Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 911


Chapter 911 Indiscriminate between enemy and mine

"Boss Yin, is this the formidable power of the Fire Dragon urn?"

The school daoist beside Boss Yin couldn't help sighing when he saw the magnificent scene of Kowloon.

Such a massive and rapid attack finally gave them a chance to breathe.

But then, he realized that something was wrong. Back then, when the freshmen camp saw the magic weapon of drills, he had never seen such a scene.

"Why do I remember, it seems that there are only two Fire Dragons?"

Boss Yin thought for a moment and gave a reasonable explanation, "Fire Dragons are originally made of essence, maybe they can Divided into nine pieces, it is an intangible thing, and the number does not make much sense!"

The school daoist nods, "It makes sense, but this formidable power..."

This time, Lian Yin The boss couldn't explain it, and suddenly his eyes lit up and saw the whereabouts of Cai Feng Family and the others.

“Boss Yin.”

The original encirclement has now been broken, and it was messed up by Fire Dragon.

A few people from the Feng Family easily broke into it, looked around all around, still a little unbelievable, all of these were done by themselves?

Wait to meet with Mr. Yin, and face the question of one after another.

"Fire Dragon urn, why is it so formidable power?"

"How did you refine this treasure?"

"Split nine Fire Dragon , how is this done?"

Cai Feng Family was extremely embarrassed, and after a few mouthfuls, he found that he couldn't answer a question.

So, he gave an explanation that seems right but actually isn't.

"Boss Yin, I heard that all natural phenomena happened after they used Fire Dragon urn, refining Sword Immortal Fang Dou!"

When Boss Yin heard this, he was nodded again and again. , "That's right!"

"I heard that Ancient Era, the soldier has a Divine Weapon released, and every time he sacrifices a life!"

"This time, the soldier, Why did you agree to cooperate when you heard that the Sword Immortal was going to be dealt with?"

"There is also a koan!"

"Ancient Era, Innate Sword Immortal needs a sacrifice to gain the Tao. Immortal Sword, he found the Jin Family!”

“The Jin Family Ancestor Master also wanted to gain the Tao, so he put forward a condition that after casting the fairy sword, Sword Immortal will protect the Tao for him!”

"Innate Sword Immortal agreed, Ye Jin Family Ancestor Master made the world's first immortal sword for him, and just established the Sword Immortal technique of cultivation in the future!"

"In order to bring out the immortal sword, Ye Jin The Family Ancestor Master sacrificed his wife and sacrificed to the fire, and then he succeeded!"

"After paying such a huge sacrifice, Jin Family Ancestor Master wanted to gain the Way, but was rejected by Innate Sword Immortal, and then he hated it. Finally!"

"So, the Jin Family hates Sword Immortal the most!"

After saying the past, Boss Yin was amazed again and again, "This is the suffering of the Jin Family. Be careful, he is afraid that we will not work hard, and the magic weapon is deliberately sealed with true formidable power. Only by refining Sword Immortal Fang Dou with this treasure can we exert the true formidable power of the nine Fire Dragons!”

Feng Family heard suddenly enlightened, "Boss Yin, you are really Deity!"

In the urn, Fang Dou laughed and said, "senior, hurry up. Shield the sound, I can't hear the joke, and my stomach bursts just listening to it! "

These brain supplement experts and Dihua experts are too cola!

Remnant Soul is not angry, "This blow consumes too much, and it will be gone later!" "

Fang Dou> nods

, "Okay, then we take the opportunity to get out!" "

"Well, don't you follow me?" "

Remnant Soul is a bit strange, how can you stir up the situation if you don't follow which side?

Fang Dou explained, "After today, the new camp will definitely have a great injury, and we have If it spoils the situation, the three families will surely suffer heavy casualties! ”

“The magic weapon of Fire Dragon urn will be famous all over the world in the future!” "

"If you pretend to be strong enough, you naturally have to withdraw under the attention of thousands of people, in order to have the effect of endless aftertaste!" "

"Listen to me, that's right!" "

Remnant Soul thought for a while, "Yes, but you have enough Pure Yang Pill!" "


Feng Family was filming flattery, and suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly reminded, "Boss Yin, we should withdraw!" "

The daoist school next to me is not clear. So, the new force has just arrived, and I expect you to make a comeback. Why do you want to escape?

Boss Yin also doesn't understand, looking towards Cai Feng Family.

"Boss Yin, although the Fire Dragon urn is strong, we cannot fully control it, especially when the Nine Dragons come together, it is beyond the scope of our ability! "

"I'm only afraid that this blow in front of me will cause heavy casualties on both sides, regardless of the enemy or me!" ”

They are at the edge of the Fire Dragon, and they can clearly see the scene inside the arena.

The nine dragons come out together, dyeing the air red, and running everywhere The fleeing daoist holy monk, turned into various streamers, walked around in the twisted air.

Occasionally, a figure appeared, stuck and burned by the flame, hu hu shuttled, and finally burned into coke Or ashes.

The many people of Taoism, Shimen and Mingjiao have been affected by the largest number, and they have been burned miserably.

There are also lucky people who are directly killed by pure Yang Fire hit the hit and didn't suffer much, so he flew ash annihilation on the spot.

However, the daoists of the freshmen camp couldn't escape!

Fire doesn't have eyes, so naturally they treat them equally. , it really burns anything.

There is a school of daoist, the enemy was caught in the flames a moment ago, and he is still lucky to lose it, and the next moment he is also burned.

He is strong Enduring the pain of burning his body, he shouted loudly, "Feng Family, you son of a bitch, attack when you see it! "

The yelling and scolding spread far across the battlefield and reached everyone's ears.

Cai Feng Family was embarrassed and explained, "I can't control it! "

Yin boss nodded, very understanding, if such a powerful force can be controlled and tamed, the current leader of the hundred families should not be him, but the Feng Family.

The two sides are entangled on the battlefield, and there is no distinction between each other. It is normal for accidental injuries.

Furthermore, this attack caused the most damage to the three families.

"Feng Feng" Family, take this opportunity to teach the three families a lesson! ”

The Boss Yin is the backbone of everyone, and with a few words, the military’s heart will be stabilized.

Not far away, the Fengchen daoist, the holy monk of Yusheng, saw the Jiutiao Fire Dragon raging and burning continuously. The daoists and holy monks in the killing sect were also sighing constantly.

Even with their realm, they would not dare to face the pure Yang Fire.

"That's all, this poor monk brings Half a cup of water is what Bodhisattva uses to wash the lotus roots! ”

“This water may be able to suppress pure Yang Fire for a moment or three!” "

The holy monk of Yum nodded, took out the white porcelain tea cup from the cuff, with a painful expression on his face.

Fengchen daoist took off his daoist robe, "I can't let you contribute in vain, My water and fire daoist robe can increase your spiritual water formidable power by a hundred times. "

After the two finished speaking, they all looked towards the famous sect master, waiting for him to take out the treasure.

The famous sect master stroked his long beard and sighed, "There is a junior in my famous sect." , named Yuan Yangzheng, with the Supreme Treasure of wolfberry in his arms, alerting the red line, but unfortunately he didn't bring it, if he were present, he would definitely restrain Fire Dragon and stop him from doing evil! "

I didn't bring you what to say?

Fengchen daoist and Yum holy monk, just about to join forces, suddenly changed their expressions.

Nine Fire Dragon horizontal Through the battlefield, the burning screams all the way, and now it is aimed at them.

The intention is self-evident. Instead laugh, wow, I don't bother you, but you take the initiative to send it to your door?

(end of this chapter)

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