Then, Lin Tianyu was waiting quietly in situ, watching the resentment dissipate in the air.

All of a sudden, at this time, I saw a string of black shadows flying down from the sky. When I looked at them carefully, there were hundreds or thousands of them. Then, as the shadow flew closer and closer to the bottom of the cliff, Lin Tianyu and Gao dewu, standing in the corpse pit, could clearly see clearly that they were the bodies thrown down from the cliff.

The resentment in the corpse pit had dissipated nine times out of ten, and there was no more left. Moreover, the more quickly it dissipated, it was estimated that with half a cup of tea, the resentment that could affect the Taoist heart of low-level monks would be dissipated.

However, this meeting, in this from the sky, hundreds of bodies suddenly came.

A lot of resentment has been diluted, not only no longer to dissipate, but also gradually gathered together, to become more and more intense. Even, Lin Tianyu's clear mind was affected, his eyes were red.

"Ah - ah - ah!"

Lin Tianyu gave a long drink and said, "senior Gao, take me up the cliff!"

The tone is firm and unquestionable.

Gao dewu did not say a word. He grabbed Lin Tianyu's arm and flew straight up the cliff.

At this time, on the top of the cliff, two foundation building friars, with about 80 Qi practicing monks, pushed the bodies of 20 carts, and were throwing them down the cliff.

The two leading builders stood aside and chatted.

A man said: "her mother, it's really her mother's bad luck. She even put on the corpse throwing work. To tell you the truth, I don't want to come to the cliff at the back of it once. "

Another humanitarian: "Laozi is the same. Every time I come here, I can't help but feel that something bad is going to happen."

"She's not. If you look at the accumulated resentment, as long as it is flushed by the resentment, it is estimated that the person with insufficient temperament will not only affect the Tao's mind, but also the weak in heart. If one is not good, he may become a fool directly. And this gathering of resentment, especially for the people in our demon Kingdom organization, whose hands are covered with blood, is a deadly poison. Every time I get to the back of the cliff, I am afraid that the resentment will gather too much and break through the cliff to the top

"Forget it, don't say it. If you say it, I will get more and more straight in my heart."

Both of them were silent, and their faces turned pale slightly.

Then, they all cautiously went down the cliff and looked quietly.


One man covered his mouth and yelled.

"Ah Another screamed immediately.

"Down there, down there, that What is it? "


They followed their fingers and looked down the cliff. At the bottom of the cliff, a group of light golden light, but also dead by the black ash gas wrapped things, straight up the cliff, fly up.

The light golden awn is as majestic as the angry Buddha Vajra, while the black gray air completely enveloped outside is like hell devil.

And any of these two things, for all of them in the devil Kingdom, are deeply afraid and go deep into their hearts.

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