Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 638


Chapter 638 Talking About Business

"so that's how it is!"

Southern Dao Sect cultivators, Suddenly realized.

Fang Dou's previous words and deeds were to lead the ruler into the urn and deliberately set up a trap.

After all, when it comes to understanding the Fuqian system, Dao Sect in the north is unmatched, and many do not understand everything.

They are trying to seize the talisman money and loot the accumulation of Dao Sect in the south.

However, Fang Dou remained calm, reminding them that Dao Sect in the south has the ability and the possibility to lay mines in the talisman system.

Today, I can send excessive rune money to hire loose cultivators to die, and tomorrow I can deliver this hidden danger to you as it is.

For a time, the fire virtue of the Five Virtues Dao Sect and the Kong Xuanzi of the Vacuum Dao Sect turned bad.

Obviously, they were fooled. Fang Dou and Ming Gao were far from being as simple as they seemed.

“he he he!”

Someone finally came out to smooth the game, and it was Yuan Tianhe who had been calm just now.

The descendant of the Big Dipper Dao Sect, smiled gently, "At the moment when the enemy is facing the enemy, we Taoists should work together, how can we stick to the distinction between the north and the south?"

"As for the The matter of money is very involved and will be discussed in the future!"

"Let loose cultivators rush into the battle, in addition to hiring, there are other methods!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone All eyes were on Yuan Tianhe.

Fang Dou and Ming Gao looked at each other, this Yuan Tianhe was much more brilliant than Huo De and Kong Xuanzi.

After a few words, he kept calm and dismissed. Hit, it will divert everyone's attention.

The cultivators in Dao Sect in the north and south are all looking at him, waiting for the best of both worlds.

"Everyone knows that loose cultivators are vulgar, they don't know the righteousness of Taoism, they can only be driven by profit!"

"I might as well let the wind out, Guanglin daoist is raging in the world, it has long been After accumulating countless treasures, once the sect is destroyed, all loose cultivators participating in this battle will be able to divide up the relics of the sect!"

Yuan Tianhe said casually, "This is an old routine, but now, It's just as useful!"

Wealth and silk move people's hearts, even more how loose cultivators, once they know the benefits of hemp education, they will try their best to jump on them.

Yuan Tianhe's move shifted the conflict from within Taoism to Ma Instructor, and even found countless enemies for the opponent.

From now on, all loose cultivators who coveted the wealth of the hemp education belong to the Taoist camp.


Fang Dou chewed a few times and sighed, “This current heir of Big Dipper Dao Sect should be the leader of this trip!”

He even suspected that Huo De and Kong Xuanzi's actions were all his gestures to test himself and Ming Gao's reaction.

A moment later, Fang Dou and Ming Gao returned to the southern Dao Sect camp and looked at each other with a fluke look.

It's a pass now, but there will be a time to face it, unless...

Fang Dou originally thought it was just the private attention of Huo De and Kong Xuanzi, now it seems , All three Taoist descendants are suspected.

This is troublesome. According to Fang Dou's plan, only one person, Kong Xuanzi, was killed, but now the number has suddenly increased to three, which is more involved and has a greater impact.

To achieve this goal, even if Taoism wins, it can only be a tragic victory for both sides suffer.

"From now on, we will divide all the Sects present into five directions, and each will be responsible for a large formation!"

"Everyone, if you want to break the formation, you must work with a Common purpose, don't think carefully!"

The three of Yuan Tianhe, tone barely fell, and everyone in the northern Dao Sect cheered and cheered for them.

In this way, Dao Sect in the south can only agree to the situation.

Fortunately, the conditions do not matter. After all, the Dao Sect in the north has a huge potential, and this is also the home field. It is divided into three directions and is responsible for the three adjacent large formations outside the capital.

As for the Sect of Dao Sect in the south, it is divided into two directions and takes over the remaining two large formations.

After this distribution, everyone is discussing how to win over allies and deal with the upcoming war.

Suddenly, someone suddenly asked, "Dare to ask the three, what can Shimen say?"

Until now, the relationship between Taoism and Shimen, Very disappointed.

Shimen will appear whenever Taoism is infested, but these bald heads are very knowledgeable and willing to fight by the side, never stealing the limelight.

Unconsciously, Taoism became the hegemon of the world. Looking around, he found that Shimen, the younger brother, developed in secret and wretched, and also developed an intertwined Great Influence.

Therefore, Taoism has always been vigilant towards Shimen.

Last Buddha's birthday, this time we attacked Majiao.

Everyone in Taoism is well aware that these Shimen bald heads are not someone who is easy to deal with.

In this battle, if the Taoists win, it will be fine. At best, Shimen will just eat the leftovers, but if the Taoist forces are damaged, maybe they will go to a Ma sect, but they will come to a more terrifying one.

Release the door.

This time the whole country rebelled, and the chaotic people all over the country rose up. It belongs to Shimen's strength and evenly matched with Taoism.

Although the high-level Taoists did not show any abnormality, there were already voices inside, questioning the rapid development of Shimen, which has caused a threat.

Now that some people ask questions, it means that Taoists still have some views on Shimen.

"So, when I came here, I also met people from Shimen."

Yuan Tianhe said with a laugh, "I slaughtered a few!"


As soon as these words came out, many Taoists laughed knowingly and followed suit.

"But, we are allies after all, don't hurt the peace."

"At least, we can't hurt until there is no one around, dead men tell no tales. Killer!"

"cough cough!"

Yuan Tianhe continued, "For Shimen, don't worry about it for now, let's break through!"

Speaking of breaking the formation, all the Taoists present, no matter from the south or the north, all showed embarrassment.

"You guys have also seen that the Majiao formation has no weak spots. When deployed, it can engulf a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses!"

"We Manpower, if they attack in sequence, it becomes a meaningless way of fueling tactics!"

"But if one head attacks in, throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea!"

"If you want to break through the formation, you must have a means to make a final decision!"

Yuan Tianhe nodded slightly, and seemed to agree with this statement.

After the Taoist cultivator who spoke, he solemnly nodded, "Don't worry, when the three of us came, the elders of each family had already given magic weapons to break the formation!"

Everyone was refreshed. The elders in Yuan Tianhe's mouth were obviously the daoist seniors of each family.

The magic weapon bestowed by the daoist cannot be regarded as an isolated individual, but as a medium used to communicate with the deity.

In other words, the three Yuan Tianhe, holding magic weapons, are equivalent to the projection of the power of summon daoist.

There are five great formations, and I heard that there are daoists who are esoteric.

All right now, listen to Yuan Tianhe tell this secret, everyone is relaxed.

Fang Dou did not relax, his eyes fell on Yuan Tianhe, Huo De and Kong Xuanzi.

Their magic weapon, the purpose is to break the formation, not reduce casualties, the cultivators in the great hall are too happy.

(end of this chapter)

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