"If you pass by, don't miss it. The latest edition of the martial arts King's competition forecast book, the most authoritative prediction, can let you appreciate the king's demeanor in advance, and can let you predict the opponent's specialty in advance. No matter who is watching or participating in the competition, it is the best forecast version that can not be missed and must be seen! Come and see! Come and buy it! It's time to lose

Suddenly, a burst of yelling, all of a sudden attracted a few people doing nothing.

"Master, I'll buy one."

After a while, many of them took a forecast brochure and squeezed them out of the crowd.

"Damn it, it's dark! It's just a pamphlet of two or three pieces of paper. It costs me a hundred gold coins. " A lot of swearing and swearing went back and began to turn over the pamphlets in their hands. Just after looking at it, he yelled and said, "master, master. Look at it. It's really irritating

After receiving the pamphlet of the martial arts King's prediction propaganda, I saw many angry and unfair points.

The ranking of Daodao challenge competition: the first is Dingyuan of magic sword; the second is Lin Tianyu, the first swordsman; the third is the crazy sword dance

Lin Tianyu smile, a forecast ranking is just worth angry? Take a closer look.

Ding Yuan, the magic sword, has been in the magic fog forest for three years. Once upon a time, the most famous bandit group in mooyu forest, the mobuan bandit group, named his name. Ding Yuan had to change his name, otherwise, he had the same name as the bandit group, and he was just dead. In just three months, the mobuan bandit group was removed. At that time, there were seven layers of Ding Yuan's body, and now it is the peak of eight layers.

Crazy sword dancing in the forest wind, come and go without a trace, and act like wind. The lightness skill is unique. Up to now, there is a lightness skill footwork that can be used to the right. Crazy Dao, real name wind Dao, more appropriate. Moreover, it is said that there are several shadow killers who can't be seen from thousands of miles away, which is suspected to be written by Wu Linfeng. However, although it was widely spread outside, it still failed to provide even a trace of evidence. Finally, it's over.

Gun king, Overlord gun, did not leave its name.

The king of kendo, Guan Lingfeng.

The king of KUNDO, Lu Wei.

The king of cudgel, Huayang.


At this time, people from all walks of life came to gather in the martial arts King's arena.

At the entrance of Zhenmo Town, all the old and the young came in. A young man has a sword on his back. The old man said, "yu'er, your swordsmanship is the best of all schools. I hope that you will not only take the king of kendo, but also be the king in the arena

"Yes, master."

The old man nodded with satisfaction.

In an inn, the older one asked, "younger martial brother, who is the most popular one among the demons and warriors today?"

"The gun."

"What is your name?"


The older, obviously, have reached the master of immortality, and have become dignified. Then, shut your eyes. Young weak, eyes in the crystal light flicker, more and more bright, a sharp, impending.

Somewhere in the street, a street girl called out: "grandma, go slowly, wait a minute."

"Hum! You know how to play. When can you grow up? When can I put all my heart into martial arts and concentrate on martial arts? " The old woman stopped and said angrily. However, the voice in addition to the thick spoil, clearly do not feel a little anger.

"It's not tomorrow. It's going to be a challenge. I'm also trying to adjust myself to my best condition for the competition

The old woman stopped and shook her head helplessly.


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