Lai GAOJIN, Zhao Sixi and Bai Yujiao were all called to Odie by Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan sat on the sofa, hugged Bai Yujiao, puffed with cigarettes, and listened to the report of two capable generals.

"Li Shuanghong didn't go out to see anyone these two days! The old fox was very cautious. I wanted to monitor the Li family courtyard, but I arranged two groups of people to go in and try to find a chance to leave the wiretap in the Li family courtyard, but they all failed!" Zhao Sixi said dejectedly.

Xiao Xuan waved his hand and said, "a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse. You have to put the bug in. That's the hell!"

Lai GAOJIN was not in a high mood and said, "at present, there is no news that Li Shuanghong wants to sell Shuanghong shares in the business district. I'm afraid he will contact the sellers in other places. If we can't even get the wind, they will complete the transaction."

"His first choice is not to sell the shares. Even if he sells them, he will sell them to local businesses. Shuanghong group is not only a gold producing cave, but also a place to launder money and help some corrupt officials transfer assets. They dare not sell their shares to business tycoons, but more will choose local businesses in order to continue to control them!" Xiao Xuan said confidently.

"You can do your best to check the evidence of the pickling of those dog official shareholders. Don't worry about others. I have my own plan. But even if Li Shuanghong sells shares, he must guard against us and won't sell them to us. Who will come forward at that time will become a problem!"

Several people were discussing countermeasures, but Xiao Xuan's mobile phone rang. Seeing that it was Yang Yan who hadn't seen each other for a long time, Xiao Xuan was stunned.

"Brother Xuan! Are you busy?" Yang Yan's voice was still crisp, just a little timid.

Xiao Xuan always had his brother's doting on Yang Yan's sister, so he said, "what's up? Just say it! You're welcome to talk to brother Xuan?"

"Our hospital has organized a charity to raise money for surgery for children with congenital heart disease. We want to invite some celebrities in the business circle to participate! Because of your promotion last time, so... So..." Yang Yan said and hesitated.

Xiao Xuan suddenly realized that it must be the last time he donated millions of buttons to Yang Yan's hospital. The hospital thought Yang Yan had resources. At this time, he naturally thought about Yang Yan.

"The hospital wants me to send an invitation, but... Brother Xuan, don't get me wrong. I'm just asking you if you can come tonight! If you don't have time, it doesn't matter..."

Xiao Xuan could hear Yang Yan's entanglement. I'm afraid he wanted him to take a few owners who were willing to spend money. He said with a smile: "OK, I'll take a few people in the evening. Don't worry!"

"Thank you, brother Xuan!" Yang Yan heard that Xiao Xuan was so willing to help him, and her tone relaxed a lot.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Xuan saw Bai Yujiao's angry and smiling expression. He shrugged helplessly and said to Lai GAOJIN, "you go to a place with me in the evening and donate a million dollars. Yujiao also goes. Later, Yujiao will be the executive general manager of Canlian and donate a million dollars in the evening!"

Xiao Xuan said and thought for a while. They were only two people and couldn't afford the scene. Since he wanted to help Yang Yan, he might as well help him thoroughly. After thinking about it, he dialed Lu Hu's phone. Lu Hu had also received the invitation from the hospital. He was a little hesitant. When he received Xiao Xuan's phone, he agreed.

After hanging up Lu Hu's phone, Xiao Xuan flashed a bold idea in his mind. He had a candidate to buy Shuanghong group. He turned to Zhao Sixi and said, "Sixi, go and check the information of the boss of Lu's company and give it to me!"

Zhao Sixi wondered, but immediately nodded and went to check.

Bai Yujiao said, "I don't know who's the little sister. If you make a phone call, you'll pay and find a favor. It doesn't hurt!"

Xiao Xuan pinched Bai Yujiao's smooth cheek and said, "it's good for you to be in the limelight about donating money!"

Just a few people, Xiao Xuan always felt that it was not enough. Si paid for a moment and dialed Huang Min, "beauty, haven't seen you for a long time. Won't you forget me?"

Huang Min on the other end of the phone giggled and said, "I don't dare to think about the man who is the first beautiful woman in Nanhai!"

"I miss you very much! See you tonight?" Xiao Xuan opened his mouth and joked, not blushing at all.

Huang Min really pulled out her hair, and her hair was empty. She immediately asked with a smile, "should the meeting address be the charity venue of Xinning hospital?" tqr1

Xiao Xuan was stunned. Among the women he knew, Su Mei was difficult to deal with, and then Huang Min, who was talking about God, smiled and said, "Hey, it seems that you are ready to go. Since you are going, you might as well take more friends with you!"

"How can you repay me?" Huang Min asked instead.

"How about making a promise?" Xiao Xuan smiled.

"How many people are you?" Huang minjiao hung up with a smile. Xiao Xuan, who was confused, listened to Huang Min's meaning. Did he agree or didn't?

Zhao Sixi went quickly and came back quickly. Just as soon as he entered the door, he said to Xiao Xuan, "brother Xuan, have you had good luck recently? The brother at the door said, there is a woman who has been secretly photographing your car with a camera and wandering around near your car! It seems to be waiting for you!"

