After Lin Tianyu had killed several people, those great friars of the golden elixir who had set up a battle outside were directly killed by Lin Tianyu and scattered in a hurry.

Lin Tianyu just a flash, to the direction of Liuyun lean up.

Lin Tianyu voiced: "Liu Yun, thank you! If there was no master Liuyun, I would have been trapped in it if I didn't have the array like a tortoise shell

Liuyun said in a embarrassed way: "alliance leader, I'm sorry! I was late. Just now, I was trapped in the siege. The round of non-stop bombardment also made me suffer a lot of internal injuries. As a result, as soon as the encirclement circle came out, he quickly thought of a way to cure his internal injury, and then, he rushed to seize the time and came here. I didn't expect that this healing was delayed a lot of time. Fortunately, the leader's strength is superior, and he has not been hurt. Otherwise, I will die forever. "

"Master Liuyun, don't say that. If you can come, that's enough. It's more powerful than anything. " Lin Tianyu said: "well, now, let's hurry to seize the time to escape."

"Well." Liuyun also unfolded his body method, got up and fled.

At this time, with the two saints and three saints chasing after each other, forming the main force of the attack, those golden elixir friars who had been killed by Lin Tianyu and scattered slowly gathered together.

Obviously, they want to see the opportunity after the two saints and three saints have really formed an effective attack, and then they set up a blockade array on the periphery. The best way is to block Lin Tianyu and Liuyun in the array. That's wonderful.

However, Lin Tianyu, who has been clearly once pawned, could not have been pawned for the second time.

Therefore, Lin Tianyu and Liu Yun both fled while fighting. They never fell into a battle completely entangled with the two saints and the three saints.

Even if there is another battle, it is just a touch to withdraw, leaving no relationship that may fall into.

And in the battle of fighting and retreating all the way, Lin Tianyu has been actively lagging behind by half a step.

Originally, the two saints who wanted to kill Liuyun were all in the sword technique of protecting forest Tianyu. There was no chance that they could break through the blockade of Lin Tianyu's sword technique and go beyond the past to kill Liuyun.

At the front, there is a fork in the road.

In front of the cloud voice: "alliance leader, which direction to go?"

But Lin Tianyu looked at the direction and said, "go southeast, go that direction, and directly enter the magic fog forest."

Lin Tianyu always felt that magic fog forest was his lucky land.

He made several big breakthroughs, almost all of which were made in the forest of magic fog. If there is a chance, Lin Tianyu thinks that he should explore the magic fog forest. He always felt that there were too many secrets hidden in the forest of magic fog, which almost crossed the whole land of Tianquan and even in every country.

Of course, it's not right now. With the current strength, if you really go deep into the forest of magic fog, it's estimated that it's the act of looking for death.

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