Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 653


Chapter 653 Shade you

Outside the capital, there are five great formations, two of which have been destroyed.

The other three, on Kong Xuanzi's side, are driving Fang Dou to break the formation.

For the remaining two, Huo De and Yuan Tianhe, who had already made meritorious deeds, continued to name Sect, and they stepped forward one by one to consume the great potential of the formation, waiting for the opportunity to use the order to break the formation.

The cultivators who survived the battle were rescued by their comrades. They were given medicine pills and ointments to heal their wounds. Although they were still in shock, they were still concerned about the situation of the battle.

The rest of the Taoist Sects also stared at the big formation and observed the situation.

A lot of people frowned upon hearing Kong Xuanzi's urging, which was too inhumane.

Everyone knows that if it is not the three heirs who hold the order to break the formation, the general Sect will enter the battle, or they will die and take their lives to fill the battle. He didn't die fast enough, and he had to urge him again and again. In the eyes of everyone, he was simply mean and unkind.

After hearing this, Dan Dao fusion slowly raised his hand and said to hundred zhang and the others behind him, "Without distracting thoughts, concentrate on performing the 'Little Cloud Mist Technique', no matter how dangerous it is, don't lose one's head out of fear!"

hundred zhangect nods, knowing that Martial Uncle has to use his means, his biggest task is to lead the same s Junior Brothers to stabilize the situation.

"The sky turns around, and it's completed in one qi!"

Dan Dao fusion raised his arms, exhaled white air from his nose and mouth, and circled around him.

Hundred zhang and other Disciples behind him started to cast spells one after another, and a large cloud of mist rose from their feet.

"What is he doing?"

Some people in the outside world speculate privately that this is the secret technique of Mount Huang's Taoism.

Kong Xuanzi, as the successor of the vacuum Dao Sect, should have a clear understanding of the number of branches.

However, after Mount Huang's Taoism crossed the river, it was combined with local folklore and witchcraft.

even more how, the Mount Huang Taoism of Dan Dao fusion scholar cultivation is actually integrated into Fang Dou's own spell, and even hundred zhang can't see it.

From the outside, I saw the clouds and mist around the entire group, which became thicker and thicker, and a large cloud and mist fell, submerging the outlines of Dan Rong and the others.

"Start the attack, Astral Fiend strikes together!"

Fang Dou gave an order and waved his flag a few times.

The members of the Majiao religion below, although they have complaints, also know that this order is quite satisfactory, and there is no excuse for resistance.

even more how, Guanglin daoist watched from behind, if anyone dares outward devotion but inner opposition, be careful to be killed.

As a result, flags fluttered, high platforms rolled, Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend appeared, blending with each other, bursting out endless murderous intentions.

The black wind curled and fell into the clouds.

It is strange to say that the black wind is so powerful that it can melt even gold and stone, but after entering the cloud, it turns from black to gray, and then gradually dissipates from gray.

The black wind that has become terror-stricken at the news has been eliminated.

A thunderstorm sounded in the air, and the thunderbolts fell like raindrops.

Thunderbolt is also very difficult to deal with in the big array, dense as raindrops, and destructive power is also very terrifying.

Seeing that, the thunderbolts fell one after another, and the impact caused clouds and mists to emerge into the densely packed pit, and it was about to be pierced.

However, a mantra sounded from the clouds.

A large cloud of fog curled up like a quilt, wrapping the heavenly thunder.

A moment later, the cloud and mist dissipated, and the thunderbolt disappeared.

The great formation changed again, the fist-sized fireball, like the flower bones about to bloom, the ice turned into frost flowers and ice trees, falling from the sky and growing from the ground.

The essence of clouds and mists is water, which should have been frozen, but unexpectedly, large clouds and mists remained ethereal and varied.

The confrontation in the formation turned out to be a stalemate.

Time passed bit by bit, two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

This is beyond everyone's expectations, didn't expect Mount Huang's Taoism is so powerful!

The horror of the Majiao formation is obvious to all. It is as strong as Mingyu, and it can only attack with full strength before death, causing heavy damage to the formation.

However, at the moment, Dan Dao fusion led Direct Disciple, and the defense was tight.

South Dao Sect entire group, clicking one's tongue in wonder, it is worthy of being Danrong, and Mingyi evenly matched existence.

Ming Yu has a strong personality, and with a desperate blow, the big formation will be severely damaged.

On the contrary, Dan Rong, deep and unmeasurable, keeps the air tight, and even the mahout's great array of ultimate moves can't be shaken.

Kong Xuanzi couldn't sit still. According to his expectations, it should be both sides suffering from Dan Rong and the big formation, and then he held the breaking order to clean up the mess.

However, at the moment, Dan Rong is in a defensive posture, and the timing is unclear.

This was not his intention.

With the performance of Dan Dao fusion, it is obvious that the strength is not under the Ming Dynasty.

Kong Xuanzi saw Yuan Tianhe and Huo De make contributions one after another, but he still failed to open up the situation.

In desperation, Kong Xuanzi said angrily, "Dan Rong, if you slack off again and again, be careful and I will punish you!"

The implication was that he wanted to urge Dan Rong to take the initiative strike.

On the Dao Sect side in the south, there was resentment all over for a while, and the whispers became louder and louder.

Kong Xuanzi turned a deaf ear, staring at the clouds and mist in the great formation, "I know you can hear it, so hurry up and attack now."

Many of Dao Sect's comrades in the south, I shouted in my heart, "Don't be stupid, take the initiative to attack is to die!"

The clouds and mists violently tossed up, and from overhead, a dozen black wind columns as thick as water tanks fell, thundering raindrops follow closely from behind , together with fire and ice.

When these ultimate moves appeared, everyone thought it was the Majiao attacking again.

If Dan Rong leaves the cloud defense and takes the initiative to attack, there will be mortal danger, and the passage door of the southern Dao Sect is all sweaty.

However, next moment, everyone found something wrong.

In the past, the ultimate move was inward, but now it is outward, and began to attack the main body of the formation.

"I understand, this is the 'cloud and mist' of Mount Huang's Taoism?"

Some people are familiar with Songzhu and have seen this spell's formidable power, and they naturally associate it. stand up.

This move absorbs the ultimate move and then releases it, isn't it the 'little cloud and fog movement' of Mount Huang's Taoism?

But next moment, someone secretly cursed.

How can such a huge momentum be called 'small'?

The ultimate move in the big formation is hard to stop even if a Taoist cultivator tries his best, but under the magic of Dan Dao fusion, he can bounce out and attack the big formation itself.

For a time, the great formation shook, and the formidable power of Astral Fiend's combined attack began to roll backwards.

Above the high platform, Fang Dou was ready, and waved the small flag, so that the members of the Majiao holding the flag took the initiative to take the initiative.

The members of the Majiao religion, although not far away, did not lose their lives until Fang Dou made this order.

As a result, many Majiao members retreated to the high platform and took advantage of the heavenly astral qi flow to hide.


As soon as the members of the formation retreated, the entire formation began to turmoil. From the outside, it seemed that it was counterattacked by Dan Rong, which damaged the foundation.

According to the situation of the first two teams, at this time, it is time for Kong Xuanzi to end and break the Formation.

However, Kong Xuanzi hesitated, and now the great formation is shaken, but the clouds and fog have not dispersed, and the Dan dao fusion scholar has not fallen.

He didn't forget that the daoist handed over the order to break the formation and instructed him, "The order to break the formation requires blood sacrifice to be effective!"

If Without the blood of Dan Rong, is it impossible?

(end of this chapter)

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