Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 631


Chapter 631 Gathering

The three Dao Sects that initiated the gathering are the top Sects in Taoism.

These people convened the Taoists for the obvious purpose of launching a general attack.

Fang Dou breathes deeply, knowing that this trip has to go.

The curtain is about to open, and no one can stay out of the situation.

The day is coming soon, Fang Dou and Taoist Fubo soon arrived at the meeting place.

"Great generosity!"

In front of them, is a huge palace rising from the ground, solemn, splendorous and majestic.

Fang Dou has seen with his own eyes that the temple was built from nothing in just a few days.

It is said that the Power of Celestial Grotto is hidden in the palace.

This is the background of the top Sect of Taoism, and it is also a means to check and balance the five great formations of Majiao.

"Mount Huang Dao Mai, Lijiang Dao Mai, here!"

At the entrance of the hall, someone had already arrived. After seeing the identity verification of the two, they immediately informed the inside.

After entering the hall, the eyes suddenly opened up, so wide that no walls could be seen.

It's a vast space that feels like stepping into some small Celestial Grotto, where flowers, birds, insects, and fish can be heard, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

"Sure enough, it's Celestial Grotto!"

Taoist Fubo let out a long sigh, "You and my little Celestial Grotto, if you want to upgrade to a genuine Celestial Grotto, you must have Daoist is in charge.”

“But top Sects such as Big Dipper and Wude have already been able to separate the Power of Celestial Grotto, and the Celestial Grotto can be used by Direct Disciple!”

The Celestial Grotto magic weapon, different from the storage ring, is the magic weapon of the highest.

The so-called Celestial Grotto is the abbreviation of 'Heaven and Earth in the hole', which means to reduce Heaven and Earth to the hole.

The magic weapon for storage can only be used to store dead objects. It completely abandons the concept of 'time' and prefers the reinforcement and expansion of 'space'.

The Celestial Grotto magic weapon must have the blessing of Power of Celestial Grotto, which is equivalent to opening a Small World.

Have the Celestial Grotto magic weapon, which is only qualified for the top Sect.

Upgrading a small Celestial Grotto to a Celestial Grotto requires a generation of daoists to preside over, but if you want to achieve the power of Celestial Grotto and refining the Celestial Grotto magic weapon, at least three generations of daoists are required.

It can be seen that the background of Great Sect such as Big Dipper is so deep!

Today's events can be called 'a glimpse into the leopard, one can see it'. Daoist did not show up, only the descendants of various families came forward, and various branches of Taoism Sect came one after another.

"Sorry, there are a few acquaintances over there, let me say hello!"

Taoist Fubo quickly walked away.

On Fang Dou's side, and in the crowd, he found the entire group of Hanging Yinguan.

"Master Ming Gao, Ming Gao Fellow Daoist!"

Ming Gao's entire group, when seeing Fang Dou, was also slightly surprised.

"Fellow Daoist, Dan Rong, you are here too!"

The two sides exchanged greetings and chatted a few things on the road.

Only then did Fang Dou know that Hangyin Guan was actually one of the branches of the Five Virtue Sects, and it was only differentiated from the Five Virtue Sects when he preached across the river.

The five Virtue Sects are rooted in Five Elements Taoism, and their status is equivalent to that of Big Dipper Dao Sect in Star Taoism.

Ming Gao mentioned the five virtues Dao Sect, the surface is like a spring breeze, but there is nothing wrong with it.

But Fang Dou saw something wrong on Ming Xin's face.

Obviously, the hanging seal concept came early and had already had contact with Dao Sect of the Five Virtues, but the result of the contact was very bad.

Thinking about it, it's clear that the top-level Great Sect style is not colored by outsiders, even more how is the concept of hanging seals as a branch.

For example, in some Great Families, the children of concubines are regarded as slave property, and there are examples of killing them behind closed doors.

In the concept of hanging seals, before the five virtues dao sect, was it not a concubine child raised by a little maid?

