Xiao Xuan hung up angrily. Su Mei knew that Qu Xiangyang was not kind, so she arranged for him to come to Britain with Zhang Yue. Should he lament that the woman has a high IQ and everything is in the palm of his hand, or should he lament that the woman is indifferent?

Inexplicable impatience hit Xiao Xuan's heart, and his eyebrows twisted into a ball.

Zhang Yue seemed to have guessed something and said lightly, "she has always been a woman with both wisdom and beauty! Only a woman is too beautiful, and men will always ignore her wisdom. Just like a woman is too smart, men will always ignore that she is still a woman who needs to be protected!"

A woman with a brain is amazing. This sentence is called a thousand turns and a hundred intestines! Obviously, Su Mei has to. How can a woman support such a big company without some means. But it seemed that Xiao xuanruo blamed Su Mei for this, but Xiao Xuan was not considerate and sensible.

Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes silently. Zhang Yue asked again, "Xiao Xuan, you're not really going to kill Qu Xiangyang? I tell you, it's against the law!"

"Is it illegal for Qu Xiangyang to let those foreigners rape you first and then kill you? He will return to China as well. Do you believe it? Put away your poor rule of law and your terrible compassion. No one sympathizes with you when you die here!" Xiao xuanleng snorted and brushed away.

Xiao Xuan is not the kind of person who gives everything he wants. He never refuses beautiful women. But that doesn't mean he has no principles. He doesn't resent helping Su Mei solve problems. It's beautiful. He likes it! But Su Mei's "I know" still made him feel very uncomfortable.

Zhang Yue said that it was strange that Xiao Xuan could be happy.

Zhang Yue's face was slightly ugly when she saw Xiao Xuan leaving. The matter tonight was too hanging for her. She didn't know how Xiao Xuan dealt with these foreigners. Her inner surprise could not be described in words, but she knew Xiao Xuan wouldn't say anything.

Coupled with Su Mei's attitude in Xiao Xuan's mobile phone, she felt that Su Mei seemed to know something. When she touched her mobile phone, she did have a signal and called Su Mei.

Xiao Xuan didn't care what Zhang Yue said to Su Mei on the phone. He squatted in the corner outside the room and smoked. The red cigarette butts lit up and darkened in the night, shining on Xiao Xuan's face with a mysterious and somewhat sad look.

After a long time, a pair of women's exquisite little feet stopped in front of Xiao Xuan. It was Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue looked down at Xiao Xuan's hair. After half a sound, she burst out laughing and said, "it was very powerful just now. It was like frost eggplant in the twinkling of an eye? It's not like your style!" tqr1

Xiao Xuan snorted and turned his head to one side. He didn't look at Zhang Yue. He was like a angry child.

"To tell you the truth, the first time I saw you, I thought you were very annoying. It was so out of tune. But I didn't expect Su Mei to marry you. I also exposed your marriage to the media." Zhang Yue said in a low tone, looking at the gray sky in London.

"That's her insight to know the Pearl!" Xiao Xuan snorted, thinking that Su Mei would not tell you about the fake marriage!

"Today, I found that she really knows the Pearl. You may be really different. If you were someone else, today's affairs could not be solved so easily. I don't know what identity and ability you have, and even foreigners can buy your account." Zhang Yueyou said calmly, but she was curious about Xiao Xuan both inside and outside.

Xiao Xuan didn't answer.

But then Zhang Yue turned his head and said: "But even so, what does that mean? It's Su Mei who has to do her best to support Yuya and 30000 employees. You or an ordinary husband have never done anything to share and comfort. As far as I know, you don't seem to be devoted to Su Mei. Even if you have some abilities, how much light does she have for Su Mei? Don't mention the light. I'm afraid it's the mutual tolerance, support and comfort that a husband should do. Haven't you ever done it? "

Zhang Yue's tone was a little aggressive. Xiao Xuan took a few puffs of smoke and still didn't speak.

"I know that Su Mei is cold-blooded. Maybe at this time, she can't say what men want to hear, or think about it. But as his husband, you're so stingy that you can't even bear more? Even in one way, treat her as a little girl who hasn't grown up!"

As one of Su Mei's few friends, Zhang Yue's words can be regarded as painstaking. After that, Xiao Xuan squatted in the corner and didn't even change his expression.

"Did you listen to me?" Zhang Yue jumped with anger.

Xiao Xuan lost his cigarette butt and stood up. When she got up, she was almost close to Zhang Yue's body. The distance between the two people was less than five centimeters. Xiao Xuan lowered his head and almost put his face on Zhang Yue's face. Zhang Yue couldn't help blushing. Xiao Xuan's hot man breath rushed to her face. She couldn't help thinking of the attack on her chest by Xiao Xuan that day, and stepped back a few steps

Xiao Xuan bared his teeth and said, "are you finished? Bye!"

"..." Zhang yueton stamped his feet in anger.

Seeing Xiao Xuan walking away, Zhang Yue thought of Qu Xiangyang again and shouted, "Xiao Xuan, what are you going to do with Qu Xiangyang?"

Xiao Xuan paused and said, "if people don't offend me, I won't offend. But I won't do anything today. He specially came to sign the contract. Without Qu Dashao, how can I sign the contract?"

