Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 644


Chapter 644 Awakening

"Without Senior Brother Ming, this time I made a mistake, and I'm hurting you!"

In a large formation, the surrounding black wind, thunderbolt, fire cloud, and ice staggered back and forth.

Murderous intentions are intertwined into a net, sifting through the ground back and forth, if a loose cultivator can't dodge in time, die without a whole corpse on the spot.

The infinite cycle, the loose cultivator in the big array, has been killed almost, and the few remaining a fish that escaped the net are also struggling on whilst at death's door, not a climate.

In one corner of the great formation, Yuantong had bare arms, and the monk's robe was burnt to tatters. There were three Rakshasa in front of him, and most of them were scorched black.

Obviously, he's been through a lot of fighting before he's barely survived until now.

But the ignorant monks who traveled with him were much better off.

Although this person is dressed simply, he is still neat and tidy when he has been in the battle for a long time.

Wuming heard the words and shook his head, "Yuantong, it's my original intention to enter the battle, if Wuming has no thoughts, you can say anything you say, and it's impossible to persuade me!"

"Look, although the Formation set up by the Ma sect is careful to kill evil, it is also a virtue to clean up these many loose cultivators!"

Having said this, Wuming closed his eyes, breathes deeply , "As long as we break through the great formation and look for the mahout's nest, we must kill even chicken and dog doesn't remain, Filth Purification!"

Yuantong put his hands together and said nothing.

Getting along with ignorance is not difficult or difficult.

Ignorance is a charming lunatic, who treats people with a gentle and elegant manner, similar to a well-educated Hongru, but his inner thoughts are crazy to the extreme.

The teachings from Guangming Jingshe, the world is a sinking place full of poisonous weeds and evil flowers, and it is necessary for the Buddha to come into the world, illuminating everything with the light of Buddha, and wash away the filth in the world.

At first glance, this teaching seems to be nothing but extreme at best.

Unfortunately, the Buddha enshrined in Guangming Jingshe, aiming to 'purify the world', naturally regards all living beings as the filth produced by the tragic world.

The ultimate purpose of the essence is to sweep the entire world into a state of complete silence.

Just kidding, even if Shimen is devout, it is impossible to allow this to happen. After all, the Buddha is in the Pure Land, and the monks are still in the human world.

Guangming Jingshe has long been marginalized because of its extreme teachings. However, inheritance is constant, and every generation has a genius that has been passed down.

Ignorance is a contemporary descendant. As long as the teachings are not mentioned, he is completely convincing as a contemporary hero.

However, once the teachings were mentioned, the madness in his eyes had reached a level of terrifying calmness.

Every time Yuantong talks to him, he has to Amitabha thousands of times to avoid brainwashing.

It's also because of his good disguise. Ignorance gets along with him, and actually regards Yuantong as a transaction that has been convinced by himself and constantly instills the light in the Jingshe.

This time, apart from Wuming and Yuantong, there is no other Shimen known to everyone.

The two of them were mixed in the loose cultivator and broke into a certain big formation. After watching for a while, they ushered in a thunderous blow from the Majiao.

Yuantong used the 'Infinite Sutras of the Ten Directions' on the spot, but unexpectedly, the deep formation was distorted and the space was distorted.

I had no choice but to release three Rakshasa, relying on them to resist the surrounding killing moves.

Even if Rakshasa is hit by thunder, it will be smashed on the spot, but fortunately, Rakshasa is rooted in Yuantong and can be reborn infinitely, but it can support pillars.

On the other hand, ignorance is much easier than Yuantong.

I saw this young monk, just constantly reciting the scriptures, the essence of the culture of the scriptures around him, and spinning around in the direction of the warp and weft.

In this state, all kinds of ultimate moves in the big formation cannot fall.

And ignorance has also become an anomaly. The loose cultivators around him have perished one after another, but he is the only one who walks around in a garden, spotless.

"Yuantong, didn't expect, in addition to the boundless ten directions, you also cultivate the Six Paths of Reincarnation!"

Ignorance still has time, pointing to Yuantong, "It's just, you I haven't gotten the essence of Six Paths of Reincarnation."

"If you start with Three Evil Roads, you are bound to abandon evil and choose good, but if you can't be evil to the extreme, where will you have the opportunity to be good?"


"I Buddha said, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot!"

"This sentence is easier said than done, if there is an enemy holding a sharp blade in front of you, will you put down the butcher's knife or not? "

"Put down the butcher's knife, become a Buddha in one thought, and enter into extinction in one thought!"

"Your Three Evil Roads are not yet Perfection, far from the point of abandoning evil and turning to good." !"

Yuantong heard the words, every word was beaded, and thought to the bright Jingshe, it is indeed the top Sect in Shimen, although the outside world can't avoid it, but the descendants taught by the internal inheritance have extraordinary eyesight and knowledge. .

"Without Senior Brother Ming, I don't have the inheritance of Six Paths of Reincarnation, I just made a mistake, starting from Beast Dao, first the evil spirits, then hell, I have today's realm!"

The ignorance listened, and then looked at the three Rakshasa, nodded, "You evil ghost and hell, you have several points of Shen Yun."

Yuantong thought, then No, Fang Dou's deity is in the middle of Shu, facing a million evil spirits in Fengdu Mountain, including the Ghost King.

In terms of evil spirits and hell, nothing compares to the transit point of Yin-Yang two sectors, Fengdu Mountain in Shuzhong.

"Although I don't practice Six Paths of Reincarnation, I have several points of experience, I would like to give you a few words!"

Ignorance slowly said, "Abandon evil and follow good, It’s a hurdle.”

“But if you start with Three Good Roads, it’s also a hurdle if you want to abandon the good and go for the evil!”

“And there is a shortcut, if you can I found the same cultivation Six Paths of Reincarnation, but also cultivation Three Good Roads.”

Yuantong couldn’t help but ask, “Could it be to ask him for advice?”

"Of course not!"

Wuming showed a cruel smile, "Killing people and stealing their way, this is an extremely evil deed. The inclusion of Good Roads and, in time, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Great Accomplishment."

"When the time comes, the holy monks hope!"

"Amitabha, really Amitabha!"

Yuantong exclaimed again and again, crazy, really crazy, this is already the idea of the demon path.

Sure enough, Demon Buddha was just a thought.

This ignorance is too dangerous.

This body is just an Avatar differentiated by light shadow money. Even if it falls into the battle, it is nothing.

On the contrary, it is ignorance. It is the body that comes over. Once it falls, it will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

However, Yuantong also knows that with the background of the Bright Jingshe, there must be a backhand behind it, and ignorance will not be dangerous.

Therefore, if you follow ignorance, you are not afraid of dying.

After saying all of this without a clear understanding, he looked like a faint smile, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly, his eyes bulged out, and then he calmed down.

"Hahaha, it's so funny!"

Wuming suddenly laughed and strode, took a few steps, and disappeared in front of Yuantong.

He's just... gone.

Yuantong reacted and was about to catch up, didn't expect Wuming didn't wait for him, and disappeared in front of him in a few steps.

"It's over!"

Yuantong felt desperate, watching the black wind swirling all around, the thunderbolt hanging densely packed above his head, the fireballs floating everywhere in the wind, and the ground was long gone. Formed into ice.

The three Rakshasa had a miserable image, but he wanted to preserve his strength and did not care about healing them.

How long will it last?

(end of this chapter)

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