Hysterical emotions pour into the most primitive body language, and the release of hormones is the best way for men and women to break down grievances and promote emotion.

After the peach color in the house gradually dispersed, Xiao Xuan looked at the woman who was paralyzed in his arms, swallowing clouds and puffing mist happily. tqR1

"Xiao Xuan, are you so rude to the empress Zhenggong?" Bai Yujiao asked, looking at all kinds of marks patted, sucked and bitten on her body.

"Er..." Xiao Xuan thought of the crazy night with Su Mei. It was as wonderful as tonight, but after that, he almost forgot what Su Mei looked like when she took off her clothes.

"Empress Zhenggong is so angry. It's estimated that you'll be frozen to death as soon as you go to bed! Giggle..." Bai Yujiao looked at Xiao Xuan's constipation expression and joked. When it came to freezing to death, her little hand intentionally or unintentionally went down along Xiao Xuan's belly in the quilt

"Who said? Empress Zhenggong likes SM!" Xiao Xuanwu said hard.

"Really? Wow, I can't see that iceberg beauty has such a hobby! Do you like it?" Bai Yujiao exaggerated and grew up with a small mouth.

Xiao Xuan felt threatened by Bai Yujiao somewhere. All kinds of bitterness made him take a breath, shook his head and said, "I don't like it, not at all! Because I don't like it, she also called me a schizophrenic and said I'm schizophrenic!"

"Really?" Bai Yujiao's eyes are full of incredible look. Yes, with her absolute wisdom, she really can't connect the things in Xiao Xuan's mouth with the president of the first famous iceberg beauty in Nanhai city.

"Of course..." Xiao Xuan saw that Bai Yujiao refused to imagine. He vividly described Su Mei's refusal to eat. When he went to deliver the meal, he had a mouth fight.

Bai Yujiao almost laughed on the bed after listening to it. Her movements were too big and plump. She kept following the flowers. It made Xiao Xuan drool again

"It seems that the iceberg beauty hates you very much!" Bai Yujiao smiled and drew a circle on Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan sighed gently, pointed to his chest and said, "Yujiao, you have a place with me. No matter when, you are my woman, do you understand?"

"I'm so mean. I'll just make fun of you. You're so nervous. Forget it. I'd better tell you directly! After I came back from the provincial capital, I went to the company and happened to meet the director of Hang Seng Bank. When we had dinner together, she revealed a message to me!" Bai Yujiao said angrily with her mouth.

"Hmm? What's the news? Hang Seng Bank? Isn't it a private bank? Do you have cooperation projects?" Xiao Xuan didn't pay much attention to the company's affairs, but now it's not the same as before. When the situation is bad, he naturally pays attention and asks a few questions.

"There are some cooperation, but it's all Lao Lai's operation. But what we talked about today is not about Xiaocheng international, but about Yuya company. The new director of Hang Seng Bank is Li Hanzhi, who is also the daughter of the chairman of the board of directors of Hang Seng Bank. She originally proposed that our company could apply for another loan from them, which could be approved soon." Bai Yujiao said with an eyebrow.

Xiao Xuan smelled the smell and said, "there is a process for bank loan approval, and those with a large amount of funds have to ask the headquarters for approval. Her tone is... Hiss! Is it..."

Xiao Xuan seemed to think of the root of the problem at once. He took a breath and looked at Bai Yujiao in disbelief.

Bai Yujiao pouted and said, "it's boring to chat with you. Can't you let me show off? You guessed right, it's a batch of loans for Yuya international. For some reasons, it won't be granted to Yuya international. But the money has come down, so she wants to give us Xiaocheng international! And the sooner the better!"

"It seems that this is really the case!" Xiao Xuan touched his chin, which seemed to confirm some of his own guesses. After a while, he said, "go and find out if Su Mei has anything to do with this Li and Li Hanzhi!"

"Yes, they are alumni of the same school. To be exact, Li Hanzhi is Su Mei's sister!" Bai Yujiao said.

Xiao Xuan's smile turned into a bitter smile. Su Mei's woman was amazing. Her sense of smell in business was just the level of evil.

It seems calm. Many things and various precautions have begun to be arranged.

"Before, I had a feeling that the empress Zhenggong was despised by both literati and people. I can even say that sometimes I am unfair and think she is not worthy of you. But this incident shocked me... I can only say that you are a perfect match with the empress Zhenggong, just like an evil spirit!" Bai Yujiao said with emotion. Especially when he saw that Xiao Xuan didn't know it at all, he was also very surprised and admired Su Mei.

Xiao Xuan looked at Bai Yujiao in amazement and touched his chin in embarrassment. Are these women him? What's going on? One by one. Bai Yujiao made it clear from these two things?

