Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 607


Chapter 607 The Great Five Elements Heaven Refinement


The moment the Spirit Pond took shape, Fang Dou There was a sudden reaction.

Under this high platform, there is a large amount of water around it, and the whole body becomes warm, as if bathing in hot springs.

In this case, it is Spiritual Qi that becomes rich, which greatly contributes to cultivation.

He still doesn't know that behind this mutation, Xiu Tian gave the Spirit Pond to build.

After the achievement of Spirit Pond, the efficiency of using Spiritual Qi in the entire Celestial Grotto instantly increased more than tenfold.

In conjunction, his slightly sluggish cultivation progress became fluid in an instant.

Ten Earth Shades of different colors, like giant dragons, swim in front of Fang Dou.

In his mind, the Red Dragon, Yellow Dragon, Black Dragon, White Dragon, and Azure Dragon were intertwined with each other, touching each other's breath, and loud noises erupted from time to time.

Five Elements is moving forward and is already extremely skilled.

However, reversing Five Elements is a hundred times more difficult.

Pros and cons of Five Elements Integration, promoted to Big Five Elements, and the difficulty is going up.

"If Five Elements Divine Transformation Dragon..."

Fang Dou's most Early-Stage idea is to transform the Five Elements Earth Demon into a dragon shape, run forward and reverse, and find a combination the extremity of one.

However, the difficulty is too great, far surpasses the imagination.

It just so happened that the Spirit Pond achievement, which brought a strong Spiritual Qi supplement, made him suddenly clear his head.

"No, it's not right!"

Fang Dou recalled that the opportunity to become a mage was to refine himself as a medicine pill in the furnace.

Five Elements is really refining, it was originally a mess of porridge, and it was finally refined in a pill furnace with air fire, and it was formed.

"Could it be that I have to use other alchemy techniques to refine into Five Elements?"

Fang Dou pondered for a long time, and finally made up his mind, stretched out his hand, and brought together ten earth shackles to restore it to Five Elements. Elements Flying Sword.

He exited the retreat, recalling that he had just encountered mutation and brought Xiu Tianci.

"Tianci, what did you just mess around with?"

Xiu Tianci saw Fang Dou leaving the customs and was about to congratulate Divine Art Great Accomplishment, but when he saw Fang Dou's expression was wrong, he hurriedly said hold back.

"Master, I just built a Spirit Pond, take a look!"

The octagonal Spirit Pond is filled with a pool of spiritual water. The sky is azure, and the water is surrounded by white clouds.

The most quintessential spiritual water can only be seen from a distance, not touched.

A stone is thrown in, and within a few days, it will be saturated with liquid Spiritual Qi, turning it into a top-quality fine jade full of Spiritual Qi.

If someone dares to reach out and touch it, he will turn into a Stoneman with flesh and bones.

"That's wonderful!"

Fang Dou looked at Spirit Pond and sighed inwardly.

This is really, doze meets pillow, with this Spirit Pond, the chance of breakthrough increases by 30%.

"Heaven, this Spirit Pond, where did you learn it?"

Xiu Tianci patted his chest, "Master, Taoist Celestial Grotto, has this Spirit Pond, built The technique is not difficult."

"senior once said, my Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit, learn 'Heluo Divine Prediction" twice the results for half the effort, used to find acupoints, just a small test!

Fang Dou looked at the Yamagata geography, and the feng shui imposing manner finally converged to one point, on the Spirit Pond in front of him.

This 'Heluo Divine Prediction' is also an exquisite method of hope.

Thinking again, Xiu Tianci was able to learn such exquisite methods in Taoism, and now that he is under his own door, he must not be delayed.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou has a heavy heart and a heavier sense of responsibility.

"This time, no matter what, we have to break through the barrier of the Five Elements!"

Disciple is a late-stage Mage. Fang Dou, as a Master, can't stay behind no matter what!

"Tianci, next, I want to use this Spirit Pond cultivation, can I?"

Xiu Tianci said readily, "Master, use it."

