The scene came to a standstill.

Both of them have no extra action.

And then, in this stillness.

Among the three, it is obvious that the old man is the leader. After looking at the three sacred beasts on the opposite side, he looks at one of the black bears and says, "Brother Bear, are you really ready to fight against the Empire of daruo when you calm down the mountains?"

"The Empire of Darrow?"

The black bear said a name in his mouth and laughed.

That look, it is clear that there is no way to put the big Luo empire in the eye.

The black bear said: "it's just your empire of daruo. I didn't pay attention to the Pingding mountains. If you seven elders can represent the Empire of Dara. Well, let's just let it go and have a try. Look, it's you who are powerful in the Empire of Dalao. What's more, the Pingding mountains are more powerful. "


Seven long old-fashioned straight stare.

His empire of daruo is very powerful.

However, the Pingding mountains are clearly a bottomless pool. How deep is the hidden details. Even his empire of daruo is not clear.

What's more, there are many monsters in Pingding mountains.

If the gods and beasts in the early stage of the four grades in the Pingding mountains give an order.

All the monsters and beasts in the whole Pingding Mountain range are rioting and launching a big wave of monsters.

Don't say it's just his empire, even the whole land of Shenwu, but there are some things that can't bear.

This Pingding Mountain Range stretches out the distance, but that almost covers half of the land area of Shenwu continent. How many monsters are there. And how many big monsters, as well as the gods of the realm.

There is no one who can find out the exact news.

However, the seven elders are certainly not a person who can easily be soft.

The seven elders frowned tightly and said, "but brother Xiong, you should know that behind the Empire of daruo, there is a divine state that can support it. If those divine realms can come down to the boundary, after you have calmed down the mountains, are you sure that you can still hold the mountains? Can it compete with the great powers of the lower realms?

"What's more, even if you calm down the sacred animals in the mountains, you can compete with the gods from the lower reaches of the divine realm.

"However, in the divine world, the number of divine powers is almost endless.

"How much divine power can you contend with in a small Pingding Mountain range?"

When the seven elders said this, the black bear was speechless for a moment.

They put down the mountains on the whole Shenwu continent, which is absolutely super first-class forces.

However, they did not dare to go too far.

Even some of the friars of the Terrans entered the Pingding mountains and killed the monsters.

As long as the friars of the Terrans are not doing too much.

They dare not to be right about the monsters in the Pingding mountains. These Terran friars who have entered the Pingding mountains to train and kill the monsters are killing and expelling them too much.

This is because they are afraid of the human friars, and they are related to the great forces of the divine realm.

If they calm down the mountains and kill the Terran friars who enter the mountains too much.

It is also afraid that it will really provoke the divine state power of the divine world and come from a large number of lower realms.

At that time, it was the disaster that they calmed down the mountains.

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