Fang Dou still wanted to comfort a few words, when he heard Ming Gao apologize and say, "Wude Dao Sect mentioned, I want to take over the issuance of talisman money!"


Fang Dou was shocked. In order to make money, Mount Huang's Taoism and Hanging Yin Guan, how much energy and material resources were spent, have been working hard for many years to get the situation today.

Today's talisman money system has long been deeply implicated in the two families. It is easy to separate them. Once handed over, Mount Huang's Taoism and Hangyin Guan are very likely to go bankrupt.

"Oh, that's right!"

Fang Dou pondered for a moment and said, "Mount Huang Dao Mai and Hangyin Concept, the previous cooperation was very pleasant, if you want to change the partner , it's a little troublesome!"

Mingxi's face immediately showed a sneer, thinking too much, those people don't even let go of the concept of hanging seals, and will you keep your Mount Huang Taoism share?

As expected, Ming Gao pointed out tactfully, "At that time, the people from the Vacuum Dao Sect were also present, what they meant was that they wanted to take over the share of the talisman money from the Mount Huang Dao Mai!"

"Well, I'm afraid Danrong Fellow Daoist still doesn't know that Mount Huang Dao Vessel is a branch of the vacuum Dao Sect."

Fang Dou was stunned, what's the matter?

"Exactly, they are in the name of Main Sect. As a branch, we have no way to refuse!"

Minggao said politely, observing Fang Dou's reaction.

Fang Dou was thinking in his heart, since there is no way to refuse, then why do you tell me what to do? Don't wait for the vacuum Dao Sect to be notified in person, it's just a matter of time.

"Danrong Fellow Daoist, please condolences!"

Ming Gao sighed, "North Dao Sect is powerful, we can only submit to humiliation."

"The most sensible choice right now is this matter. We will go back to the mountain gate as soon as possible to recover the investment and settlement of the issued talisman money."

This suggestion is very rational. Once the northern Dao Sect forcibly reached out, it was all over.

These people eat people without spitting bones, but they won't reason with you.

Fang Dou was shocked and suddenly asked, "Master Minggao, do you really think we can go back?"

As soon as these words came out, Ming Gao and Ming Shi Er The man was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Let me just say, Dan Rong Fellow Daoist is definitely a good partner to talk about!"

Ming Gao's expression instantly became serious, "Yes, we also thought that if you change places The best way is to let Mount Huang and the principal of Hangyinguan fall in this battle."

"In this way, they can take over the talisman money system without hindrance!"


Fang Dou suddenly realized, "In this case, the note in advance should be to test our opinions!"

"If you and I do not agree, I will sacrifice heroically in the future."

"I can't say, there is no chance for heroic sacrifice, but cowardice, execution in the middle, and warn others from following bad examples!"

Fang Dou and Ming Gao, you say what I say. , The opponent's number of ways has been touched thoroughly.

Ming Ning was next to him and couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all. He shook his head and thought, this is the scheming you should have to control a Sect. Seeing the two of them with such an expression, it is obvious that they were well prepared.

"In this case, what do Dan Rong Fellow Daoist think?"

"Promise them!"

Fang Dou said firmly.

Ming Gao didn't object at all, but instead asked, "I thought Danrong Fellow Daoist would be reluctant?"

"It's a fool's way to sacrifice one's life for money! "

Fang Dou hehe said, "This battle is dangerous, save your life first!"

Ming Xin couldn't help but ask, "Even if you can survive, the five virtues and the vacuum , and I have to cross the river to recover the talisman money, what should I do?"

Fang Dou coughed, "It's just a verbal agreement, as long as the witnesses of the two families 'fall', naturally dead men tell no tales!"

"Is that Heaven's Chosen from the two families?" Mingxi asked.

“Heaven's Chosen is also human.”

Fang Dou looked towards Ming Gao, “Master Ming Gao, what do you think?”

Ming Gao frowned , "Dan Rong Fellow Daoist, it makes sense!"

(end of this chapter)

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