"Yuya international company is afraid of turmoil. Empress Zhenggong is already arranging. What are you going to do? I discussed with brother Lai this afternoon and signed the loan. Brother Lai also began to withdraw funds, but because Xiaocheng international is also going public, there is not much money available!" Bai Yujiao gave Xiao Xuan a preventive injection.

"She's so smart. Why should we worry?! come on, keep sleeping!" Xiao Xuancai is not stupid. He's especially worried about another woman in front of one woman. Isn't that why he lifted a stone and hit himself in the foot?

However, Yuya international is really in trouble this time. A small private bank can't directly lend to Yuya international, let alone other major state-owned banks, because it has received news and some unknown reasons.

For enterprises, the largest partner in capital is banks in addition to private lending.

Most private lending companies are in the real estate industry. Companies dominated by fashion industries such as Yuya must have little involvement in private lending.

Once the company has a problem, the bank will definitely have a big problem in capital.

Xiao Xuan was a little worried about Su Mei. Although Su Mei had begun to prepare, Xiao Xuan was still worried about the difficulty.

After a beautiful sleep with Bai Yujiao in his arms, Xiao Xuan didn't disturb Bai Yujiao in his sleep early in the morning, so he left ODI and hurried to Yuya international.

Xiao Xuan didn't know. As soon as he went out, Bai Yujiao woke up, sighed, touched his mobile phone and dialed Lai GAOJIN's number. After the other end of the phone was connected, Bai Yujiao said, "brother Lai, we have to implement what we discussed yesterday. Otherwise, Xiao XuanZhen should be in trouble..."


When Xiao Xuan stopped at the garage of Yuya international company building, Su Mei had just arrived. They entered the elevator together. Although Su Mei cleaned up very delicately, it was still difficult to hide her tired face. The blood in her eyes made her look like she hadn't slept all night. Seeing Xiao Xuan, I just looked at him and didn't bother to talk.

"Wife, what time is the celebration? Where is it? I suddenly remembered that there was something else. You were waiting for me in the company, and I'll pick you up later!" Xiao Xuan said a lot like peas, jumped out of the elevator that was just about to close and ran away

Su Mei's nose was crooked on the spot. She was peaty. Xiao Xuan didn't have a normal day in front of her? That jump degree, every time it seems like a ghost.

Xiao Xuan was so noisy that she was in a bad mood, and her pretty face was covered with clouds. In ordinary days, she is an iceberg beauty. Now she is an ice arrow beauty. In her eyes, the ice arrow runs around. It seems that whoever doesn't open his eyes will kill him with the ice arrow.

Su Mei walked to her office with long legs. As soon as she got to the office door, she said to the assistant who had been waiting at the door: "let vice president Zhang Yue and vice minister of marketing Zhao Weili come to my office!"

That tone, unconsciously brought a temperature drop of 50 degrees, and almost froze the assistant to death. The assistant quickly promised to hire someone.

Su Mei got into the office and became more and more angry. Xiao Xuan made such a big trouble, which made the Qu family angry. She used her family resources to deal with a small Yuya international. Now Yuya international is in such big trouble. Xiao Xuan is still like a person who has nothing to do. She doesn't know what she's doing

Although she didn't complain, Su Mei couldn't help being angry. Even if Xiao Xuan did nothing and stayed in the company, she would feel less depressed, but that guy didn't... not only no, he didn't know where he was fooling around last night, but he didn't return all night!!!

Su Mei picked up the coffee prepared by the desk assistant and smelled the strong coffee smell of cat excrement coffee, which was different from ordinary coffee beans. She looked at the tall buildings outside the window from a distance. Her thoughts were a little messy. She chose to bear it. It was just this level. Can she get through it?

When she chose to take over the company, she did not hesitate to become an enemy with her father and brother. She wanted to continue her grandfather's career. She had such ambition, and she did it. Now, she chose to let Xiao Xuan and Qu Xiangyang collide head-on. Unfortunately, Xiao Xuan was not a obedient master. Although she overfulfilled the project she wanted, it also caused this big trouble. Can she afford it?

"Dong Su! Zhang and Minister Zhao are coming!" the assistant knocked at the door and said.

"Let them in!" Su Mei put down her coffee cup and whispered.

Zhang Yue and Zhao Wei walked in together. Su Mei nodded slightly, motioned for them to sit down, whispered, "you are the main person in charge of the company. You probably know the difficulties the company is facing. I asked you to come to discuss some countermeasures. Now I can only trust you."

Zhang Yue and Zhao Wei look at each other and feel nervous. They know that there are changes inside and outside the company, which makes them nervous. Su Mei's attitude at this time made them more nervous.

"Su Dong, I believe we can get through the difficulties!" Zhang Yue said firmly.

Su Mei took out a stack of documents and began to talk about the company with two right-hand assistants. The three exchanged things about various changes with each other. The discussion was in full swing. The door was pushed open and a man's rough voice sounded: "wife, have breakfast..."

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