Bang Long Long, a pill furnace descended from the sky, located beside Spirit Pond.


Fang Dou pinched a seal art, and from the Spirit Pond, seven or eight python-like Spiritual Qi pillars flew up, roaring in high spirits, and went inside the pill furnace put in.

Under the infiltration of sufficient Spiritual Qi, the whole pill furnace is shining brightly, and the copper rust and carbon layer are all gone.

The texture of the pill furnace is full of scorching rays of light, like a lit little sun!

"Five Elements are like dragons, they are really refining in the furnace!"

Fang Dou a finger pointed, ten Divine Dragons of different colors, swirling around the pile furnace.


Divine Dragons, which were transformed by the earth evil, fell one after another into the cloud and drilled into the pill furnace.

In the blink of an eye, two vortex, Divine Dragons shaking its head and wagging its tail, appear in the pill furnace, entwining around each other.

Two vortex, one positive and one negative, keep running each other.

Fang Dou put his eyes into it, concentrated attention completely, and sat on the ground for cultivation.

In Spirit Pond, the water in the azure pool was tumbling and bubbling, like it was boiling.

Xiu Tianci gasped as he watched, the speed at which Spiritual Qi was consumed was truly appalling.

What 'gobbling' and 'whale swallowing' are not enough to describe its fierceness!

This is liquid Spiritual Qi. Spiritual Qi is compressed to such a degree that it becomes highly poisonous and cannot be absorbed directly into the body.

However, the current consumption rate of Fang Dou cultivation is beyond common sense.

One hour, the water level of Spirit Pond has dropped three inches and is still weakening.

Xiu Tianci knows that Fang Dou must be at the most critical moment, so the consumption of Spiritual Qi is so terrifying!

In other words, if Spiritual Qi is not available, it will fall short!

"Master, let the disciple help you!"

Xiu Tianci merged his hands and cast a spell on Spirit Pond.

The clouds and mists in the entire mountain range violently tossed up, extracting pieces of cotton wool and throwing them into the Spirit Pond.

The speed of replenishing Spiritual Qi, although not as fast as the consumption, has initially stabilized.

"Next, it's up to the Master!"

Fang Dou stared at the pill furnace, observing the evolution of the Yang Five Elements and Yin Five Elements, thanks to the addition of Spirit Pond , the perception becomes smoother.

"The positive is the right, and the negative is the opposite!"

As the saying goes, the darkness is what the light lacks, and the relationship between the positive and negative Five Elements is exactly that.

To be precise, Five Elements is a monadic concept, not a binary opposition, there is always only one Five Elements.

Differentiating the positive and negative Five Elements is the experience of light and dark theory.

Recognizing that Five Elements is divided into two levels, is the step to the big Five Elements Integration.

"It's really wonderful!"

Fang Dou's mind came to various mysterious, Five Elements internal refining secret technique of hanging seal concept, Fiend Refinement Art of Astral Fiend gate, and primordial witch scriptures Yin-Yang Energy in .

“so that's how it is!”

Five Elements are differentiated and echo each other, containing the changes of Yin-Yang Energy.

In turn, Yin-Yang Energy has divisions that give birth to Five Elements.

The refining method of Five Elements is to be specific, to understand the relationship closely with one another, and to further clarify Qi Refinement.

"This big Five Elements, not only need to be really tempered in the furnace, but also be really tempered between Heaven and Earth!"

At this moment, Fang Dou sang, "And husband Heaven and Earth are furnaces..."

Five Elements are being refined in the furnace, and Fang Dou himself is in Celestial Grotto, which is like a larger furnace.

“Great Five Elements Heaven Refinement!”

Fang Dou clasped his hands together, his breath rising up all over his body, like a steel wire.

He suddenly opened his mouth, the door of the five internal organs opened, and the essence gushed from the internal organs and spit into the midair.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Dou's viscera was completely drained, and he became an empty shell.

This is a very dangerous behavior. If you are not careful, you will run out of fuel and die.

(end of this chapter)

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