Xiao Xuan rubbed his forehead. If the woman was naughty, he would solve it well. But obviously, this is a very intelligent woman. She chose to be emotional.

Li Shuanghong has spent all his wealth. According to the rules of "horse noodles", he spends money to buy life. When he gets the money, he will release people. He won't do the same meat ticket for the second time.

But the Li family's father and son are people who tried to hurt the women around Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan can't accept letting them go intellectually.

"What would you do if I refused you?" Xiao Xuan raised his head, looked at the woman and asked.

"Sell the shares and give him the money!" Li Shuanghong's ex-wife said vaguely.

But Xiao Xuan knew the meaning of her words.

"What if I promise you?" Xiao Xuan asked again.

"I took him back to Nanhai city. I have a house opposite our company. I live there with him and live a good life!"

Xiao Xuan was silent for a while and said, "deal!"

"I'll sign the contract right away!" the woman said quickly. Or she didn't expect that Xiao Xuan would agree. The look in Xiao Xuan's eyes was full of gratitude.

Xiao Xuan didn't speak any more, raised his chin slightly to Lai GAOJIN, turned and walked out of the conference room.

Returning to the president's office, Xiao Xuan lit himself a cigarette and puffed.

"In fact, Li Yuanba can't give us any threat!" Bai Yujiao came in and hugged Xiao Xuan's waist from behind.

Xiao Xuan puffed a cigarette and said after a long time: "I never regarded him as a threat!"

"Then why are you embarrassed?" Bai Yujiao's soft body rubbed behind Xiao Xuan, as if she wanted to comfort the man who didn't know how many obscure past events with her own softness.

"I just think Li Yuanba is very lucky. For me, it's not difficult." Xiao Xuan's faint tone added a bit of sadness.

Bai Yujiao never asked about Xiao Xuan's family background, but she realized from Xiao Xuan's words that Xiao Xuan was abandoned when she was young.

"Maybe they had to. Why didn't you look for them?" Bai Yujiao hugged Xiao Xuan more tightly. Bai Yujiao replaced her parents with them. She knew that with Xiao Xuan's current ability, it was not difficult to investigate her life experience. There was always a trace to follow. tqR1

"Because I have you enough!" Xiao Xuan changed his tone, threw away the cigarette butts in his hand, turned and hugged Bai Yujiao, and kneaded his two big hands on the woman's soft waist.

Bai Yujiao knew that Xiao Xuan didn't want to continue the topic. She smiled and didn't say anything. Tiptoe, he kissed Xiao Xuan gently on his lips and said, "I love you!"

Standing in front of the French window, the woman in her arms whispered her confession, and her soft body lingered on his strong chest. Her beautiful face was like a fairy in the painting, with reddish eyebrows and eyes, emitting a little erotic color.

The turbid air in Xiao Xuan's chest turned into an irreducible lust. A group of fire rose in his stomach and said hoarsely, "how do you love me?"

Then he stretched out his hand and pulled Bai Yujiao's jade hand to his lower abdomen. The hot and hard tentacles made Bai Yu blush.

Xiao Xuan opened his mouth and kissed Bai Yujiao's pretty face. A pair of big hands swam away, and Bai Yujiao's eyes gradually dyed peach.

"This is the office. Someone will come in!" Bai Yujiao murmured in a dumb voice.

Xiao Xuan's lower abdomen was more tightly attached to Bai Yujiao. He rubbed it and said with an evil smile: "what do you do here?"

Bai Yujiao's face is even more red. It's like a red apple. It's a bit shy in her beauty, which makes people want to stop.

Xiao Xuan laughed badly. Bai Yujiao giggled. Her fingers hooked Xiao Xuan's belt and pointed to the desk.

Xiao Xuan followed Bai Yujiao's jade finger and sat down on the huge boss's chair.

Bai Yujiao sat on Xiao Xuan's lap, eyes as silk, and asked, "do you want to?"

Xiao Xuan couldn't stand this kind of provocation. He nodded again and again, and his big hand was restless again.

"Don't move!" Bai Yujiao knocked off Xiao Xuan's big hand. One of her jade hands reached for Xiao Xuan's belt.

Then the whole person slowly slid under the desk, and Xiao Xuan felt an alternative stimulus

"Hiss... What a goblin!" Xiao Xuan took a breath.

At this time, Lai GAOJIN and Lu Changshui pushed the door in. Xiao Xuan quickly moved the office chair to the desk. The huge solid wood desk blocked the fragrant scene.

"Eh, Yujiao isn't here? I thought she came out to find you!" Lai Gao glanced into the office and asked casually.

Xiao Xuan was very angry in his heart. He looked very calm and said, "well, I didn't see her! The people in the conference room have solved it?"

Lai GAOJIN didn't think much. He took Lu Changshui and sat on the sofa. He began to talk about his work and said, "two department managers have resigned. Those shareholders have left. I guess they won't give up after such a big dumb loss!"

Xiao Xuan smiled indifferently and said, "hehe, I don't care what powerful people they are. Come if you have the ability. I've got the company for you. How to make money in the future depends on you."