"...." before Xiao Xuan spoke, he felt a pain in his waist. The soft meat in his waist was twisted several times by Bai Yujiao. He didn't know whether it was green or purple!

"Shall I let my brother send her?" Zhao Sixi asked with a smile.

Xiao xuanran seemed to jump up from the sofa and said, "I'll go out and have a look by myself! Don't forget about the charity foundation in the evening..."

Then he hurriedly "fled" out for fear that Bai Yujiao would "ravage" him again.

Looking at the back of Xiao Xuan's "escape", Bai Yujiao hummed. It didn't look like anger, but it was difficult to hide the smell of vinegar.

"Brother Xiao is a man of temperament!" Lai GAOJIN muttered.

"Hum, it's obviously a big turnip! What do you mean by a man of temperament?" Bai Yujiao snorted.

Lai GAOJIN smiled and dared not provoke Bai Yujiao, who didn't know when to play with a dagger, turned and left the room.

"My brother has good luck in peach blossom and is about to become a peach blossom robbery. I think we should find a feng shui master to help brother Xuan break the peach blossom robbery, or we will become a peach blossom ghost!" Zhao Sixi touched his nose and said if there was anything strange.

"That's a good idea! Where can I find feng shui master?" Bai Yujiao said with bright eyes.

Zhao Sixi is just talking nonsense. Seeing that Bai Yujiao has become the real one, SA Yazi runs away. If he really wants to make such a moth, doesn't Xiao Xuan peel his skin?

"Zhao Sixi, don't run! Come back and tell me about feng shui master!"


Since Wu Ling took the job of shooting Xiao Xuan, she found that Xiao Xuan was more difficult than following those big stars in two days. It's the most appropriate way to describe it. Following the car is the most difficult. I don't know whether Xiao Xuan has his own radar system or has supernatural ability. Every time he keeps up with Xiao Xuan's car, he will lose it within three blocks.

If you say squatting, the only place she knows except Jiahe Xinyuan villa and Yuya international company is the ODI bar she found recently! But Xiao Xuan gave a hammer to the East and a stick to the West. He didn't have a foothold at all. Today, I found Xiao Xuan's car in Odie. It really burned Gao Xiang.

Wu Ling secretly made up his mind to take some real things!

"Beauty, do you have a crush on me? Or do you have a crush on me? Follow me so painstakingly!"

Wu Ling squatted on the side of his car and fiddled with the camera, but Xiao Xuan's voice suddenly sounded in his ear. He trembled with fear. All the cameras in his hand fell to the ground, and the wide-angle mirror on the camera was dropped on the spot.

"Why are you so nervous? You secretly love me, and I won't hit you!" Xiao Xuan looked down at the little beauty in front of him, with a harmless smile on his face.

Wu Ling flustered picked up the camera and said, "what are you talking about?"

"First, I'm not a star, second, I'm not a rich man, and third, I don't do immoral things. I can't think of any other reason for you to follow me except that you secretly love me! If you secretly love me, you can tell me, maybe I like you too! Secret love is a painful thing. I'm an honest man and can't bear you to suffer..."


Wu Ling is covered with black lines. Xiao Xuan is really a wonderful flower! At the same time, he is also a frivolous and dissolute childe. The impression of Xiao Xuan was greatly reduced.

Xiao Xuan grabs the camera held by Wu Ling in front of her chest. Wu Ling's face suddenly turns white. It's just that Xiao Xuan wants to flirt with indecent manners and almost doesn't shout for help on the spot.

But unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan just pulled the camera in her hand, opened the photos inside, and said, "why do you take so many pictures of my car? If you want to take pictures of me, I can tell me! I can set up POS and let you take pictures!"

"Give me the camera back. Who wants to take pictures of you? I just think this car is good. I'll show it to my friends!" Wu Linggen didn't admit the sneak shooting.

"Oh, I thought you were really photographing me. I also planned to let you go to a charity donation meeting with me in the evening so that you can take a picture as much as you like! Since it's not, forget it! Bye, brother is going home!" Xiao Xuan said, took out the car key and tried to get into the car and leave.

Wu Ling doesn't know Xiao Xuan's rhythm at all. She was caught by Xiao Xuan when she followed Xiao Xuan last time. She doesn't believe that Xiao Xuan forgot what happened last time. However, Xiao Xuan's attitude is very different from that of last time. Last time it was like eating her, but it's too easy to talk today, isn't it? And offered to take her to the charity

"What charity donation association?" Wu Ling couldn't help but ask. If there was a chance to shoot Xiao Xuan, she wouldn't refuse. After all, the editor in chief received a million yuan from her boss. The editor in chief asked her to put down everything and shoot Xiao Xuan. She hasn't even farted for so many days. Do you want to do this job?

"What about the fund-raising meeting of Xinning hospital? Are you interested in going?" Xiao Xuan had a sense of success in his eyes.

Wu Ling bit his lips, pondered for a while, stamped his feet and said, "I'll go. But why are you willing to take me?"

"Elder brother likes to bring beautiful women! Are you going?" Xiao Xuan's tone was a little frivolous, with a taste of ridicule.

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