Huo City Lord heard this, a deep yearning color in his eyes.

I also want to be able to go to such a legendary array and experience the improvement of this kind of strength.

Don't say it's Huo Chengzhu, even if it's the peak friars who came from Huo City Lord in the late third period.

Also one by one, their eyes are shining.

I'm moving.

Obviously, they are not Chongxiao Pavilion people at all.

Such a magic array, of course, is impossible for them to open, let them experience.

In any power, if there is such an array, it is the absolute and core secret of this force. Don't say it's opening the array for outsiders to experience. Even if such an array is told to outsiders, it is impossible at all.

But now, Su Cheng has made an exception and told him the news of the existence of such an array. Huo Chengzhu has seriously violated the interests of Chongxiao Pavilion.

Let him experience it again.

It's an impossible thing.

Therefore, although Huo City Lord has such a mind. But in the end, he was not able to say it.

Just a sigh of regret.

Then, Huo City Lord looked at Su Cheng and said, "brother Su, I'm going to leave. I hope we can get together again in the future. "

In front of me, it has always been matched by Su's deputy cabinet leader.

This meeting, however, is directly called brother Su, which means a lot more.

Obviously, this is also completely from the heart, accept a friend like Su Cheng.

You know, like Huo City Lord, such a powerful and boundless third grade, the peak monk in the later period, they are all extremely proud figures. They are easily, is not to an outsider at will yield. It's not easy to recognize a person.

But now, brother Su called out. That clearly has already completely recognized Su Cheng such a person.

Su Cheng laughed and said, "brother Huo, maybe we will get together again soon. Even, it is possible to work together, which is completely possible

Huo City Lord obviously stupefied for a while, then, is the doubt tunnel: "how. Brother Su, are you going to join the Empire of Dara as the city Lord and work with me? "

Su Cheng shook his head and said, "it's not so. But it is possible that Lord Huo may not be the city Lord in the daruo empire. At that time, as the deputy leader of Chongxiao Pavilion, I would welcome brother Huo to join me.

"If you wait for brother Huo to join me in Chongxiao Pavilion, won't you be able to work with brother Huo again?

"Brother Huo, I'm looking forward to that day."

The master of Huo City shook his head gently and said, "brother Su, I'm afraid it will disappoint you. I don't think it is possible for me to leave this empire for the time being. Therefore, in a short period of time, there is no possibility of working with brother su. "

"You can't talk so much."

Su Cheng, however, said confidently, "maybe in a few months, brother Huo will be the city Lord of the great Luo empire. At that time, I would welcome you brother Huo to join me in Chongxiao Pavilion. "

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