It is conceivable that the traffic flow on the roads in the provincial capital can definitely afford the word "endless flow".

Four or five car owners at the front and rear sides saw a man holding a woman jumping out of a black car, subconsciously stepping on the brake, the hissing sound of tire friction sounded, and even the curse was forgotten, one by one dull.

I don't know whether I'm surprised at the "car jumping" scene in this film, or at the madness of this pair of car jumping men and women.

When the reaction came, there were bursts of banging sound and rear end collision... Then there was the shocking scene of the 10t truck crashing the black car

When Bai Yujiao jumped up from the road pulled by Xiao Xuan, she was dizzy and saw the "spectacular" scene at this time.

On the one hand, there were more than ten meters of continuous rear end accidents, and on the other hand, there was a tragic scene where a large truck completely crushed Xiao Xuan's car!

Bai Yujiao took a breath and looked at Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan's face was also slightly ugly, but the corners of his mouth had already known that he would be so calm.

"How? Believe it? If the old man can put me back safely, he will not be the Golden Buddha." Xiao Xuan shrugged and stroked up his sleeve to prevent his clothes from sticking to the scraped wound.

Bai Yujiao glanced at the wound on Xiao Xuan's arm and said angrily, "he even wants to kill me. This old immortal is really poisonous!"

"No poison, no husband!" Xiao Xuan grinned and took out his mobile phone.

"Call Buddha!" Xiao Xuan handed Bai Yujiao her cell phone and asked her to enter the number.

Bai Yujiao looked at Xiao Xuan suspiciously. She knew Xiao Xuan. This is not a man who likes to get justice with his mouth. He likes to use his fist. In particular, the non-toxic husband made her feel cold in her heart.

Xiao Xuan just raised her chin. Bai Yujiao was very angry at this time, so she dialed the Buddha's mobile phone.

Listening to the call prompt sound on the phone, Xiao Xuan took his cell phone and grinned as soon as he got through: "Buddha, there is an old Chinese saying that it's impolite to come but not to go! I've prepared a big gift for you! You put it away!"

After listening to Xiao Xuan's words, Buddha immediately knew that plan a failed. At this time, I'm afraid the probability of success in the implementation of plan B will not be too great, right? What does Xiao Xuan mean by saying that he comes but doesn't go? Will the club be attacked?

After Xiao Xuan said this, he hung up the phone without waiting for the Buddha's reaction. His eyes twinkled around and said to Bai Yujiao, "you said, I'm going to kill the horse gun now and kill the old man?"

"Ah?" Bai Yujiao was full of what Xiao Xuan said. What kind of "generous gift" did Xiao Xuan prepare for the Buddha? Why doesn't she know at all?

At this time, Xiao Xuan suddenly ran and jumped out. He was like a flying man in the Olympic Games. He crossed the green belt with long legs and ran across the road. Almost at the same time, a bullet blasted at the position where Xiao Xuan stood in front of him, making a pit on the concrete floor and splashing gravel.

Bai Yujiao's face turned white again. She didn't know how Xiao Xuan found the gunman. She didn't notice it at all. There was only one thought in her mind now. Buddha was looking for death!

Spitting on the messy ideas in her mind, Bai Yujiao glanced around coldly, locked a target and ran quickly


Half an hour later, Xiao Xuan appeared in a small bamboo forest in a nearby small park, with two dead strong men at his feet.

Ten minutes later, Bai Yujiao also appeared here with a bloody strong man in her hand!

Three dead bodies can only be left here in broad daylight. The two looked at each other. Xiao Xuan smiled, but Bai Yujiao couldn't cry or laugh.

"You should be more accurate when you see people. I think you guessed my secret long ago?" Bai Yujiao suddenly asked when she followed Xiao Xuan out of the street again.

Xiao Xuan lit a cigarette, took a few puffs and said, "anyone can have a little secret. Don't I also have a secret? If you don't want to say it, you can never say it. You're my woman and I'll protect you anytime. Even if you hit me with a gun, I'll take it as a gun!"

Bai Yujiao's tears could no longer stop at this moment and burst into tears. She has always been the woman who smiles like a flower and bravely pursues love regardless of right and wrong. She has always been the Iron-blooded Bailian leader in the underground city of Nanhai City, but at this time, she is only a woman moved by her beloved man.

Even if you hit me with a gun, I'll take it as a gun! This is the most moving love word she has ever heard in her life! There is no word that can melt her like this at this time and completely turn into a woman made of water!

"Xiao Xuan!" Bai Yujiao murmured, leaving only Shua Shua's tears and choking sound.

"Silly woman!" Xiao Xuanchong fondled Bai Yujiao's head and smiled.

After half a ring, Bai Yujiao stopped her tears. Seeing Xiao Xuan's crafty eyes, she couldn't help wiping all her tears and snot on Xiao Xuan and muttered, "don't you really want to ask me to confirm your inference?"

Xiao Xuan waved his big hand and said with a smile, "I'm a dignified seven foot man. I don't have to be ecstatic when I succeed, and I can bear defeat. I don't have to force my women to be embarrassed to prove anything!" tqr1

Even though Xiao Xuan is so bad, mysterious that she sometimes panics, overbearing that she sometimes panics, and affectionate that she worries, at this time, Bai Yujiao still has to admit that even so, she still loves this man, his overbearing, his responsibility and his courage. She loves everything about him, even those shortcomings that keep her awake at night.

