Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 886


Chapter 886 Individual plans

A shop somewhere in the capital.

After the people rioted, the Boss couldn't wait to open the door just after the storm subsided.

The neighbors are all in good shape, and the businessmen stop talking.

After a busy day, the Boss closes the door and returns home to count the money.

Among the many odds and ends, a red note stands out.

red means urgent, top-secret documents, even if the entire line is sacrificed, they must be sent out as soon as possible.

The Boss became nervous when he saw the red note, and hurriedly walked to the backyard and proposed a cage covered with black cloth.

A moment later, seven or eight rats, chirping zhi zhi, began to flee through the underground waterway of the capital.

Their original belly position, stitched to the same color leather with naked eyes, hides important information.

After a few days, only one mouse, riddled with scars, crossed most of the territory, and finally reached the new emperor's territory.

The local Splendid Messenger branch, after receiving the news, will deal with special affairs and immediately deliver it to the boss.

Cai Feng Family took the news and immediately found Boss Yin, "Look!"

The news detailed the process of the rioters attacking the fields.

"Loyalty to the liver and righteousness!"

Boss Yin couldn't help sighing when he saw Zheng Qingtian's actions.

"It's been clear, this is indeed an important land for farming!"

"That old man, the head of a contemporary farm family, is now colluding with famous religions, soldiers and peasants. Unity, it's true!"

"Wait! "

Cai Feng Family pointed out the omissions in the news, "I heard that Fang Dou was guarding the farmland, why hasn't he appeared?"

This time, the Splendid messenger secretly provoked and spread rumors, it can be said The pen of God.

If Zheng Qingtian didn't sacrifice himself in the end, the people alone would be enough to burn the rice fields to the ground.

However, the rumored Sword Immortal Fang Dou never showed up.

"Don't you understand yet?"

Boss Yin analyzed, "The information we can see is leaked by the other party on purpose!"

"Trifling a group of rioters, how many secrets can they extract?"

"On the contrary, Fang Dou didn't show up, which further verified my thoughts. He must have something more important to guard!"

Cai Feng Family's eyes lit up, "Boss Yin, your angle is so tricky!"

"That's right, if you can't destroy the Imperial Court plot, it will be difficult to restore the situation in the future!"

The boss of Yin Dynasty adopted the Feng Family nomination, "You go over with me, visit the Holy Soldier together, and persuade him to lead the troops to cooperate!"


"The envoy, Not some time ago, they've all been wiped out!"

Fang Dou returned from the Meishan Public Office when he heard that there was a change in the Tuntian, so he rushed back on the spot.

Tian old man and Disciple are all fine, but look a little frustrated.

Fang Dou was also touched when he heard about Zheng Qingtian's deeds.

Zheng Qingtian is so strong and strong that he can be regarded as an authentic Disciple. It is no wonder that when he saw Duke Meishan recently, his brow was a little sad.

Fang Dou was also a little puzzled after hearing that there were signs of incitement by the Splendid messenger behind this incident.

Since the last currency war, Imperial Court has suffered heavy losses, and has to seek help from Taoists, stabilize prices with talisman money, and then restore the credit of orthodox Tongbao step by step.

After the incident, Imperial Court decided to settle the account after the fall, and pull up by the roots of Splendid Messenger's espionage network.

It is said that at that time, everyone in the famous sect was in a cold sweat.

"With or without the help of the mathematicians in the new camp, the empty talkers are eloquent, they can persuade loyal ministers to betray, and the dreamers are good at weaving beautiful dreams and tempting people to change!"

"In addition, Money bribes, privacy threats, and many unexpected characters have also been betrayed one after another!”

“This resurgence is also a repeat of the same old tricks, which caught everyone off guard!”

Fang Dou Hearing the applause and applauding, such a high-level spy war can be called a wonderful sentence.

It's no wonder that on his way back, he saw many officers and soldiers searching every house and beheading spies one by one.

It turns out that the Imperial Court also came back to his senses. From this turmoil, it can be seen that the Splendid Messenger has returned in a swirl of dust and is about to kill it.

Tian old man stared at the blood-stained land and muttered to himself, "I heard that the blood of loyal ministers will turn into jasper!"

"The land under Zheng Qingtian's feet, Why is it still like this?"

Fang Dou kindly reminded him, "That is a legend, it may take many years!"

Tian old man sighed, "Fang Sword Immortal, in fact, I don't blame those people, they were too scared, so they were incited!"

"Tian senior, the Imperial Court heard your last words and decided not to hold those people accountable, and they all rushed back to their respective places. At home, there is also a settlement after the fall!"

Tian old man nodded heavily, "The speed is still too slow, the people can't wait!"

He turned to Disciples and ordered, " Please bring out the Shennong whip!"

After a while, they opened the altar to worship, and asked for a green whip.

Fang Dou recognized at a glance that it was one of the two parts that was broken in the past, and it belonged to the remnants of Shennong's whip.

It turned out that after the death of the old man, the broken whip could not be repaired after all. One part of the whip was lost, and the rest was in the hands of the old man.

Previously cultivated rice seeds, Tian old man performed farm secret techniques, but he was reluctant to use sect protecting treasure.

Now, touched by Zheng Qingtian's sacrifice, he began to ask for this treasure.

Fang Dou suddenly thought, if this scene is also from someone plot against!

Perhaps, some people knew Tian's old man's temperament well and stimulated him to take out the Shennong whip.

If the heart is so dark, what hope is there for the future?

Tian old man took out the Shennong whip, began to sow rice, and divided it into several pieces for testing.

From sowing to flowering and heading, there are three whips in total.

The first whip, the rice breaks the husk and germinates, and green rice seedlings grow.

In the second whip, the rice seedlings grow vigorously and finally bloom pale yellow rice flowers.

The third whip, and the most important whip, is the heading, grain filling, and finally full rice.

In the blink of an eye, all kinds of rice grains grew out of several experimental fields.

Shennong whip is really powerful, it can stimulate the strange characteristics of spirit rice, moved towards different branches to grow out.

The paddy in these fields, some increase the yield, some enhance Spiritual Qi, and some produce a strange aroma, which is specially designed to drive the insect away.

"Sure enough, only farmers are good at cultivating spirit seeds!"

Fang Dou rubbed his hands together, and in a short while, spirit rice was bringing forth the new through the old, There are several different directions.

“Master, please see!”

Disciples pick off the ears of rice and put them on wooden trays for the old man to study.

He is for high yields, and other crotchety varieties are naturally dismissive, but Fang Dou can't ask for it.

After the old man's research, the remaining rice is naturally used to repay the interest of the previously borrowed seeds according to the schedule.

Fang Dou collects the rice one after another into the rice bucket.

A strange scene happened. Different types of rice entered the rice bucket, and the original white rice ocean rolled up and separated into different areas.

As for the appearance of rice buckets, the reliefs of rice trees began to emerge.

(end of this chapter)

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