"Big brother, my injury really does not matter, you see, I can stand up."

Said, Wang Lingyun suddenly stood up, pain straight white face, but did not say a word.

Lin Tianyu was moved and helped Wang Lingyun lie down.

At this time, Yunlan said: "young Xia Lin, you and the medicine gathering team will go to the magic fog forest tomorrow. I will take care of young Xia Wang."

"No. You all go. There are others in Ho's pharmacy. They will take care of me


Finally, there was no result.

While having dinner, Lin Tianyu was still in the yard to understand the sword move. Yun LAN ran over and said, "young Xia Lin, young Xia Wang doesn't eat or take medicine."

Lin Tianyu stopped to understand and rushed to Wang Lingyun's room with Yunlan.

Wang Lingyun bet airway: "brother, if you don't go to the magic fog forest for training tomorrow morning, I won't eat or take medicine."

"Lingyun, why are you so disobedient? At that time, when I was going to come out with me in the carriage, what did you say

"I don't care."

"Young Xia Lin, take a step."

Mr. He of he's pharmacy took Lin Tianyu to the outside.

Mr. He said: "young Xia Lin, I think tomorrow, you might as well go to the magic fog forest with the medicine gathering team. Here is he's pharmacy. There are professional people to take care of the injury, which will never be worse than your care. You can rest assured that we will take good care of Wang Shaoxia. Otherwise, if he is allowed to make such a fuss, it will not do any good to Wang Shaoxia's injury. Just now, there should be something wrong. It has healed well, but it has cracked. What's more, if you want to get Wang Shaoxia's injury completely and thoroughly in a short period of time, you'd better find a healing elixir used by the immortal master during Qi training period. These medicines are often grown in some strange and dangerous places. We ordinary herb collectors dare not get there. However, young Xia Lin, you can have a try. "

After that, Mr. He also hinted vaguely that if there was no such medicine, even if Wang Lingyun was completely cured, there would still be some uncomfortable reactions in rainy days.

"What kind of medicine do you have?" Lin Tianyu asked.

Mr. He carefully took out a herbal atlas and said, "as long as you can collect one of the 18 kinds of healing herbs, you will be completely cured in a short time."

Lin Tianyu solemnly took over the herbal atlas, and said in his heart: Ling Yun, wait, elder brother will find this healing medicine for you.

In the evening, when he returned to his room, Lin Tianyu took the herbal atlas given by Mr. He and read it carefully. There are only 57 kinds of medicinal materials recorded above. Among them, 18 kinds are used exclusively for healing wounds. Moreover, these herbs are all beyond the level of martial arts. They are all used by immortal masters in Qi training period.

In his mind, Lin Tianyu carefully recorded the diagram of the eighteen kinds of healing medicine.

As soon as it was light, the medicine gathering team was about to start.

Lin Tianyu went to the room to see Wang Lingyun. He washed Lingyun's face carefully and fed him some water. He said, "Lingyun, don't worry. I'll find a healing elixir for you. I'll cure you completely soon."

"Big brother, I believe you."

"Lingyun, I'm leaving. I must listen to Mr. He."


A group of more than a dozen people quickly went out of Zhenmo town and went to the magic fog forest.

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