Moths put out the fire and enjoy it.

Xiao Xuan can give it to her. No one in the world can give it!

"But now, I suddenly want to tell you!" Bai Yujiao took Xiao Xuan's arm, and there was a little coquettish in her tone.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "you and the Buddha have the same peak. What are you doing with such a big thing? Don't say anything else. I, Xiao Xuan, won't let my women do things that are contrary to my heart. I can't sleep peacefully at night."

Xiao Xuan knows that Jianghu people have their own bottom line for survival. If they abandon their old masters, they will always dust their hearts. The dust stains will cause many nightmares when they can't sleep at night!

This is Xiao Xuan's understanding as a martial artist. It is also Xiao Xuan's responsibility as a man.

However, Xiao Xuan broke this relationship at once. Bai Yujiao was still surprised. She was more and more amazed at Xiao Xuan's evil mind, so she said, "well, don't say it. In fact, it's nothing to say. Anyway, it doesn't mean any harm to you for the time being..."

"It's better. I don't want to kill... But the old man of Buddha, hey hey, I'm going to kill him now and give him a good look!" Xiao Xuan said and looked at the sun, as if he was calculating something.

Bai Yujiao just wondered what it had to do with the sun. Before she asked, Xiao Xuan's loud voice and mobile phone rang.

After Xiao Xuan answered the phone, her face was so gloomy that she could drip water. Bai Yujiao dared to say that she had never seen Xiao Xuan look like this.

"Let's go back to Nanhai first. Let Sixi send people from two companies to deal with the car accident. Let's go back..." Xiao Xuandi shouted in a calm voice.

"What happened?" Bai Yujiao rolled her eyes. She just shouted that she was going to kill the Buddha. In the twinkling of an eye, she was going back to the South China Sea. What happened in the South China Sea? Did something happen to Zhao Sixi again?

No, she clearly heard a woman's voice on the phone just now... There was an accident over Zhao Sixi, and it can't be a woman calling Xiao Xuan!


In Clubhouse 7, Buddha stood by the huge man-made lake more than 1000 meters away from the cabin, looked at the lake water, threw one or two small stones from time to time, and watched the stones wave in circles on the water surface.

"Buddha, I've searched the cabin inside and outside for five times, but I haven't found anything! I've checked the track of the car all the way in three times, and I haven't found anything. The brothers of the secret sentry in the three streets nearby said they didn't find any abnormalities... Isn't Xiao Xuan exaggerating?"

Wusheng wiped the cold sweat from his dishcloth and said like a firecracker. Xiao Xuan's words came without being rude, and made the No. 7 club jump up and down.

"Do you think he is like a big talker?" Buddha said faintly without looking back.

"No, not like!" wusheng shook his head.

"The sun is going down... Hey, if you can't find out, just..." before the Buddha finished his words, suddenly a position moved and the mountain shook. The roar of a huge explosion sounded like breaking through people's eardrums. The hot air wave and strong smell of gunsmoke filled the air in an instant

At the moment of the sound, wusheng subconsciously knocked down the Buddha. When he only felt the heat of the air wave but didn't see the crushing force, wusheng helped up the Buddha!

As soon as they looked back, their noses were crooked, and the whole cabin area was blown up, or even razed to the ground... The flames ran everywhere, the smoke of burnt wood and gunpowder filled the air, and the screams of crying father and mother forced the Buddha to walk over carefully.

As soon as he approached, both Buddha Rao and wusheng were people who had seen big scenes. At this time, four words of tragedy still came out of his mind. The two teams of brothers who investigated nearby were exploding in the center of the vortex and were blown to pieces of meat on the spot. At this time, under the hot flame, they even sent out a strange smell of barbecue

Even if he is lucky not to die, he has become a super disabled person. He cries for his father and mother one by one. He can't wait for anyone to be happy and avoid this pain

Buddha's face was ugly. He touched his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Xuan. At this time, Xiao Xuan was on the bus back to Nanhai city.

"Xiao Xuan, you've played too much!" when the Buddha's almost roaring voice came out of the receiver, Bai Yujiao sitting next to him was stunned. What did Xiao Xuan do? Can you make the calm Buddha jump like this?

Xiao Xuan was in a depressed mood at this time. He hummed coldly at the phone and said, "go and see my car first. I said, my car is very expensive! I just reciprocate!"

Then he hung up directly.

"Xiao Xuan, what happened in the South China Sea? Tell me, maybe..." Bai Yujiao saw that Xiao Xuan seemed to be really angry, took Xiao Xuan's hand and gently rubbed it for a few times, and asked softly.

"Su Mei was caught by the police!" Xiao Xuan frowned, sighed and said angrily.

"Ah? President Su is a serious businessman. How could she be caught?" as a competent "junior", Bai Yujiao knows Su Mei very well. Let alone do bad things. Even ordinary enterprises have never had tax evasion. How could she be caught by the police?

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