In the Li family courtyard, Li Shuanghong still lay on the bamboo and rattan recliner in the center of the courtyard, half squinting and closing her eyes. He looked too old in the setting sun. The tea on the small table beside the tea cup is cool, and the mobile phone beside the tea cup is quiet, just like the old man who has been neglected in the Jianghu.

Such silence makes Li Shuanghong even more depressed. Once upon a time, the river dragon with infinite scenery could only shrink in this courtyard. The world outside the hospital already belongs to Xiao Xuan and Zhao Sixi.

Or soon, even this small courtyard will be lost.

This sadness has long been transmitted up and down in the Li family courtyard. The only person who has not been affected is Li Shuanghong. No one knows the abacus in Li Shuanghong's heart.

The mobile phone bell next to the tea cup kept ringing. Li Shuanghong didn't lift his eyelids. It was like falling asleep and thinking about what to pay.

"Old man, telephone!" the bodyguard who stood by to serve whispered a reminder.

Li Shuanghong reached out and picked up the phone. His original calm expression twitched when he heard the first sentence at the other end of the phone, "Dad, I'm Yuanba, save me, save me..."

Hearing Li Yuanba's heart rending voice on the phone, Li Shuanghong bared her eyes to crack, but there was no way. She had to calm down and comfort her son: "don't worry, Dad won't care about you!"

"Dad, these foreigners are crazy. They feed sharks with living people every day. I'm afraid..."

After saying this, the other end of the phone was obviously changed, and it was the man who spoke stiff Chinese, "Mr. Li, you still have two days! If I can't see the money in two days, your son, feed the shark! You wait for the ox head to take your life! Believe me, I've never lied..."

"Mr. Mamian, it takes time to raise money!" Li Shuanghong said calmly.

But there was no more response, so he just hung up.

Li Shuanghong held her mobile phone for half a ring. Thinking of the rumors about "horse face haunts the soul and cow head demands life" that day, she thought for half a ring and dialed a lot of numbers in recent days.

"How have you solved the money problem?" Li Shuanghong obviously made up his mind to spend money to buy life!

"Haven't you received the news? In the morning, the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection came to the inspection team, and Lao sun has been double regulated. In this case, where can we move?" the voice on the other end of the phone seemed quite nervous.

Li Shuanghong was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect this to happen. After a half ring, he tried to resist the tightness in his chest and asked, "in that case, I can only transfer all my shares to outsiders. You should have a psychological preparation!"

The other end of the phone was silent for half a ring before he said: "We can take out tens of millions of cash. You can turn your shares to 5% to ensure that the three of us have the most shares in the company. Of course, you can buy back these shares at any time. Old man, this is the only thing I can do now! Don't say we are cruel. If the three of us are really found out, Shuanghong group will be finished!"

Li Shuanghong pondered for a moment and said, "OK, I will try my best to transfer the shares to Lu or Lu, a local enterprise. You can control it in the future!"

Li Shuanghong hung up the phone, but the corners of his mouth unexpectedly showed some creepy cold.

"Help me make an appointment with Lu Changshui of Lu family!" Li Shuanghong dropped her cell phone and said a sentence of Yin pity.


Xiao Xuan is still wandering around sun Manyu's house. Although he knows that it is unlikely to find evidence, the possibility of catching people is very small.

"Hello, uncle Lu? Good news?" Xiao Xuan picked up the ringing mobile phone and asked with a smile.

"Li Shuanghong made an appointment with me! Your boy is awesome. Everything really came up from your expected track!" Lu Changshui couldn't hide his surprise in his crisp voice.

"Uncle Lu, don't worry. As long as you don't ask too much, Li Shuanghong will agree soon! He doesn't have much time, only two days." Xiao Xuan gave Lu Changshui a bottom with a smile.

After Lu Changshui hung up the phone, Xiao Xuan walked downstairs again at sun Manyu's house. He got nothing, so he stopped grinding and drove directly to Bai Yujiao's residence.

Sun Manyu was sent to Bai Yujiao and was teased by Bai Yujiao. Sun Manyu changed into Bai Yujiao's clothes, but sun Manyu's figure is obviously fuller than Bai Yujiao, especially in some proud places. Wearing Bai Yujiao's clothes is somewhat uncomfortable.

"Hey, let me touch it and let me see. It's really soft and elastic. It's big enough. Look at my underwear. It's so tight. No wonder the dead calf loves you so much!" Bai Yujiao pinched it on sun Manyu's towering.

Sun Manyu blushed and rubbed his jade hands. Unwilling to show weakness, he grabbed Bai Yujiao's Yufeng and said with a smile: "I'll identify you for Xiao Xuan's rotten egg..."


"Hee hee... I'm ticklish... Don't touch me!" Bai Yujiao was very flexible and ran around the room. Sun Manyu was too tired to catch Bai Yujiao.

"I want to tell Xiao Xuan that you bully me!" sun Manyu sat down on the sofa and shouted.

"Then let me help you?"

Xiao Xuan's voice suddenly appeared at the door. Seeing that the two women in the room could play together without suspicion, Xiao Xuan was in a good mood like eating honey. He didn't even knock at the door, so he walked straight in.