Lai GAOJIN knew that Xiao Xuan wanted to be the shopkeeper again. He just smiled bitterly and said, "with your mind, you can run the company better than me."

"I'm too lazy to waste that spirit. I don't have much desire for money. Just be able to support my wife and children!" Xiao Xuan's shriveled mouth looked like an expert in the world.

"Even if there are too many wives, there will be a lot of money to spend!" Lu Changshui opened his mouth and destroyed Xiao Xuan's image of an expert without residue.

Lai GAOJIN looked at Xiao Xuan's face and burst into laughter.

"After the Company re injects capital, the shares should be rearranged. My suggestion is that Lai Ge take 20% of the shares, Yujiao and Sixi take 15% of the shares. In addition, Huang Min gives her 30% of the shares. In addition, uncle Lu takes 5% of the shares!" Xiao Xuan enjoys the double heaven of ice and fire at this time. One convenience is the hot stimulation under the desk, On the one hand, the brain is working.

"It's not appropriate for me to take 20% of the company's shares?" Lai GAOJIN frowned.

"Technology shares! I don't want to participate in the operation of the company in the future. It's all up to you." Xiao Xuan smiled.

"I take 5%, isn't it a little too much!" Lu Changshui calculated that he only invested 150 million, and 5% is really too much.

Xiao Xuan waved his hand and said, "let's settle the matter of shares. I have something else to do this afternoon. I'll go straight away later. The company has just handed over and there are many things. You can do whatever you should do?"

Lai GAOJIN said no more, but secretly determined to put the company on the track and give Xiao Xuan a return of 10000%. In fact, he also did it. Later, Lai GAOJIN became a world-famous entrepreneur by turning this local enterprise into an international enterprise. This company has also become Xiao Xuan's largest gold producing cave. This is what will be said later.

"By the way, Yujiao should know about the share distribution. I don't know where the person has gone? I'll call her!" Lai GAOJIN said and felt out his cell phone.

Xiao xuanjiao is embarrassed. Bai Yujiao is under her desk. If the phone rings, Bai Yujiao will... Be angry and ashamed and want to crack his lifeblood, then

"Er, brother Lai, I think she should have something urgent. Go back first?! there's no need to call. I'll tell her later!" Xiao Xuan could feel that Bai Yujiao's two fingers pinched his thigh.

"Oh, then I'd better call her..." Lai GAOJIN didn't think about it at all. He wanted to tell Bai Yujiao about it.

Xiao Xuan is embarrassed, and secretly Tucao unceasingly, how does this Lai Gao Jin make complaints about the phone of Bai Yujiao? The leg was pinched by Bai Yujiao, which was neither light nor heavy. It was sour

"Hiss..." Xiao Xuan's face changed and he looked constipated.

Lu Changshui only felt that Xiao Xuan didn't want to contact Bai Yujiao immediately. Although he didn't know the reason, he came forward and dragged Lai GAOJIN out of the door.

"Oh, I'm calling! Why are you pulling me..." Lai GAOJIN was dragged out of the office by Lu Changshui.

Xiao Xuan breathed out and disarmed on the spot... Bai Yujiao climbed up from under the table, blushing with shame and said angrily: "Xiao Xuan, I lost my face for you... How can I meet people in the future..."

Xiao xuanshutan smiled a few times and said, "honey, it's hard for you. Come on, let my husband kiss me well to praise your hard work and high achievements!"


Bai Yujiao rolled her eyes, snorted, bit Xiao Xuan's neck and said, "how do you praise me?"

"I'll comfort you in the evening!" Xiao Xuan smiled like a little fox.

Before Bai Yujiao could speak, Xiao Xuan's phone rang. Xiao Xuan touched his mobile phone and found that it was Zhang Yue. That woman never wanted to see him. How could she call him?

Xiao Xuan answered the phone. Zhang Yue's voice was a little awkward and said, "President Su hasn't come to the company so far. There's no way to call. Do you know where President Su has gone?"

"What? Su Mei didn't go to the company, and the phone didn't work?" Xiao Xuan frowned.

"Yes, nothing will happen? I didn't say you, Xiao Xuan. Don't say you are president Su's legal husband. You are also the security guard employed by the company to protect the president. How can you not know her whereabouts?" Zhang Yue's tone was somewhat aggressive, which also made Xiao Xuan a little ashamed.

"I'll come right away!" Xiao Xuan said in a deep voice.

"If it weren't for you, she would have bodyguards around now. Because you are a close bodyguard, she has only one driver around her! I tell you Xiao Xuan, if something happens to her, I..."

Before Zhang Yue finished scolding, Xiao Xuan hung up the phone, stood up, straightened his clothes and said, "I have something to solve first."

Xiao Xuan's broken Shanzhai mobile phone was like turning on the loudspeaker. Bai Yujiao also heard the phone content and knew that things were big. She just nodded gently.

Xiao Xuan hugged Bai Yujiao and walked downstairs with big steps. As Zhang Yue said, Xiao Xuan couldn't sit back and watch Su Mei's affairs, whether in love or in reason, public or private. He just didn't know where the woman had gone

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