Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 882


Chapter 882 After the meeting

Suddenly, the old man next to him said suddenly.

"The Taoist seed of the rice religion is indeed unique. If I give me enough time, I will be able to cultivate the supreme high-yield rice in the world."

"The new rice is drought tolerant and drought tolerant. High yield and insect resistance, the yield is dozens or even hundreds of times that of the previous one!"

"Once the new rice is put into production, there will be no famine in the world!"

The old farmer He looks like a cultivator, his face is full of hopeful rays of light, and he obviously sincerely hopes that the farm will be successful.

Fang Dou noticed, however, that Feng Chen daoist and Yum Saint Monk, whose expressions remained the same from beginning to end, obviously did not take it to heart.

Emperor Meishan said, "If Tian Laozhang can really do this, he will be truly worthy of immeasurable merit, and the people of the world will be deeply grateful!"

This sentence goes against his heart, but in fact He also knows that if there is not enough food, 90% of it is a man-made disaster, and the remaining 10% is a natural disaster.

Regardless of floods, insect disasters, or droughts, once the food production is reduced and the news spreads, the people at the bottom will panic, high-power households will hoard, and unscrupulous profiteers will raise their prices on the ground.

There are always more corrupt officials than innocent officials in the Imperial Court.

As a result, most of the relief food in the Imperial Court was delivered to the food warehouse, and only an insignificant amount was distributed, but it was not enough to feed thousands of victims.

Every year, grains are moldy and rotten, and correspondingly, people starve to death every year. How can it be so easy to explain the relationship between them.

The few people present are all good people, they know the truth, and now they have to rely on Tian old man to do things, and they can't bear to pierce his illusions.

Fang Dou, however, has great respect for people like Tian old man. People who can take ordinary people seriously will never be a bastard who ignores human life.

Later, you can socialize with him more.

The meeting continued, and the next step is to enrich the details of the three companies.

Fang Dou's audition was a great reward, and he realized that there is a big gap between himself and the real boss.

Fang Dou is absolutely not afraid of fighting with hands, but when it comes to the general trend of the world and allocating resources from all sides, these have to be in the top position and develop the corresponding vision and skills, but it is much more difficult.

The three big guys in front of you are the best, and they are indeed great characters who subvert the situation.

Fang Dou also knew that in terms of identity, he was absolutely not eligible to participate.

Gong Meishan brought him here because he valued his ability and needed to check and balance the strength of the other two.

A Fang Dou can compete with an old Sword Immortal, and now standing on the side of Imperial Court, he must be referred to when talking about many things, and the arrogance of Taoism and Shimen has been restrained a lot.

In addition, this time plot against each other's schools will require a few fierce battles, and it is exactly the need for a brave and brave character like Fang Dou.

As expected, the individual finally mentioned Fang Dou's name.

"Fang Sword Immortal, you should stay here for now, don't go out for now!"

Fang Dou looked towards Duke Meishan, waiting for the other party to explain.

"Come on, let's play a full set, and let the enemy believe that this is where our lifeline is!"

Fang Dou, as Sword Immortal, is the killing of the Imperial Court One of the moves has been transferred to guard, isn't it obvious enough!

"Secondly, in the future, the enemy will enter the Internet, and the enemy who will be committed in the future will need to be wiped out. If you are not in charge, it will be difficult to finish the battle in one battle!"

This plot against, Taoism, Shimen To unite with the famous three parties, many powerful people will inevitably be dispatched.

But among the three, the only one who lacked the final word like Fang Dou.

After all, the extensive planning and use of resources this time is unprecedented.

If it is not possible to wipe out all the schools of thought committed in the future, the loss will be too great.

Therefore, Fang Dou must be in charge to stop the opponent's desperate counterattack, or even sacrifice his companions to escape.


Fang Dou finally knew that he was destined to be a thug.

"Fang Sword Immortal, you don't need to do it in the early stage, but later, when the chance of victory appears, you need to trouble you to do it!"

Fang Dou thought about it, nodded agreed, he could Not afraid to plot against .

"That's great!"

The three families all smiled, Fang Dou's immortal sword benefit, even they didn't want to face it, it was very comfortable to face the enemy this time.

Fang Dou understood that the prophecy of Baizi's return put a lot of pressure on the three families.

This unprecedented joint, huge scale, is actually a rare alliance of three.

Normally, Shimen acted in a low-key manner and never interfered with the situation, while the famous teacher was in charge of the Imperial Court and would not participate in other matters.

But now, in order to destroy the many schools of revival, the three schools have begun to join forces.

What kind of changes will the return of Baizi bring to the future pattern?

The memories came to an end soon, and the three families left, but Fang Dou stayed.

It is conceivable that Fang Dou stayed here to guard, the effect should be earthquake level.

A sword cultivator guards the place. It is said that there is an entrance to the Immortal Realm, and there are definitely a lot of people who believe it.

Tian old man is a standard technician and is not good at social interaction. After nodding to Fang Dou, he will leave with Disciple.

Fang Dou left him, "Tian senior, can you tell me what is so outstanding about these rice grains?"

Mentioning these apples of one's eye, Tian The old man has a lot to say.

It turned out that since the Imperial Court traded with Mijiao and obtained a portion of the rice, it began to be arranged.

Although Tian old man is a member of the farm family, he has different aspirations from the old farm man. He farms in his hometown and practices the purpose of the farm family. Outsiders see him as an ordinary old farmer, but they will not find him. Comparable to daoist skills.

Originally, the Imperial Court repeatedly invited him to return to preside over the overall situation, but he was rejected by Tian old man.

Until this batch of seeds appeared, Tian old man saw the opportunity and agreed to come to preside over the field affairs.

"Mijiao is located in the southwest and is rich in products. The wizards used exotic flowers and rare herbs to hybridize with the female parent of spirit wood in an attempt to increase the content of spirit rice. This is actually neglect the root and pursue the tip. Behavior!"

"Rice is for people to eat. If you can't fill your stomach, why do you need to farm!"

"So, old man, my direction is to try to increase the output as much as possible. And increase the ability to resist disasters!"

Here, Tian old man sighed, "The seeds obtained by Imperial Court have been planted for many generations, and they are of little value!"

"If you can get the mother of the Mijiao collection, you will have a better chance of success!"

He knew that he could only talk about it. .

Fang Dou took out a bag of rice and handed it to the old man Tian, "Tian senior, look!"

"This is the mother parent, where did you come from?"

Tian old man opened it and was ecstatic.

"Grab it!"

Succinct and concise, Tian old man believed it.

“Remember, give me a share of what you plant!”

Fang Dou didn’t forget to ask for benefits. This is an investment, not a free gift.

Midou at most guarantees that the quality of spirit rice will not decrease, but it cannot improve the quality. It was only when Fang Dou met an old man today that Fang Dou came up with the idea of excellent spirit transformation rice.

(end of this chapter)

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