Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 619


Chapter 619 Monster beast in the water

dong! With the momentum of the tile forward, it slammed into the giant beast violently.

The huge body swayed.

Looking carefully at the collision place, the hard scale skeleton instantly turned into a fluid shape, deformed and distorted.

“ao wu!”

The giant Great Demon hiding in the water, this time completely furious, slammed its head out of the water.


This monster beast is full of scales the size of fists, but it is not smooth, and the body surface looks pitted.

What's more, this monster beast is tens of thousands of meters tall and has a flat shape, which is tens of thousands of meters.

Such a huge body can only survive in water.

Fang Dou waved, and the golden tile slammed through the bone hydrangea, hitting the top of the monster beast's head.

The golden tile has clear edges and corners, and under high-speed impact, it is like a sharp blade, enough to cut the huge body open.

"Baby, blow him away!"

The bald man hurriedly ordered, although monster beast is an extraordinary natural talent, it is still in his infancy and needs his guidance to exert his strength.

“wu wu wu !”

monster beast two dark nostrils, hu hu blowing a gust of wind.

The next moment, the white bone hydrangea suspended in the air, suddenly erupted with white light.

Inside the hollowed-out sphere, skeletons began to grow, staggering and filling the interior space.

"It's so strange!"

The Taoist priest Fubo on the side clicked one's tongue in wonder when he saw it.

These bones were originally leftovers from monster beasts that devoured humans, and are already corpses, but now they are growing like vines.

After the blink of an eye, the bone hydrangea became extremely heavy, and the hollow pattern disappeared, replaced by a heavy pile of white bone balls.

The air-splitting sound is a hundred times stronger than before.

Fang Dou's brows twitched, and the golden tile was instantly knocked away, and the sound of the collision was extremely crisp.

"Fellow Daoist, I'll help you!"

Thousands of veils hang down from the top of the head, like the Willow Tree blowing in the spring breeze, and begin wrapping and wrapping the white bone ball.

The veil of the Taoist priest Fubo is a powerful magic weapon. When the magic power is stimulated, it will continue to grow, and there will be no possibility of extinction.

Although the strength of the white bone ball is fierce, it is deeply trapped in heavy and light yarns, as if it is in a quagmire, and its speed gradually decays.


Fang Dou was shouting out, but he saw the bone ball change suddenly.


The rounded and smooth surface of the sphere suddenly bursts with bone spurs of different thicknesses, like an immortal ball.

These bone spurs easily pierce the veil, and then the ball rotates, stirring the surrounding veil to a pulp.

"What a monster, look at the sword!"

At this time, a group of Lijiang Disciples were already ready to go, their long sword shaking rays of light, and they came to assassinate.

The Lijiang Dao Mai is good at magic swords, Fang Dou has heard about it for a long time, and now he finally sees it.

This Taoist legalist is different from the Flying Sword in Shu. It can be stabbed or chopped in the hand, and driven by the secret art of the left hand, the formidable power is quite large.

One after another sword light, like lightning hitting a bone ball, gradually curbed the raging monster beast.

"Mount Huang Disciple, follow me!"

Hundred zhang waved his staff in his hand, and after reluctant, he started to surround the underwater monster beast and started to attack.

For a time, the Disciples of the two Dao veins surrounded the bald man and the giant Great Demon and attacked each other in cooperation.

As a result, Fang Dou and Taoist Fubo, on the other hand, were idle, put their legs aside, and watched the young Disciple take a shot.

"hundred zhang, you missed it, you brat pay attention!"

"Hey, we are on the river, where did you move the earth and rocks?"

"If you were slower, you'd become monster beast's snack now!"

Fang Dou looked like a hate iron for not becoming steel, constantly pointing out Disciple's mistakes.

Mount Huang Disciples, usually cultivating in the mountains, rarely has the opportunity to fight fiercely, and now finally got the opportunity, the opponent is the mountain-like giant Great Demon beast.

As a result, under the leadership of hundred zhang, many Disciples practiced what they had learned. This one moved the sharp blade under the skin of the monster beast and cut the flesh into a blur. The one who used the wheel-turning method to ram the monster beast back and forth. !

On the other side, when Lijiang Disciple saw competition, they also performed Absolute Art.

The exquisite Sword Art with one hand, cast like a wandering dragon and silver snake, agitating the water vapor into mist, covering the Sun and Moon lost radiance.

"You Taoist people are too careless, more people bully less people!"

The bald man is very angry. If it weren't for the giant beast, how could you be so young? so rampant?

This monster beast, after all, is Hou Yi of the Tianhe Water Demon. Although he is still a minor, he already has many amazing innate talents.

Seeing the crowd besieged, this giant beast huhuhu, hidden under water, opened up with scales, revealing countless acupoints.


Fang Dou bowed his head sharply, seeing the water on the river, boiling water, one after another fist big blisters rushing up.

"Not good, this monster beast is going to be angry!"

He said loudly to Taoist Fubo, "Let Disciples back!"

Taoist Fubo's eyes were like electricity, and when he saw the bottom of the water, something seemed to be flickering.

“Mount Huang Disciple!”

“Lijiang Disciple!”


For a time, sword light was like Raindrops, the Lijiang Disciples flew into the air one after another.

Mount Huang Disciples is to perform the Stealth technique of mountains and rivers, and with the help of the power of water vapor, it can instantly fly to thousands of meters away, or even farther.

At this time, the attack of the giant Great Demon had already pierced the water.

It turns out that this monster beast has an Innate Divine Ability, which is to open acupuncture holes all over the body, swallow the river water around it, and then turn it into an extremely cold arrow.

These sharp arrows pierce in all directions, enough to freeze a radius of 100 miles into ice cubes.

"Not good!"

Fang Dou noticed that countless white dots floated up under the water beneath his feet, accompanied by the freezing cold.

"Danrong Fellow Daoist, be careful!"

Daoist Fubo held a hand, and the veil was spinning, becoming more and more, and instantly turned into a huge cover, blocking his feet of the water.

"Quickly withdraw!"

A layer of white frost appeared on the lid composed of veil, and then there was a cracking sound.


The Taoist priest Fubo turned pale in fright and hurriedly flew into the sky.

Under his feet, the huge lid was cracked and smashed to pieces by the giant Great Demon emerging from the bottom of the water.

This magic weapon was once impacted by countless rotations of the white bone ball, but now it has been completely destroyed by the severe cold.

Fubo Taoist priest flew out more than 100 zhang highs, feeling the coldness a little weaker, and suddenly remembered that Fang Dou hadn't caught up.

"Dan Rong Fellow Daoist, hurry up..."

He turned around and looked, turned pale in fright.

I saw Fang Dou still standing there, extending the hand, wiping the table, casually swiping left and right.

Breaking the ice arrows on the water surface, with the freezing air condensed into white mist, densely packed like a swarm of bees, Fang Dou's body is about to be seen.

However, the space in front of Fang Dou is like the windshield of a car on a rainy day. As soon as the raindrops fall, the wipers will wipe it off.

Frozen arrows and freezing air were isolated ten meters away from Fang Dou.

Within ten feet, any foreign object enters, is waved by Fang Dou's palm, and instantly disappears disappeared without a trace.

“Master, what is this?”

A Disciple from the Lijiang River asked the Taoist priest Fubo softly.

"Mount Huang's secret technique, but the root is the Taoist transfer technique!"

Taoist priest Fubo could see that the disappearing ice arrows and frozen air were all moved by Fang Dou. elsewhere.

The technique of lifting the heavy as if it were light in this hand contains an extremely brilliant cultivation base and attainments.

(end of this chapter)

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