Xiao Xuan said, walked towards the group of foreigners with big steps, and chatted with the group of foreigners.

Zhang yueleng was in place for a long time. He couldn't understand what Xiao Xuan meant. Until a strong foreign man came and took her to an empty room and let her rest by herself.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yue woke up vaguely. She didn't dare to sleep deeply all night. Her spirit was not very good. When she came out of the yard with two dark circles, she found that most of the foreign strong men with guns were missing, leaving only four or five people. She patrolled the yard vigilantly.

Xiao Xuan is moving in the courtyard, but Qu Xiangyang is missing.

Seeing Zhang Yue coming out, Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "good morning! Let's go! Go to the hotel!"

Zhang Yue wants to ask Qu Xiangyang, but he can see Xiao Xuan's expression that you care less and ask less. He can only be silent.

The strong foreign man arranged a black Mercedes Benz car for Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan refused to be picked up by the driver. He sat in the driver's seat and said to Zhang Yue, "get on the bus!"

Zhang Yue got on the bus, and Xiao Xuan drove the car all the way.

After getting on the bus, Zhang Yue found that the car was not equipped with a navigator, but Xiao Xuan drove very smoothly, as if he had a map in his mind.

"Where are we going?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Hotel! Marton street, henlis hotel!"

"Do you know the way? Haven't you been to London?" Zhang Yue asked suddenly with a big hole in her head.

"..." Xiao Xuan didn't speak, and looked at Zhang Yue strangely.

Zhang Yue suddenly reacted. Can NIMA Xiao Xuan take her words seriously in front of Qu Xiangyang? Never been to London, never been abroad, how can you know those foreigners? Zhang Yue was ashamed of her IQ. Somehow, as soon as she got along with Xiao Xuan alone, her IQ plummeted.

When the car stopped at the door of henlis Hotel, Zhang Yue saw Qu Xiangyang who was already waiting at the door. What made her feel a little strange was that Qu Xiangyang was still standing next to a burly foreign bodyguard.

Qu Xiangyang was blue and blue. Although he was wearing a suit, he couldn't hide his embarrassed look.

Xiao Xuan and Zhang Yue get off. Qu Xiangyang shivers when he sees Xiao Xuan. "I, shall we go to Li's company now?"

Zhang Yue saw that Qu Xiangyang, who was arrogant in the world, also had this kind of fear. She couldn't help laughing.

Xiao xuanyang raised his chin and said, "you lead the way in front, and we'll follow. We won't follow you. I'm afraid you'll poison me!"

"No! No!" Qu Xiangyang thought of the terrible torture last night. There were too many patterns of anbuzan's torture. The Japanese who are famous for their metamorphosis are definitely children in front of anbuzan. All night, Qu Xiangyang felt that life was gray. At this time, seeing Xiao Xuan's smile was like seeing a ghost.

Qu Xiangyang and the bodyguard in Black got on the Buick business car last night. Xiao Xuan and Zhang Yue followed in a Mercedes Benz.

"Who would have thought that the famous Qu Shao would be bullied into a poor man by you as soon as he went abroad!" Zhang Yue sighed a little.

Xiao xuanleng snorted and said, "you think Qu Xiangyang is afraid to admit defeat. Then you really underestimate him. He's holding it back! Just look at it!"

Zhang Yue looked at Xiao Xuan in amazement. She thought that according to Xiao Xuan's character, she would be proud to get a few words. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan would think so. Zhang Yue suddenly found that she not only didn't understand Xiao Xuan's identity background, but also didn't know this person at all.

Xiao Xuan drove the car with a cigarette in his mouth and followed Qu Xiangyang's car leisurely. Qu Xiangyang now has a big handle. He seems not to make any more moths. However, Qu Xiangyang will never be willing to admit defeat so easily.

Since Li Chaoren slowly withdrew the company from China and transferred it to London, his business was greatly settled and handed over to his eldest son Li Hanxiong.

The office building of huangri group is located in the financial street not far from St. Paul's Cathedral. It is a 47 storey high-rise building. In London, where there is an inch of land and an inch of gold, the value of this building is amazing.

Perhaps it was because he paid enough attention to the project, or because the face of the Qu family was big enough, Li Hanxiong waited under the company building.

Seeing Qu Xiangyang and Zhang Yue and Xiao Xuan, he greeted them with a smile and said with a hearty smile, "Welcome!"

When he saw the injury on Qu Xiangyang's face, Li Hanxiong flashed a little doubt on his face, but in public, the doubt just flashed by.

"Brother Xiong, you're welcome. Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Zhang and Mr. Xiao of Yuya international! This is Mr. Li of huangri group!"

Zhang Yue smiled decently, held out her jade hand and shook it with Li Hanxiong. She said politely, "President Li's name is like thunder! Nice to meet you!"

Li Hanxiong laughed and said a few more polite words. When I shook hands with Xiao Xuan, I saw that Xiao Xuan just nodded slightly. It seemed that Xiao Xuan himself was a big man. I was slightly upset.

"Let's go! Let's go up first!" Li Hanxiong was so dissatisfied that he wouldn't show anything!

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