Since those who followed him and sent by the Empire of Dara can see his hesitation.

Then someone jumped out to show his loyalty to the Empire of Dara.

Then, he will not see that the seven elders of the Dalao Empire and the ancestral worship hall, who were hidden behind the scenes.

As such a real power figure in the ancestral hall.

This time, he lost face.

Moreover, it has not achieved any practical effect.

Let alone the ultimate inheritance of the inheritance palace of physical cultivation.

Even if it is forced to appear Lin Tianyu is impossible.

It was a completely failed operation.

The Dalai Empire secretly arranged the forces in the Empire and sent out so many soldiers, but it did not achieve the slightest effect.

This time the action.

Speaking of speaking, it is he Huo City Lord to command the operation.

But as long as you're not blind, you can see.

This time the action. In fact, it was the seven elders of the ancestral hall who personally directed the action.

The failure of his action, of course, is the failure of his ancestor to worship the seven elders of the hall.

Then, when he goes back, he will find a person and give him the charge of losing the operation this time.

In this operation, the seemingly responsible commander-in-chief is naturally the most suitable person to carry the pot.

Even if there is no charge or fault.

Seven elders will try their best to find out some mistakes for him, so that he can top the pot.

And now?

He is not without fault.

But there is a big mistake.

At the most critical moment of action, he hesitated.

Then, the seven elders can push all the things that failed this time.

As long as he was the seven elders of the ancestral hall of the great Luo Empire, he released a little bit of this rumor. The rest of the charges will not be listed automatically by his seven elder relatives. Those under his command, ambitious people, will be one after another, automatically jump out, began to list charges for this Huo City Lord.

These methods and means, although he Huo City Lord has been disdainful to use.

However, in his heart, he could not understand these methods and means.

After all, he has been a city Lord for so many years.

And it's because he never used them.

And these means, in front of the time, also did not directly fall on his head. So, for a while, he didn't think about it.

But now, as soon as Su Cheng reminds me.

But all of a sudden, he thought it over completely.

Although all these have been fully understood.

However, he still did not want to talk about these things directly.

Then, Huo City Lord just shook his head at will and said, "OK, brother Su, I'll leave first. If there's something wrong, we'll talk about it when we meet again. "

Su Cheng nodded and said, "well. Brother Huo also made a good trip. I hope brother Huo won't have any trouble. "

They waved goodbye to each other.

Then, Huo city master directly took out a flying boat, and the more than ten people in Dongcheng all got on the boat and flew to the direction of Dongcheng quickly.

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