Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 923


Chapter 923 Before the Five Passes

The two Imperial Courts, the orthodox and the freshmen, currently occupy half of the country. Start a back and forth tug of war.

Once upon a time, the orthodox Imperial Court was still the unique and unmatched Imperial Court. In the imperial decree, the new generation was reprimanded as a pseudo-regime.

However, as the opponents attacked the city, their strength became stronger and stronger, and the advantages of the central Imperial Court disappeared one by one.

Up to now, both the enemy and the enemy are considered to be evenly matched.

The battle situation, from the eradication of the rebellion at the beginning, to the struggle for the world now, can be described as a step-by-step retreat.

Fortunately, the famous coaches compiled and trained the army and trained the famous generals by themselves, finally making up for the disadvantage of the army.

However, as the opponent recruited the Monster King Monster General from all over the world, and recruited a large number of monster troops, they gained the upper hand again.

Compared to mortals, the demons of cultivation success have greater advantages in fleshy body, and generally master one or two spells.

Although the soldiers and horses of the orthodox Imperial Court have recovered from the shock of seeing the monster for the first time, their morale has been greatly damaged, and they are still losing more than winning when they encounter the Demon Soldier Monster General.

The Confucian generals who commanded the army, seeing that they were at a disadvantage, even though they had countless strategies in their minds, they could not use them.

Nowadays, they have shrunk their forces into five major hurdles, firmly holding the border.

The so-called border line is not only limited to five levels, but also around the level, all around, built large and small camps, and the number of soldiers stationed varies.

Countless camps, as numerous as stars, play the role of complimenting the levels. They are connected with each other and are the key factor to fill the boundary line.

"Report, another 3,000-strong Dazhai was broken in the north, and no one was spared from the leadership of the army!" to bad news.

It was the other's Demon Soldier Monster General who joined forces to break through the camp.

The bad news is yet to come.

"The city is running out of food and grass, and it's only enough to support half a month!"

The general didn't reprimand his subordinates, he really knew there was nothing he could do.

The rear of the Imperial Court did not slack off. Grain and grass were collected from all over the place and piled up into mountains in the warehouse, but they could not be transported.

The soldiers and horses of the Imperial Court have fought so hard by the level, even more how to fight with each other in the field.

In the new camp, whether it is the elite led by the strategists or the newly incorporated Demon Soldier Monster General, they all surpassed the Imperial Court soldiers and horses in the field.

Although they couldn't conquer the five levels, they were able to sweep all around, and the robbery and food transport team completely besieged the five levels into an isolated island.

It even bleeds the Imperial Court army with blunt knives.

It should be noted that the camps around the level, in addition to the role of guard, can also transfuse blood to the level at critical moments to transport food and soldiers.

But I heard it just now, the new camp is scattered and attacked various camps, pulling out the forces of the Imperial Court army one by one.

Such a brilliant strategic deployment is worthy of being a strategist!

The Confucian general sighs that it is not as good as it is. This is already a strategic plan, creating a general trend to overwhelm you, so that you can watch yourself bleed and die of weakness.

"When will the reinforcements and provisions of the Imperial Court arrive?"

The Confucian general sighed, turned around and looked towards the level, a tall bamboo pole poked on the ground, and the air-dried head hung on the ground. On the top, the wind slowly rippling, hitting the bamboo poles from time to time.

The owner of the head is his best friend, De Liuyi.

Once upon a time, people all over the world misunderstood him, believing that he betrayed the famous religion and turned to the enemy.

But now I know that De Liuyi is a dead world. Under his instigation, the daoist school of the freshmen camp was dispatched and fell into the trap set by the three schools. Only then did the Beijing War.

If it hadn't been for the intervention of the strategists, the daoist school led by Boss Yin would have succeeded already.

“The sky has no eyes!”

The Confucian general looked at the human head again. He had been exposed to the sun and pecked by birds for many days.

The freshmen camp suffered a lot and lost most of their staff. The first thing they did after their return was to kill De Liuyi.

Later, they found out that De Liuyi and the guard of this pass were old acquaintances and deliberately hung the head high to lure him out.

Although the Confucian generals were grieved and angry, they knew that the generals would not be easy to anger and raise troops.

"Virtue six arts, and will earn the remaining eye, watch my famous sect destroy the rebellion, and make a name for you!"

Although the famous sect, and the legend When the truth is revealed, it is certain that De Liuyi did not defect, but obeyed the arrangement of the undercover locals.

Yes, but there is still no official announcement to the world.

The Confucian general turned around, the background was a bit bleak, and he walked down the city step by step.

"Send orders from all over the place, and strictly guard this place. If the enemy has any changes, report it immediately!"

"General, the Imperial Court envoy is here!"

When he saw the envoy, brows frowned came and asked, "Are you the Imperial Court envoy?"

The breath of the visitor is a little gloomy, and most of them are wizards, nodded with a smile, "Not bad!"

"I'm here to deliver food and grass!"

The Confucian general looked towards Behind him, "you are the only one, what about the Master's leg strength?"

The army has set up a transport battalion.

Wu Shanyun came alone and said that he had brought food and grass, which made the Confucian general a little suspicious.

“Wu Shanyun, are you from the Southwest Rice Religion?”

The Confucian general reacted. In the Imperial Court, he had seen in the document that in the southwest, there are many townships. The old foolish people joined the religion, respected the rice witch, and called it the rice religion.

From the standpoint of Mingjiao, the Mijiao is a cult, and it is the opponent that the Imperial Court has vigorously attacked.

This is absurd. The cult recognized by the Imperial Court actually entered the military camp, saying that it was here to deliver food and grass.

"Take it down for me, and torture me carefully, is it a spy?"

The Confucian general even suspected that Mijiao colluded with the other party to earn his level.

Wushan Yun laughed, "Misunderstanding!"

The cuffs rolled, and the soldiers who were on guard immediately soared into the clouds and mounted the mists, and disappeared without a trace.


The Confucian general was furious, about to break out the famous cultivation base, and suddenly saw the other party take out a scroll of handwriting.

"This is the handwriting of the Duke of Meishan, please tell the truth!"

After reading the handwritten manuscript, the Confucian general was shocked. It turned out that Wushanyun was indeed sent by the Imperial Court.

The Imperial Court secretly cooperated with Mijiao and borrowed a batch of food and grass to solve the urgent need.

"Dare to ask, where did the food and grass you bring come from?"

Wu Shanyun pointed to the top of his head, "From the sky!"

In the city The soldiers suddenly saw white dots falling from the sky, making a fine sound when they hit the ground, and immediately shouted, "It's raining!"

Immediately found out that it was raining, and rice was clearly falling.

one after another rice grains, like raindrops falling from the sky, slammed on the ground.

This is good food, and many people reacted and took out the clay pots and pots to fill the rice.

This rain has lasted for three days and three nights, and the warehouse in the checkpoint is full and stuffed with food.

"There are four levels left, and I have to go one after another, goodbye!"

Wu Shanyun didn't hesitate, turned around and left.

The Confucian general looked at his distant back and sighed, feeling extremely complicated.

(end of this chapter)

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