Alison was silent and quietly looked at Xiao Xuan in front of her. As in those days, no matter what happened, he was always so calm. He will never let go of clues. You will always find out the inside story first.

From what I heard, Rao is her superior IQ. She is only sure that the Li family is looking for death. But Xiao Xuan has seen through that people with blue charm are involved. The reason may be very simple. Europe dares to oppose the ghost house, and dares to destroy Adil and ambuzzan, or only the blue phantom. But she ignored that. Because of Xiao Xuan's series of violent actions in London, she was flustered.

When Xiao Xuan pointed out something, she immediately reacted. Xiao Xuan seemed to lose his mind in his anger, but he arranged all kinds of things later.

This man can achieve the respect of the ghost king, not only by virtue of his invincible fists.

Xiao Xuan was surprised that Alison was sitting well. Why did he suddenly look at him with bright eyes?

"I, I have dirty things on my face?" Xiao Xuan picked up the paper towel on the table, wiped it casually and asked.

"Xiao, you are one of the wisest and most powerful men I have ever seen!" Alison subconsciously licked her lips and looked at Xiao Xuan.

"Er..." Xiao Xuan didn't know how Alison came up with this sentence, and didn't know how to answer it. He stretched himself and looked out of the window.


At this time, MI5, the most powerful spy organization in the British Empire, was in a mess.

"Eddie, why haven't I ever heard of ghost house? It seems that everyone is afraid." the young agent who joined MI5 asked the old agent.

"You've only been here for a few days. How can you know such top state secrets? You're scared? It's more than scared. It's enough to make me lose sleep for a year. Do you know that Mi3 went to Iraq to carry out its mission and the whole army was destroyed? I won't tell you. It's the work of the ghost house. Do you know why the government signed such an agreement with Villa five years ago? I won't tell you either You, the ghost house has put the dog head of the Queen's favorite pet on the Queen's bed for three days in a row. The bloody scene made the queen sick for three months... "

Speaking of the eventful years of the ghost house, the old agent talked with confidence. The little agent opened his mouth and couldn't believe it.

"How can our powerful country be coerced by an organization?"

"They are a group of outlaws who have no country to live with. No country in Europe is not afraid of being targeted by them. Fortunately, in the past two years, the ghost house has stopped and hidden underground. But I don't know which bastard blew them out again. If I know who provoked those evil stars, I must kill his family!"


"Don't hurry to find the informant and find the Chinese woman! It's a wise saying that beauty is a disaster to the country and the people!"

The old agent slapped the apprentice on the head and muttered.

For a time, the whole London military and police took action. Those who worked as informants for the military and police on weekdays received a message to find out the whereabouts of the woman in the photo, with a reward of £ 5 million.

"It's a crazy world. Looking for a Chinese woman can get so many bounties!"

"Do you think this Chinese woman will be a princess candidate?"

"Fart, which princess can make the lazy London police eat Viagra?"

"What is that?"

"Find someone, five million pounds, whoever she is and loves!"


The Li family is not deaf or blind in London. Such a big battle, soon, they also received the news.

When Li Mingkai was in a mess in the office, someone knocked on the door with a picture of Zhang Yue and said, "President Li, something serious has happened!"

"Tell me all the bad news!" Li Mingkai looked up like a frosted eggplant and asked weakly.

On his first day in office, all businesses of the company were like ghosts. Except for some businesses in Xiangjiang and Mainland China, all businesses in other places were like ghosts.

How did he know that he really saw the "ghost" and offended the "ghost"!

"The official and underground organizations outside are crazy looking for this woman. After receiving the news, I took a look at the photos of the people they are looking for. After checking, I found that it was Zhang Yue, president Zhang of Yuya international, our partner. I......"

Before the guy finished, Li Mingkai was like crazy. He grabbed the photo in his hand and looked like death.

"It's really him. It's really him..." Li Mingkai lost his mind and kept mumbling.

"Mr. Li, what did you say?"

"Tell me the news you have received!" Li Mingkai's eyes were red. He couldn't believe that Xiao Xuan had such great ability to mobilize all the people in London.

Although he had seen Xiao Xuan's power, he also heard from his father that Xiao Xuan was not simple. But in his opinion, Xiao Xuan is just a guy who can fight a little. Even if he has some power, he can't be more powerful.

He Li Mingkai is the helmsman of the Li family. How can he be coerced all his life? At this time, a group of powerful guys wanted to cooperate with him, and he took the risk, and he cooperated with those people and Qu Xiangyang. Just hope to kill Xiao Xuan, that's all.

