Xiao Xuan didn't tell anbuzan much, and anbuzan didn't dare to ask any more.

The car was quiet for a moment, only the sound of Xiao Xuan puffing cigarettes. When the car was too quiet and dreary, anbuzan was a little frightened, Xiao Xuan's phone rang.

Xiao Xuan answered the phone and only heard the voice of a beautiful woman on the phone.

"Asshole, you didn't come to London to see me! You hid from me in China and didn't see me. You still hid from me in London. I made a special trip to China for you. Aren't you really going to thank me?"

Listening to the waxy woman's voice on the phone, Xiao Xuan couldn't help but show a beautiful shadow in his mind. He grinned and said, "you've solved old man Huang's disease?"

"Come here and I'll tell you! Do you like Miss Huang? Well, she is a very charming Oriental woman. But I'm also very beautiful now. Would you like to have a look?"

Foreign women's bold and unrestrained and sincere concealment of likes and dislikes made Xiao Xuan's heart beat faster. Just thinking of the "ghost house genius" who praised that woman's IQ was comparable to Einstein, he felt a burst of egg pain.

"Hey, hey, I won't go there?" Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

Who knows that the woman can hold Xiao Xuan's weakness very well and said straight: "if you don't come, old man Huang will die!"

Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly and talked about curing old man Huang, but he had already agreed with Huang min. Besides, thinking of Huang Min's beautiful witch, Xiao Xuan really couldn't bear to let her die, and his father was sad.

"OK, OK! I'll go and have a look!" Xiao Xuan whispered helplessly and hung up the phone.

"You stay here. I'll come back tomorrow!" Xiao Xuan was going to go to the ward to meet the roaring song Dashao, but when the beauty invited him, he wouldn't waste his time here.

Ann Buzan whispered and got out of the car. I can't help but feel sick in my heart. They all say that the ghost king is not happy or angry. He is cruel and murderous. But the ghost king he saw had nothing to do with these words

It seems that China is a very magical place, which can make the ghost king in Europe so kind.

No wonder anbuzan thought so. His elder brother, anbuhuang, almost shot him because of the kidnapping. He also said that he was prepared to apologize with death to calm the anger of the ghost king. But at this time, Xiao Xuan did not show the intention to blame. How can anbuzan not be frightened and sigh

Xiao Xuan didn't know the many thoughts in anbuzan's heart. Since he put down everything and returned to China in the summer, he ran to be an ordinary person. He cultivated his self-cultivation and self-cultivation, which was already deep into the bone marrow of tyranny.

We drove all the way to No. 1 Hyde Park in Knightsbridge.

Hyde Park No. 1 is not a park. It is one of the most famous high-end apartments in the world, adjacent to the Queen's Buckingham Palace and the Thames River.

The house price of 70000 pounds per square meter is nothing, and the suite with the highest price of 100 million pounds is not its value. The biggest value here is not that it is either rich or expensive, because you can't live here just because you have money. But must have identity.

There was once a program in China that introduced real and fake celebrities in an all-round way. One of them introduced Hyde Park No. 1. There are only a few real celebrities who can really rank in the world. One of the criteria is whether they are qualified to buy a house in Hyde Park No. 1!

However, there are not ten people in China who can be regarded as real celebrities. Each of these people has a considerable family background, which can be traced back to three generations. All of them have an extremely rich background of officials and rich families.

Xiao Xuan seemed to be very familiar with Hyde Park No. 1. When the car drove near the gate, he stopped and made a phone call. About five minutes later, a blonde girl as delicate as Barbie ran out of the gate.

"Oh, my God, you're really here!" the blonde couldn't help but be ecstatic when she saw Xiao Xuan. She rushed over, jumped into the co pilot's seat, stretched out her hand to keep Xiao Xuan's neck and ate it.

The degree of enthusiasm made Xiao Xuan cry and laugh.

"Xiao, you're really different from before! If it was before, you would definitely drive straight in and never wait for me to pick you up! Also, you wouldn't let me kiss you like this before..." blonde's eyes were bright and could not hide her surprise and joy.

"Can we go up again?" Xiao Xuan shrugged and touched his nose a little embarrassed.

"OK, OK!" the blonde blushed and nodded with a smile.

