As long as you start to escape, even if it's the golden elixir.

Still will cherish life, will be like ordinary people formed a chain reaction.

In this branch of the Jindan friars, wantonly flee, Lin Tianyu with the rest of the 11 Great monks, head tail chase, a time, countless. Only a few quick footed and good at escaping Jindan friars escaped

then, eleven golden elixir friars joined hands to clean up the castles.

At this time, Lin Tianyu didn't make any more moves. He just stood aside and coldly watched the eleven golden elixir friars cleaning up the bunker.

By the time it was completely cleaned up and summoned to the outside people, the branch rudder was no longer under the command of the great monk Jindan, and there was almost no resistance. In a short time, they all surrendered.

After leaving some people to deal with the aftermath, Lin Tianyu took the soldiers of Tiandu state and some of his own people, and quickly returned to the place where the king of Tiandu was located.

Seeing that Lin Tianyu had returned so quickly, the king of Tiandu was stunned. At the same time, he knew it clearly.

It must be that the strength of this branch is too strong. Even if the leader Lin of the black sword alliance personally made a move, he did not make any contribution.

The king of Tiandu sighed in his heart. He was afraid that he would have to call in more and stronger troops if he wanted to take down this branch.

However, on second thought, the king of Tiandu had some faint joy in his heart.

The leader of the alliance of you Lin has not won this branch. Then where do you have the face to accuse the general of our country for failing to lead the troops. What's more, fortunately, you just cut off an arm of the general of Tiandu country in front of you. To the golden elixir cultivation, as long as a little with some beneficial to Qi and blood medicine, can let the arm, easily grow out. If you have a hard hand in front of the leader of Lin League and directly cut off the head of the general of Tiandu country, now, who is going to seek redress.

At the same time, when the defeated general arrived at the meeting, he was also very pleased.

He has seen with his own eyes the strength of this branch rudder. Can such a powerful branch rudder be attacked in such a short period of time?

It's obviously impossible!

At the beginning of the game, the Bulls blew so loud that they really came on the stage, which was not a kind of advice.

Why are you blaming me again.

When the king of Tiandu saw Lin Tianyu's face was not good, he comforted him and said, "Lord Lin, victory or defeat is a common business of soldiers. Don't worry too much about it. Even if I didn't hit the rudder this time. Next time, we'll equip you with more powerful troops and horses, and we'll just have to fight them down. Why do you have to deal with yourself? "

Lin Tianyu looked at the king of Tiandu like an idiot and said, "who said I didn't put down this branch rudder?"

The king of Tiandu was stunned, and then said: "ran Dao, this powerful branch rudder, have you fought down?"

At the same time, the heart more do not understand: since has already laid this branch rudder, then why do you still have a face of stinky black?

Lin Tianyu, however, was still stiff faced and said, "this branch has been taken down. Moreover, when attacking the branch rudder, no one is dead."

Listening to this, the king was stunned.

The defeated general in front of him was even more stunned.


Not only has this branch been laid down.

No one is dead!

Is this possible?

He had experienced this branch, but it was not the kind of weak branch that could be easily fought down with poor strength and bad luck.

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