This is a land of mendists, a land of heavenly power. Of course, not everyone on the land of Tianquan has the cultivation method and can practice it. There are only a few people who can practice martial arts, but everyone is eager to learn martial arts. With exquisite martial arts skills, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, and one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, and one day, one day, one day, one day, and another. If you can become an immortal master, you will not only be able to communicate with the heaven, but also have a long life.

The strong!

Long life!

This is the ultimate dream that all people in Tianquan land are pursuing.

However, the immortal teacher dream that everyone pursues is almost only a dream for some remote small cities. To make this dream come true, the difficulty is almost one in ten thousand, one in one hundred thousand, one in one million

Qingye city is such a remote town. The city has a population of several million, but the legend of becoming an immortal master is just a legend of an immortal master. It is often years, even decades, that is, the generation of ordinary people. Only when there are so many people, the legend that the local people of Qingye city will eventually become immortal masters has been handed down. Specifically, these legends that finally spread out are true or false, but there is no way to explore them. Therefore, even if these legends eventually spread out, it is very likely that they are just illusory.

Lin Tianyu is the son of the Lin family in Qingye City, a remote town here.

Like all the people in Tianquan mainland who pursue the dream of an immortal master, Lin Tianyu is also eager to become an immortal master one day, with the means to communicate with the heaven, and to live a long life.

"Dad, you have practiced the sabre skill you taught. Can you really become an immortal master?"

When Lin Tianyu, who was only 10 years old, asked this question, his eyes were black and his voice was full of excitement.

Father Lin Hong nodded positively.

Ten year old Lin Tianyu ran to the east of Qingye City alone, practicing his father's knife technique: chopping, sealing, sharpening, turning and stabbing. Practice over and over again. But after practicing for a month, Lin Tianyu felt wrong. What he practiced was just some of the simplest basic Sabre moves. Even his real sword skills were not worth mentioning. Can you really become an immortal master by practicing this "sword technique"?

In the evening, Lin Tianyu, with a machete in his hand, crossed the joints between the bones and the flesh of the animals. He pulled down the meat pieces on the bones. The bones were clean and smooth, and the meat pieces were clear in texture and muscles. Lin Tianyu's chiseling machete is like art. This is Lin Tianyu's favorite job in his father's restaurant.

Father Lin Hong sat on the opposite side, quietly watching.

"Dad." Lin Tianyu said: "what I've been practicing is just basic Dao style. I can't even count as a regular one."

Although the meaning of the words can not be fully expressed, it can not be more obvious: just practice these basic Sabre moves, can you really become an immortal master?

At the same time, I wonder: it's not because my father is just a small shopkeeper in a small restaurant in the Lin family. He is a marginal figure in the Lin family. He can't touch the excellent sword skills of the Lin family. Therefore, he deliberately took the "sword technique" and fooled himself?

Father Lin Hong coughed a few times and didn't explain. The next morning, he took Lin Tianyu out on horseback.

I'll be back in ten days.

In ten days, my father took Lin Tianyu, through the jungle, and met one fierce beast after another. Every time he met a fierce beast, his father would take out the curved bone knife he used in the kitchen. If he went down like a flowing stream, the fierce beast would be killed immediately. No matter what the beast is. Lin Tianyu, who is only 10 years old, can not find out the specific strength level of fierce beasts. He only knows that some fierce beasts are higher than adults, and his father has never used the second knife. What's more, all he's doing is just the basic Dao style - chopping, sealing, cutting, lifting and turning stabbing.

Seeing his father's knife, Lin Tianyu's eyes became more and more bright: if he could have such a sharp knife technique as his father's, and if he happened to be able to be seen by xianshida, could he not accept himself as an apprentice? As a disciple of the immortal master, is not he also an achievement?

After practicing the basic sabre, Lin Tianyu is full of energy.

However, after this trip, my father coughed very much. He took out his handkerchief from time to time and wiped the corners of his mouth secretly. Then, after wiping the handkerchief, they will carefully put away, never let Lin Tianyu see the handkerchief.

"Dad, why is your cough so bad?" Lin Tianyu worried.

Lin Hong said: "Dad is ill. It's OK."

"See the doctor quickly!"

"You don't have to see a doctor. The sun is coming out. It's fine. It's fine."


From this day on, Lin Tianyu especially hoped that it would always be sunny. Indeed, when the weather is fine, my father's cough will be much better.


Three years in a hurry.

Lin Tianyu practiced the knife for three years with more than ten times the strength of all the teenagers he knew. Now, it has finally paid off. All those who know him will call him "the king of swords.". Of course, in this, how much is sincere and how much is funny? I'm afraid that people who call him that way are confused.If he followed the realm of the sword technique, Lin Tianyu would definitely be called the "king of small swords.".

According to the level of martial arts, Sabre technique can be divided into six levels: first glimpse, minor success, great success, perfection, perfect perfection and perfection. Among them, the front four realms are clear and clear. It is the first time to reach 10% level of martial arts, 30% to minor level, 70% to great level and 10 level to perfection. As for the perfection and perfection, it is a kind of artistic conception in which the martial arts surpass the perfect state. When the artistic conception reaches half a level, it is perfect; when it reaches 10%, it is superb. And Lin Tianyu's Sabre skill has reached a state of perfection.

However, just a few simple movements of the basic Dao style, even if reached the state of superb, and in the end can have how much combat power?

No one knows.

Lin Tianyu himself did not know.

He hasn't had a serious competition with others since he practiced Dao. He didn't challenge any other warrior. He didn't challenge him.


Lin Tianyu's dark and bright eyes were locked in front of him, and the falling leaves were turning in front of him. All of a sudden, the silver knife light flashed, and the fallen leaves were evenly and evenly broken along the leaves' grains, which did not damage the texture of the leaves and did not affect the flight path of the leaves. The whole knife is like an artistic beauty.


Suddenly, he went to the East again. Ten miles away, a black shadow flashed away. Then, the shadow, which had disappeared, came back again, and gradually approached the place where Lin Tianyu practiced his sabre. Until he got close to Li Xu, he sat down comfortably on a big tree branch, took out a pot of spirit wine and drank it, and looked at the forest Tianyu practices sabre.

"Good boy! Just simply practicing the basic Sabre style, I can completely practice it to the level of perfection. Moreover, every time I make a knife, I am so focused, and there is no slightest relaxation. "

Black figure, continued to drink a spirit wine, watching the young people practicing knife.

"Why! Also, "the black shadow was surprised and said," the young man's Sabre skill, however, is still vaguely related to our family. "

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