"The London police went out with all their strength, including the police on vacation, who have been recalled to find the woman. In addition, all the people of the largest underground Gang Musketeers and the black clothes club have also gone out. I heard that the military has also gone out..." finally, the head of the reported Gang is also a little confused. Is it really the little vice president of Yuya international that NIMA disappeared? What's the rhythm of the queen being kidnapped?

Li Mingkai slumped in his chair. His face was pale and his mind was in a mess. He finally understood what kind of character he was against and what a stupid thing he had done.

No wonder, no wonder his father completely exiled Li Hanxiong because of this man's attitude. This man is fully capable of destroying the Li family

"You go out first!"

Li Mingkai pointed to the door and said. Watching his subordinates go out, Li Mingkai immediately touched his mobile phone and called out. After the mobile phone was connected, Li Mingkai hurriedly said: "Mr. Hans, I ask you to let the girl go. The background of the girl is too strong. If you don't let her go, I'm afraid we will all suffer!"

Li Mingkai had seen the power of those people. One of them killed the gunman with two gun fingers in half a minute. He has only seen this skill on Xiao Xuan. When talking, the tone is also polite.

"Mr. Li, it doesn't matter to you whether you let that woman go. How can you quit after playing the game once? Ha ha, the good play starts..."

The words on the other end of the phone made Li Mingkai creepy. Who did he cooperate with? ask a tiger for its skin?

Li Mingkai still wants to talk. The other end has hung up. Li Mingkai dialed again and prompted to shut down.

"It's over, it's over, it's all over!"

Just when Li Mingkai didn't know how to deal with it, the door of the office was pushed open. Li Superman came in angrily. Without saying a word, he slapped Li Mingkai in the face and said angrily, "evil, are you going to destroy my Li family's foundation?"

Li Mingkai was slapped and woke up. Putong knelt down in front of Li Superman and said, "Dad, I know I'm wrong! I don't know... I don't know Xiao Xuan..."

"Don't you know he has such means? Oh, I teach you to do business honestly. Don't think you can do whatever you want with money. You've never heard of it!" Li Chao's blood surged up and pointed to Li Mingkai.

After half a ring, he recovered his mood and dialed Xiao Xuan's mobile phone again. Unfortunately, Xiao Xuan still cut off his phone.

"Hey!" Li Chaoren's identity today, I'm afraid he won't be easily hung up even if he calls the head of state. But Xiao Xuan's phone just doesn't work.

It's not that Xiao Xuan is unreasonable and unforgiving, but he doesn't care to answer the phone at this time.

In front of him stood emperor anbuhuang, the head of Adil.

At this time, the 40-year-old emperor anbuzan looked down at Xiao Xuan like a child who had done something wrong and said, "Lord ghost, it has been verified that it is the man of blue charm. Anbuzan is in their hands. The other 20 brothers have been killed!"

"Did you find out where they were?" Xiao Xuan tapped the table with his fingers, and his expression was quite dignified.

"MI5 has heard that Xicheng is suspicious." emperor Anbu wants to smoke his big mouth. The man of the blue phantom, the immortal enemy of the ghost house, he didn't notice and asked the other party to tie away the woman of the ghost king.

"It's no wonder you did it. Even I thought it was enough to paralyze LAN Mei for several years!" Xiao Xuan sighed and said a word of relief.

Emperor Anbu opened his mouth and choked in his throat. In his opinion, Xiao Xuan didn't slap him to death. Even if it was a great forgiveness, he didn't expect Xiao Xuan to comfort him. He punched him heavily in the chest and said loudly: "I'll take someone to Xicheng now and kill those bastards!"

Xiao Xuan shook his head and said, "Lan Mei's man is not in Xicheng, there is a trap. Inform the military intelligence people to be more careful! You take someone with me to amudi!"

"Amudi? But amudi is in the opposite direction to the west city?" the emperor stared at him. tqR1

"We have dealt with LAN Mei so many times. Can't you guess LAN Mei's routine? They will always put smoke bombs in the opposite direction. The military intelligence people are going to Xicheng now, and all they are waiting for is countless mines!" Xiao Xuan said faintly.

"But just in case, just in case they... They didn't say the opposite, we'll have no time if we want to get back. At that time, Miss Zhang will..." Ambrose said suspiciously.

"So I only ask you to inform the military intelligence people to be more careful, not to let them withdraw!" Xiao Xuan said, frowning, silent for a moment, and then said, "otherwise you can take some brothers over there!"

The emperor Ambrose said, but he couldn't help jumping up. What's the relationship between Zhang Yue and Xiao Xuan? Xiao Xuan is a person who never changes her decision. Unexpectedly, because of this woman, she will change her decision.

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