Hyde Park No. 1 doesn't swipe the card. It swipes the "face"! To be exact, it is the iris scanning system. When the car is close to the security inspection equipment at the gate, the blonde probe looks at the same security inspection equipment, and the fence at the gate opens automatically.

As in the past, the golden blonde walked into her house with Xiao Xuan. There was no accident. The luxurious European aristocratic decoration style came to make complaints about her. Xiao Xuan deflated her lips and said, "your mother's taste has never changed."

The blonde smiled and said, "I didn't tell the old woman you came to London, otherwise, I think she would come to see you regardless of her image!"

Xiao Xuan felt relieved. He smiled and patted the blonde's delicate face. His tone was almost spoiled and said, "you have the blood of Habsburg royal family. Why don't you have a little reserve. You know, Habsburg is one of the most noble blood in Europe..."

"You are becoming more and more like an antique. Do you want to tell me that almost all royal families in Europe have at least ordinary Habsburg blood? Should I have the pride of a princess? Always remember the dignity of blood? What dignity do you talk about when the Habsburg royal families in Austria have been destroyed? Besides, now everyone only knows that I am the youngest scientist and physicist in the world, And biological scientists, several people know my princess identity. I like to be myself. Xiao, please remember my name, Alison Margaret! "

Somehow, the blonde was very excited when she mentioned the royal blood to Xiao Xuan, and explained with dancing.

Xiao Xuan sighed and looked at the blonde without talking. After a half ring, he said, "you can't change the facts like this!"

"Xiao, you, you know I like you." the blonde said wrongfully.

"Er, Alison, you know, the relationship between me and your mother..." Xiao xuansu was thick skinned and hesitated at this time.

"Oh, I knew the old woman would do it first!" Alison stroked her hair and smiled at herself. She always thought Xiao Xuan was worried about her identity. Although she guessed, Xiao Xuan must have had an unspeakable relationship with her mother, but subconsciously she didn't want to think so.

At this time, hearing Xiao Xuan speak out directly, she was still a little difficult to accept. If you make further achievements in the field of science and have a high IQ, you will also be confused in emotional matters.

In this world, the only thing that money and wisdom can't solve is love.

Xiao Xuan touched his nose and subconsciously looked around. Although Xiao Xuan has been abroad for many years and is not a decent master in matters of men and women, he still can't do what his mother and daughter have done together.

"Well, Alison, you know my heart. Let's talk about old man Huang!" Xiao Xuan touched his nose and obviously didn't want to continue the topic.

If outsiders knew that Xiao Xuan slept with the last queen of Habsburg, he would jump out and curse his mother. Although Austria does not recognize the existence of the royal family, the blood lineage cannot be changed. According to Habsburg's kinship, nearly half of the European royal families have to care about the elders of the woman who is not crowned but is actually of Queen's blood. Isn't Xiao Xuan the elder of these most expensive Royal members? tqR1

Alison obviously had a high IQ and a high Eq. although she felt very uncomfortable, she soon pressed this trace of emotion to the bottom of her heart. Her beautiful big eyes twinkled with pure light. She said in a positive color: "Xiao, old man Huang's business may have something to do with you!"

"It's about me?" Xiao Xuan frowned, but he was not too surprised. It seemed that there had been speculation in this area for a long time, but it just needed to be confirmed.

"Yes! Maybe you already know that old man Huang is poisoned by astatine. I have done a lot of research in the field of biochemistry in recent years. I think the astatine used by the other party is no longer a single element. It is a decomposed thing!" Alison looked at Xiao Xuan seriously and said.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Xuan scratched his head, a little confused.

"Forget it, you don't know anything about science and education. To tell you this, I have to give you too many things about science popularization. I've told the ghost house about it, and it's already under investigation. Bearded will explain it to you later!" Alison thought about it. She thought it was too hard to explain it to Xiao Xuan, so she had no choice but to give up.

Xiao Xuan gave a cry and asked, "is that old man Huang's life in danger?"

"It seems that you really like Miss Huang. She's very lucky. I just studied this subject this year. Her father, that is, old Huang, won't be in danger, but he will be in a coma for a long time! Moreover, I suspect that he is poisoned not only by astatine!"

"..." Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly again.

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