm and found that the situation was not right. The surrounding Yin Qi was too thin to regenerate his limbs.

Forget it, he couldn't figure it out, so he roared and rushed towards Fang Dou.

At this time, the surrounding evil ghosts made various strange screams and came to Fang Dou to kill.

Fang Dou sword light hooked, extinguished dozens of ghosts rushing ahead, took a few steps back, and went to the side to shoot.

He is very experienced at this moment, and he is fighting for the opportunity to use his sword. After a while, he will kill the ghosts around the mountain ghost.


The mountain ghost was beheaded, the huge body fell to the ground, and collapsed into a rich Yin Qi.

(end of this chapter)

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