"Xiao Xuan, don't deceive people too much. Do you think I'm Li Shuanghong? Although Li Shuanghong's voice is loud, it's a little fierce and weak. Especially in those tiger eyes, I have seen a decadent color in my eyes.

Li Yuanba is young, impetuous and careless, which makes him completely passive now.

"Hehe, although the tiger is dead, the threat is still there! Not to mention the old man Li of the mixed river dragon?! but if the old man Li is me, what should I do today?" Xiao Xuan looked down at Li Shuanghong and asked with a smile.

If Li Shuanghong didn't annoy Xiao Xuan, Xiao Xuan wouldn't kill all of them. After all, Xiao Xuan just wanted to live happily after he returned to China. Even if he intends to praise Zhao Sixi, he won't give up until Li Shuanghong dies without a burial place, as he is now.

The dragon has an inverse scale. Those who touch the inverse scale cannot redeem themselves unless they die.

Xiao Xuan's words made Li Shuanghong pause. Li Shuanghong thought about paying again and again. The feeling of licking the calf revolved in his heart. Li Yuanba was his only son!

"Xiao Xuan, 100 million, buy my father and son's life. We'll leave Nanhai City tonight and won't come back again!" Li Shuanghong said slowly after a long pause.

"Master Li has a good plan. He has a fortune of 3.5 billion and wants to buy two people's lives if he divides 100 million. How cost-effective is this business!" Xiao Xuan picked his fingernails and looked at Ma Ying's coffin intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Shuanghong was surprised. Xiao Xuan dared to take the idea of Shuanghong group. He lifted his eyelids without any trace, then looked at Xiao Xuan and said slowly: "greedy, snake swallows elephant, Mr. Xiao can do whatever he can! I'm a bad old man. I want to see if you can kill our father and son here, or you can forcibly seize and rob Shuanghong group!"

Xiao Xuan touched his nose. He didn't seem to expect that the old man would suddenly be so tough when it came to Shuanghong group. Just thinking for a moment, Xiao Xuan's mouth showed a smile of an old fox.

He waved his hand and said with a smile: "the old man is really serious. If you can do business, you can do it. If you can't do it, why fight and kill!"

He lit a cigarette, took a deep look at the Li family's father and son, and swaggered away.

Watching Xiao Xuan leave, Li Shuanghong breathed a long breath, and there was a cold sweat on his back. Such a young man should bring him so much pressure.

Although Li Shuanghong knew that with the ghost spirit of Xiao Xuan, he would not do it in the Imperial Hall of the Li family courtyard. Although the Li family courtyard was full of murders, he was not confident that he could leave Xiao Xuan after what happened last night.

But what is the purpose of Xiao Xuan's coming here? Li Shuanghong can't eat enough. Is it just a threat? But looking at Xiao Xuan's behavior style, this move is completely inconsistent with Xiao Xuan's evil mind.

Li Shuanghong couldn't understand it. She turned her head and looked at her blue faced son Li Yuanba. She sighed again. As a young generation, Li Yuanba would not be so careless if he was half as smart as Xiao Xuan.

After a half silence, Li Shuanghong touched out her mobile phone and skillfully dialed a series of numbers. After the phone was connected, she just said faintly, "Lao Zheng, there's something you want to help me!"


Xiao Xuan left Li's courtyard and went directly to ODI bar.

Bai Yujiao and Zhao Sixi had already been waiting here. As soon as they met, they entered a specially vacated conference room together.

"The old fox still has a card! He also knows that his surname is no longer Li in Nanhai city. He intends to retreat to avoid the edge. But we think he admits defeat, which is a big mistake. As long as there is Shuanghong group and his previous accumulation, that wealth alone is enough for him to settle accounts with us slowly!"

Xiao Xuan sat on the sofa and said his judgment.

Bai Yujiao frowned and looked at Zhao Sixi. Zhao Sixi said, "it's better to kill that bastard with a knife!"

Before Xiao Xuan spoke, Bai Yujiao said: "It's not that easy! If Xiao Xuan does it, it's easy to catch it. If other ordinary killers, it's not easy to get close to Li Shuanghong. In addition, Li Shuanghong is a deputy to the Municipal People's Congress of Nanhai City, and he also has his own business in official circles. If he dies, the police will fight hard and investigate in detail."

