I don't blame uncle Quan for his suspicions.

This young master of Lingyun, uncle Quan is very clear. He wants to go out and go to dangerous places. Several times, all want to go to the magic fog forest, is the wife hard to stop did not promise, otherwise, early run no shadow. This time, the master really agreed to let him out? I don't think so. Maybe it was this young master Lingyun who hid himself in the carriage and ran out of the carriage when people were not paying attention.

Seeing the eyes of Uncle Quan as a thief, Wang Lingyun felt guilty for a while. However, he firmly said, "it's really my father's promise."

"No. I have to send a message to the master to make sure Uncle Quan said, taking down the pigeon hanging on the eaves of the carriage, he wanted to pass on the book.

When Wang Lingyun saw this, he was in a panic. This can't be done. If Dad receives the message now and sends someone to chase him, he can still block himself back.

Busy stop way: "Uncle Quan, don't be so troublesome, this flying pigeon, there are special important things to stay, urgent. Even if Uncle Quan doesn't believe me, you should believe in young Xia Lin. Big brother, you tell Uncle Quan quickly, is not my father agreed, let me accompany you to experience together. " After that, his eyes kept blinking and blinking.

Seeing that uncle Quan looked at himself, Lin Tianyu could also guess the king's mind and said, "Uncle Quan, don't worry. If you join me, you will surely keep Lingyun well."

Seeing that Lin Tianyu said so, uncle Quan had to give a face and no longer insisted on flying pigeons to send letters for inquiry.

At this time, uncle Quan went to make a fire and eat.

Lin Tianyu and Wang Lingyun went to the other side.

Wang Lingyun looks forward to seeing Lin Tianyu - can say, good rest, exercise martial arts.

What martial arts did you teach?

Lin Tianyu said: "Lingyun, I saw you fighting with the killer in black last time when I was near the lake. Seriously speaking, your swordsmanship, family background, and fierce moves are much better than that of the killer in black. But when you really fight, you are always tied up and always in a weak position. Do you know why? "

Wang Lingyun pondered for a while, which is really true.

In fact, after the fight between life and death, he had recalled several times, that fight.

As a well-known family, young Wang family, fighting with others, naturally will not be less. Moreover, their own martial arts skills are also from the actual combat competition, not extravagant. As for the fight between life and death, there was only one simple fight, but this one was enough to defeat his self-confidence. He has the same level of body training, but his martial arts skills are not as good as him. But if no one helps him, he will not be able to fight back at all. Of course, he also lost in the contest, but either his realm was inferior to that of others, or the opponent's martial arts skills were better. He could only recognize that he was not as good as others. But when he was defeated by the killer in black, who was obviously weaker in martial arts, he couldn't think of it.


Wang Lingyun's eyes were bewildered.

Lin Tianyu said: "obviously, you have already considered it after the fight. And the result of this consideration, I think, is just a dividing line between genius and mediocrity. "


"Genius and mediocrity are often distinguished by the results of consideration after discovering problems again and again. When time and again, with these findings, considered, and then do not know what, so put down, used to, then, step by step, into mediocrity. If time and again, we must understand and analyze this problem clearly, otherwise we will never give up. Then, when he gradually and again understand all these problems, he will not be far away from genius. "

Once again, Wang Lingyun pondered for a long time. His eyes were sometimes bright and sometimes dim, as if he had gained something, but also seemed more confused

Lin Tianyu did not go to Wang Lingyun, but went to the edge, found a flat spot, and started the footwork secret that he had just seen. The pace is a little bit crooked and not so used to it. It's better than a toddler.

However, Lin Tianyu practiced very seriously, with all his heart, and was integrated into his footwork. He did not disturb him with anything or worry.

Just as they were cooking with a fire, Wang Lingyun couldn't think about it, and Lin Tianyu was a little hesitant to practice. About half a mile away from them, they were lying down with their outer clothes open, regardless of their image.

A bald head, a scarred face.

Bareheaded: "scar face, what are these two people from? I'm sure you'll be rich or expensive after riding such a luxurious carriage. I'm afraid we can't afford to be provoked by our small axe. "

Scar face a pat bareheaded way: "you this bareheaded, inside all is pig brain."

"Scar face, you are pig brain, your whole family is pig brain."

Scar face is a face of disdain, the way: "said that your bare head inside, installed all pig brain, you still partial don't believe. How can you see that this is what our Axe Gang can't afford to be rich or expensive. It's a good fat sheep on both ends, isn't it? "

"What a fat sheep?" The bald head perked up.Scar face way: "take such luxurious carriage, the family must be particularly rich, isn't it?"

The bald head nodded repeatedly.

"Money is enough, isn't it?"

"You're impatient to be bald? Those powerful and rich, which one is not rich in oil and water, but which one can be provoked by our Axe Gang again. "

Scar face is not tight, not slow way: "this is your pig's place. If you look at these two people carefully, can't they be provoked by our Axe Gang? "

If you look at it carefully, you can't see why.

Scar face said again: "you see, the basic footwork, a set of basic footwork, has been practiced awkwardly. What does it mean? That's the worst martial arts. There is another youth, others practice martial arts, he sat there in a daze, what does this mean? Obviously, I can't master martial arts. It's not easy to catch such two people in the wild. It's not the Lord we can't afford, it's a fat sheep that comes to our door. "

The bald man hesitated and said, "but there is the old man who drives the bus. What's more, those who can take such a carriage will have less influence behind them. "

"You! I don't know why the boss sent you out with me to inquire about the news. " Scar face full of hate iron is not steel, said: "you have seen a real master, personally driving the carriage, personally cooking. As for the forces behind them, we will have enough income after finishing this vote. We can move a new nest, change a mountain, and set up a new door. "

Scar face quietly pulled his bald head and said, "go! Let's report the news to Mr. Ma. Just 20 miles ahead, there is a long and narrow mountain road suitable for ambush. "

Then they left quietly and quietly.

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