Now, a lot more exciting.

"This gun, God! So far, no one has been able to block ten shots. He is the king of gun skill. The overlord gun and the king gun deserve the reputation

Wang Lingyun even said: "with such a shooting technique, I'm afraid to get the whole Qingye City, even qingsang city. It's rare to have an opponent."

Lin Tianyu also stopped at the scene to watch five scenes. The more he looked, the brighter his eyes became.

The gun is like a dragon, chasing the wind, startling a goose, confusing the void

The gun technique is flexible and changeable, the figure is vertical and horizontal, the wind is like the wind, the angle is illusory, the gun is coming again, and the eye is disordered step by step.

There is no need to say much about the amazing shooting. But the body is fast and fast, it is no less than the excellent marksmanship, and adds three points of power to the shooting technique. Sometimes, it is clear that the dead corner, but another gun burst to, if the sky flying fairy, let the enemy defend without defense. The footstep is more changeable. Compared with the shooting method, it makes people's eyes unable to lock.

After five games, Lin Tianyu got four characteristics: shooting technique, body method, unexpected angle and footwork.


Ah! It's Footwork!

All of a sudden, I think of the thin and short halberd warrior just now. The halberd skill of the thin and short halberds is really poor. The swordsmanship of the martial arts is too much. Short footwork is the best way to win. However, his footwork, compared with the sword, won not much. Or, it can be said that it is comparable to the excellent sword technique. However, the sword mainly attacks, but the footwork mainly escapes. Therefore, under the skillful sword technique, it will be more and more embarrassed. Because of this, it is easy for people to directly ignore the past. His footwork also has some chances of winning. At the end of the day, it is obvious that the thin and small double halberd warrior has grasped this rare chance.

Lose to footwork, graceful swordsman, lose unjustly.

If you look at the overlord gun, you can see that it's very skillful. However, there are so many martial artists that none of them can support ten moves. More importantly, it should benefit from footwork. Skillful footwork and skillful shooting techniques enabled the overlord gun to dominate the arena.

The gun is fast; the figure follows the shooting technique without losing half a minute; the changing shooting method surpasses the thinking; but if the footwork changes quickly, people can't reach the dead corner, how can we get out of the dead corner?

Footwork! footwork!

From the thunder sword, I understand how important it is to have a good footwork!

This time I went out to practice, why didn't you find a good footwork skill?

Although there are footwork collections in the family, the footwork is too basic.

However, it's really hard to get good footwork! Therefore, after seeing the shadow step of the phantom body, I would be so uncertain. I would like to buy this footwork immediately.

But, not so.

My Dao is not inferior to any excellent Dao. But at the beginning, I even practiced Dao for three years. What Dao did I practice? It's just basic Dao style. Not even sword and martial arts.

When it comes to footwork, how can you think about stepping into the sky; when you think about it, you can see it in front of your eyes; you can't forget to pursue the superb footwork.


Sweat was streaming down his forehead.

There is no divine footwork, but can the primary footwork be less?

The sword technique meets the bottleneck - it is difficult to go further in the short term.

It's better to learn the step. When it comes to the king of martial arts competition, with excellent footwork and auxiliary Sabre technique, will it not be more competitive in the king's competition?

The phantom body overlaps the shadow step, the divine level footwork, naturally will do one's best to strive for. However, if you can't get it, you can follow the fate. Practice basic footwork, I believe that will eventually have the time to climb the top.

When the mind is relaxed, the state of mind is ethereal. Although the martial arts have not advanced half a step, the whole person clearly feels that he has entered several realms at least.

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