Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 490


Chapter 490 Refinement

On the way back, Fang Dou killed the ghosts all the way, faster than when he came.

It's been almost a month since I went out to gamble.

Now, it is getting closer and closer to the fifteenth day of July, and the large array of wandering ghosts gathered on the plain is even more dense.

The frequency of ghosts and elite ghosts is also increasing as the tide rises, the boat floats.

Even, Fang Dou saw several Ghost General troops one after another, followed by many soldiers.

The Ghost General army alone and the Ghost General army with minions around them are completely different concepts.

Fang Dou knew very well that if he rashly stepped forward to provoke him, the outcome would be a two-way point.

I had no choice but to turn around and avoid it, taking returning to the middle of Shu as the current top priority.

On the way home, Fang Dou tries to return as soon as possible and do less damage.

The wandering ghost formation that appeared later, the number of ghosts was more, and the formation became more and more serious. From a distance, it was extremely not to be trifled with.

Fang Dou sword light interspersed back and forth, following the gap between the Formations, all the way forward.

Strange to say, the more wind and rain come, the more peaceful it is.

Fang Dou is in a position, like the center of the eye of the storm, and half of the ghost cannot be seen.

In the dead of night, the howling of the surrounding ghosts came one after another, which made the eardrums hurt.

Fang Dou sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, waiting to continue his journey in the future.

After a while, he moved towards Astral Fiend with a flick of the crown, and the earth-yellow veins were forced out.

earth-yellow rays of light emerge, so eye-catching that it is almost impossible to keep your eyes open.

"It's so heavy!"

As soon as Fang Dou started, he realized that the Earth Sha was heavy, far beyond his imagination.

It is clearly intangible and intangible, but it is heavier than hardware, which is unimaginable.

Fang Dou recalls the way of the Astral Fiend door and discerns the difference between the Astral Fiend.

Heaven and Earth are born with a Qi, divided into turbidity, rising to become Heaven and Earth to sink.

Earth Fiendish Qi is originally a very heavy and turbid existence, so it gathers deep in the center of the earth, and will overflow the ground unless it is overflowing.

The higher the grade of Heavenly Gang, the closer to the Nine Heavens, the non-Deity immortal cannot touch it.

The higher the grade of the Earth Demon, is also getting closer to the depths of the Earth's core, where only ghosts can penetrate into the underworld area.

Astral Fiend door, all kinds of expressions spell, in the final analysis, it is the sacrifice of Astral Fiend, the achievement of magic.

Fang Dou does not have the cultivation technique of Astral Fiend Gate, but the Astral Fiend Dao Crown above his head is the essence of the Astral Fiend Gate's two paths, 'Tian Gang' and 'Di Sha'.

Therefore, to start, it is simply where water flows, a canal is formed.

Refining the gang and refining the evil, in the final analysis, the human body cannot be made of flesh and blood, and the medium must always be used.

The altar of heaven and the crown of earth evil are the magic weapons of the Astral Fiend gate, and their importance is self-evident.

The Astral Fiend crown above Fang Dou's head is a combination of the two ways of Heaven and Earth, which can be used to refine both Astral and Sha.

Thinking again, the Five Elements Inner Refinement of his cultivation is the true inheritance of Hanging Yin Guan, and he also has the know-how of refining Astral Fiend.

According to rumors, Mingyu has a magic weapon in his hand, which combines Five Elements Astral Fiend with infinite formidable power.

Fang Dou made up his mind, intending to refining this five earth evil in his hand.

"Take the snake and hook Chen, be in the center, use force up and down, refining the Wutu!"

He concentrated and drove the veins of the Wutu Astral Fiend to near the end of his nose .

Next moment, the rhythm of his breathing became heavier, driving the rays of light of Wu Disha to shrink one by one.

A moment later, Fang Dou sucked the whole vein into his chest through his nose.


Fang Dou felt as if his entire chest was about to explode. No wonder the Astral Fiend door needs an altar and Taoist temple to accommodate Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend.

The flesh and blood of the human body cannot accommodate the Astral Fiend.

“No more than one hour!”

This is a time limit set by Fang Dou. If it exceeds one hour, the body will be damaged.

Taking a breath, Fang Dou protruded two small yellow snakes from his nose, like the veins of the earthworm, winding and swimming.

The Earth Shatter sometimes swims within the body and sometimes sticks out to the outside world.

The fire in the air, in Fang Dou's body, slowly refining the five earth evil spirits.

This earth evil was originally conquered by the Ghost General army, and its performance entered a layer of Yin Qi, which looked like Ghost Qi.

The number one priority now is to remove the Ghost General's stigma and restore it to primordial state.

The change of air fire, through refining swords, is more flexible and changeable.

Originally, the whole group of flames, divided into thousands of threads, swam all the way around the earth, slowly refining.

The strands of black smoke rose up and passed out of the body through the pores.

In just a few breaths, the imprint left by the Ghost General army had already become a rootless tree, and it was successfully removed.

Fang Dou bulged sharply, an elite clear yellow light, falling on the palm of his hand, the appearance was like a sheep-fat white jade.

The Wutusha after refining has become extremely pure at this moment.

Earth Fiendish Qi is extremely turbid and extremely heavy. Although it is refined into the most quintessential existence, it still looks foggy and has a feeling of being invisible.

A chopstick-like vein, as heavy as a hill.

Fang Dou looked at it for a moment, his wrists started to feel sour, he hurriedly swallowed it into his chest, and slowly refining with air fire.

one hour is coming soon!

Fang Dou felt sore and swollen all over, as if the next moment was about to split, and hurriedly spit out Wu Di Sha and incorporated it into the Astral Fiend Dao Crown.

Now there is only one Earth Sha, but it is conceivable that more Earth Sha will be collected when the Demon Slaying Festival officially begins.

Now it is Earth Demon, then it is Tiangang, and finally, it is the way of unity of Astral Fiend.

“Innate Yiqi!”

In Fang Dou's mind, the 'yiqi' approach of Mount Huang's Taoism emerged. Although it is spell, it has a reference value.

"It's really where water flows, a canal is formed!"

Fang Dou pressed his chest, and when the sky was bright, he sat down and started breathing platinum.

In this way, Fang Dou slaughtered ghosts all the way, continuous cultivation, and smoothly entered the plank road.

Compared with the previous trip out of Shu, the plank road is more gloomy and bleak, and an evil ghost appears during the day, hunting wild beast mountain people.

Fortunately, the common people in Shu have long been used to it. Once the 15th day of the seventh month is approaching, they will flee with their families to avoid the scene of hundreds of ghosts traveling together.

Where Fang Dou went, entire towns and villages were evacuated, and ghosts were everywhere, howling and wandering in disappointment.

"Unstoppable kills!"

Fang Dou felt angry and powerless in his heart.

This time he went out to Shu and killed so many ghosts that he couldn't even count them.

I always feel that I am beheading ghosts all the time, and I can't take a moment to spare.

However, before Fang Dou left, those damaged ghosts were replenished from all directions.

I came here, I thought it would be a lot of money, but compared to the endless ghost tide, the number of damages is equivalent to a drop in the ocean.

He began to doubt whether he could kill all the ghosts with the long sword in his hand.

When the army of ghost tide strikes, where did the people in Shu flee to, is the real paradise?

"must participate in the Demon Slaying Festival and find the answer!"

Fang Dou breathes deeply, the sword light wraps his body, cuts through the heavy fog, and breaks all the way into the middle of Shu.

His goal is the plain where sword cultivators gather, where someone awaits him.

(end of this chapter)

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