"You're right. Li Shuanghong's current trump card is his management in the official field. And this one is just our weakness. I don't care, but it's no good for you to quarrel with the people in the official field!" Xiao Xuan shrugged and was helpless.

People in the Jianghu always have constraints. It's not like a lone ranger who comes without a shadow and goes without a trace. He can express his gratitude and hatred without scruples. If there is a way to solve it "within the rules", Xiao Xuan doesn't want those who "stare" at him to come out and annoy him.

"I also know it's not cost-effective to kill Li Shuanghong now, but I'm always uneasy if Li Shuanghong doesn't die." Zhao Sixi looks a lot more mature than before, and he has more fierce momentum.

"Send Li Yuanba to prison first and let the old man feel distressed?" Bai Yujiao asked Xiao xuandao with a smile.

"I also pointed to Li Yuanba for the shares of Shuanghong group! Wouldn't it be a waste to be sent to prison?" Xiao Xuan smiled like an old fox.

Just then, Zhao Sixi's phone rang. After answering the phone, Zhao Sixi frowned and murmured, "I'm afraid your idea will fail! Just now, the brother watching Li's courtyard heard that a car picked up Li Yuanba. But it was the car of the municipal government, and they didn't dare to intercept!"

Xiao Xuan grinned, waved his big hand and said, "let Li Yuanba go!"


"Since it's hard to do at home, it's more convenient to do it abroad?" Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

"Li Shuanghong also wants to run?" Zhao Sixi asked suspiciously.

Xiao Xuan smiled: "let him run. No matter how far he runs, he must get back to me! If anyone dares to move me, he won't pay the price. Is it easy for me to bully?"

At the thought of Su Mei's horror, Xiao Xuan felt a fire running around in his heart. Ben also gave Li Shuanghong the chance to spend money to buy her life, but Li Shuanghong refused. Since he wanted to fight, Xiao Xuan didn't mind sending the Buddha to the West.

The three talked for a while about other things, such as the division of the underground city in the future. Xiao Xuan just listened more and said less.

Until the end, Xiao Xuan only said: "money can solve 98% of the world's problems, and 98% of the world's rich people are gray and white. How to do it, you take care of yourself!" tqr1

Zhao Sixi recalled Xiao Xuan's words. Xiao Xuan had gone out of ODI's door with Bai Yujiao.

Looking at Xiao Xuan walking on his side, he suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Xuan's arm. The little bird leaned over and said, "I think you're actually worried about Zhao Sixi!"

Xiao Xuan was silent for a moment and said, "because of me, Zhao Sixi took many shortcuts. In fact, it's not a good thing for him. The underworld is not like that in the film. They just fight and kill. Making money is the last word. Sixi is young and energetic. I'm afraid it is..."

"You take him to see more!" Bai Yujiao said with a smile.

Xiao Xuan was stunned, touched his chin and said, "I'm too lazy to fuck that heart. After cleaning up Li Shuanghong, I can live my life!"

Bai Yujiao shook her head and said with a smile, "I'm afraid not. The Buddha in the provincial capital said he wanted to see you and Zhao Sixi!"

Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes, pulled his arm out of Bai Yujiao's arms, and said angrily, "no!"

Bai Yujiao bit Xiao Xuan's ear, exhaled like LAN and said, "the Buddha asked me to tell you that you owe him a favor!"

Xiao Xuan stared, spat and scolded, "the old man farts!"

Bai Yujiao smiled and said, "the Buddha said that you offended someone in the provincial capital before. He helped you mediate the day before yesterday."

"Mediate? Fart. Don't think I don't know what the four heavenly kings are. I know everything when a black fist man does it. Tell the old man that it's not so easy to fool me!"

Bai Yu smiled and whispered a few words in Xiao Xuan's ear. Xiao Xuan's mouth was wide open and seemed to be surprised at the speech. After half a ring, he said, "well, I'll see you later!"

"Are you going to my house tonight?" Bai Yujiao asked with a beautiful smile!

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