"Xiao Xuan! Come on, help me hold Yujiao down and let me avenge!" sun Manyu was "bullied" by Bai Yujiao. His clothes were torn in pieces, and there was some fine sweat on his pretty face. As soon as he saw Xiao Xuan, he forgot everything, so he took care to let Xiao Xuan help her "shed shame"!

"OK, meet your wish!" Xiao Xuan jumped at Bai Yujiao with a strange smile.

Bai Yujiao pouted. As soon as she said "you are eccentric..." she was caught by Xiao Xuan and couldn't move.

Seeing this, sun Manyu rushed over with teeth and claws. His two jade hands grabbed Bai Yujiao and "ravaged" her fiercely. Watching Bai Yujiao's delicate body change various shapes in that small white and tender jade hand, Xiao Xuan's heart beat faster

"Ah, sister Yujiao feels good too. No wonder Xiao Xuan likes you so much..."

Sun Manyu learned Bai Yujiao's previous tone and smiled.

Bai Yujiao's little face was as red as a red veil. Xiao Xuan held her body tightly from behind. Sun Manyu attacked her chest in front, and Xiao Xuan's familiar and pleasant smell of men made her feel a kind of unspeakable stimulation.

Looking at the smile in sun Manyu's eyes, Bai Yujiao was shy. She broke away from Xiao Xuan and jumped at sun Manyu. The two fell on the sofa together. Bai Yujiao was lying on sun Manyu's voice, making exaggerated jokes while making mischief with her hands up and down... It was like two beautiful snakes twisting heartily!

Xiao Xuan's throat became more and more dry and hot. He was burning a fire. He wanted to join the "battle group" and "talk about his heart" with two beautiful women!

But before Xiao Xuan could move, sun Manyu found the clue. With a blushing face, he grabbed Bai Yujiao's bad hand and said, "if my sister doesn't get up again, Xiao Xuan will be bad!"

Bai Yujiao looked up at Xiao Xuan. Her eyes were like silk. Her hoarse voice was very tempting and said, "baby, do you want to kill two birds with one stone?"

Xiao Xuan nodded and said in a voice, "think! Think!" tqr1

Bai Yujiao and sun Manyu looked at each other and showed their "shy" appearance. Xiao Xuan rubbed his hands and began to take off his clothes

"Take your time!"


Bai Yujiao got up and pulled up sun Manyu on the sofa. They talked with each other and arranged their clothes with a smile

"You can't do this to me!" Xiao Xuan howled miserably! Sleeping together is just a dream, just a dream

"Hum, you have no conscience. Sister sun doesn't even have a home. You just think about that. According to me, you should be punished for a year. Don't touch meat!" Bai Yujiao lost sight of the amorous feelings in the twinkling of an eye. Instead, she raised sun Manyu to fight against Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "if only man Yu hadn't been frightened. Just buy another house!"

"It's not easy to buy a house. You can choose slowly. It's safe for sister sun to live with me first. But clothes. Sister sun can wear my underwear now. Do you know that if the underwear doesn't fit, it will affect her body!" Bai Yujiao stared.

"What impact?"

"Will sag..."


Under Bai Yujiao's serious protest, Xiao Xuan was coerced to go shopping with them!

"Shopping, you don't need me to follow? Just take my card to brush..." Xiao Xuan whispered. Zhao Sixi and Lai GAOJIN both gave Xiao Xuan bank cards, saying that they paid dividends regularly. Xiao Xuan didn't know how much money there was.

"Smelly man, who doesn't have a bank card? You want to be a bag. Do you understand the bag?" Bai Yujiao was proud to see Xiao Xuan eat shriveled.

Sun Manyu looked at Xiao Xuan with a smile. After a half ring, he seemed to think of something. He asked uncertainly, "are you afraid to go out and meet people?"

Knowing who sun Manyu was talking about, Xiao Xuan shook his head and said, "don't think so much. She can't sign all the documents in the company at the moment!"

"Who are you talking about? Empress Zhenggong? Oh, you'll meet anyone you meet. Who are you afraid of?"

"Let's go, let's go!" Xiao Xuan was three big. She didn't know why Bai Yujiao was so excited that she was like taking stimulants today.

He didn't know Bai Yujiao's mind. Sun Manyu lived with her and had more opportunities to see Xiao Xuan.

The three talked and laughed together at Nanhai department store. Bai Yujiao and sun Manyu hugged Xiao Xuan's arms left and right, admiring many men.

Xiao Xuan instantly became a successful model in the eyes of men! Plus two beautiful women, they attracted countless eyes all the way.

"Go and buy underwear first!" Bai Yujiao suggested when she came to an underwear shop around the corner.

"..." Xiao xuanrao was very interested in going in to help the two beauties, but he was embarrassed to follow in. I can only sit on the rest chair outside the door and wait.

Baiyu Jiaojiao smiled and pulled sun Manyu into the underwear store. In less than five minutes, she pulled several fashionable, sexy and flirtatious underwear and shouted to Xiao Xuan, "honey, which one is good-looking? Who is suitable for me and my sister?"

A charming question instantly pushed Xiao Xuan into the target of public criticism.

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