"My good sister, since she's here, I'd better kowtow to the old woman and talk to my brother about the past! Is this brother-in-law next to you? There's a man, and he doesn't reveal a word. It shouldn't be a wild man anywhere?" after the thin man approached, he grinned and showed a dark tooth in front of Zhang Yue.

Xiao Xuan saw the man's face and frowned.

He looked only in his twenties. He was not only ruffian, but also pale, with sunken eyes. Standing in front of him, his legs seemed to swing slightly, as if he could not stand stably.

With Xiao Xuan's insight, it's not difficult to see at a glance that this guy is a senior drug addict. However, he is not easy to talk about his sister and brother's family affairs. Then he didn't speak. Just felt that Zhang Yue took his hand, his fingers were cold, and his knuckles were too hard. It seemed that he had to pinch Xiao Xuan's big hand to have the strength to confront the young man.

"Zhang Da, what are you doing here? You are not welcome here. Also, please get out of the way. I won't give you a penny!" Zhang Yue's cold voice accompanied by waves of ups and downs in her chest.

"Elder sister, we are the seed of a father. Although the old man killed your mother, you always say that the old man is a cold-blooded tyrant, don't forget that his blood is always flowing in your body. We have a continuous blood relationship!"

"Zhang Da, you..." Zhang Yue didn't seem to expect that this crazy guy would say the ugliest and most unwilling thing in her heart. She was so angry that she trembled all over, her delicate body shook slightly, her feet retreated, and she almost couldn't stand stably.

Fortunately, Xiao Xuan came forward, stuck his hand in her waist and half held Zhang Yue.

"Hiss, sister, I've been waiting for you all day. Just sympathize with me and give me some money. Otherwise, I'll shake it out in front of your mistress, and you'll lose nothing. You say you're not short of money now, driving a good car and living in a good house. Hehe, what's the matter with taking care of me?"

"I won't give you money to gamble and take drugs! Also, please remember that I don't have your brother." Zhang Yue gritted her teeth.

"Ha ha, bitch, you're shameless. Do you really think you're a company executive? And Su Mei, that bitch, even told the security guard to drive me away when she saw me. I'll take you now..."

Zhang Da's facial expression was ferocious and terrible, but before he finished, he saw a big foot flying over, kicking him heavily in his abdomen, directly kicking him out, and just landed in front of Zhang Yue's mother's grave.

"If you want to worship, you should worship well. Otherwise, go away and don't force!" Xiao Xuan said slowly when he took back his legs and feet.

Zhang Da fell black and blue and was kicked with colic. He said angrily, "boy, do you dare to hit me? I know someone... Can you believe that I pasted the glorious past of this bitch all over the streets and alleys of Nanhai city? Do you still think you are a hero? Do you take away his broken shoes..."

Xiao Xuan's face became cold. If it was just a quarrel between his sister and brother, he didn't want to take care of it. However, this guy was enough to completely crush Zhang Yue, who had been strong. Zhang Yue was not his woman, but also his colleague, or even a friend. How could Xiao Xuan look at him so abusive?

Xiao Xuan walked over step by step. His face was gloomy and made Zhang Da's scalp numb. The man in front of him seemed completely different from those well-dressed white-collar men he had seen before. He seemed to have a kind of fierce light of a beast.

"You, don't come here!" Zhang Da climbed forward several times, but the pain all over made him unable to run far.

"Pa pa..." a big mouth sounded. Zhang Da only felt the hot pain on his face, and the stars were going to appear in front of him!

"If you dare to make rude remarks later, I'll beat you to death. Do you know anyone? Find some. Remember, my name is Xiao Xuan!"

Xiao Xuan glared at Zhang Da fiercely and said no more. He hugged Zhang Yue, who was completely paralyzed and expressionless. There were only two lines of clear tears flowing silently, and left with big steps

At this moment, Xiao Xuan just wanted to take her away because of the woman's helplessness and unbearable pain. As for Zhang Da, anyway, he is Zhang Yue's brother. It doesn't matter if he teaches a lesson. It's impossible to slap him to death.

Listening to Zhang Da's shrill screams one after another, Zhang Yue's hand tightly grasped Xiao Xuan's clothes, and her eyes were as empty as if she had lost her soul!

When Zhang Yue was stuffed into the car, Xiao Xuancai scratched his head and said, "what's the reason for you to talk to him when you meet scum? Family affection also needs to be exchanged with each other!"

Zhang Yue was just silent and tears flowed. I don't know whether it was for Zhang Da's humiliation or because she was torn open.

Xiao Xuan couldn't say more. He started the car and drove away.

"You must look down on me now?" Zhang Yue wiped her tears and asked with a pale face.

"Why should I look down on you? Your past is not painful to me!" Xiao Xuan ignored Zhang yuesu's disgust and lit a cigarette. He seemed a little agitated. tqR1

"I don't have a good family background as outsiders think. I don't even have a complete family. Most people think that I have a good relationship with Su Mei. I'm from the same school in high school and university. I may come from a good family. In fact... Ha ha..."

"I've said that these are not important! Who hasn't ordered it yet!"

"Don't you care if he says I'm a shoemaker?" Zhang Yue almost yelled.

Xiao Xuan was silent for a moment and held it for a long time before he said, "I know you're not!" this sentence is not comfort. According to his countless experience of reading women, Zhang Yue is definitely an unofficial woman.

"..." Zhang Yue seemed to realize that his words were too emotional, and he was silent again.

"Zhang Yue, I don't care about what you said. Everyone has a past, just as I have a side you haven't seen or even imagined. Everyone is polyhedral and will show different faces in front of different people. It's normal." Xiao Xuan said softly and comforted. But he is not a comforter. Even if you say it, it's dry at this time.

Zhang Yue was silent. She didn't speak. She was so silent. She looked at the lights outside the window passing by the window.

"Where is your home? I'll take you back!" Xiao Xuan's tone was always light.

"I'll go back by myself!" Zhang Yue has recovered some emotions. The dried tears, together with the deepest pain in his bones, can only be deeply buried.

"I'll see you off! Remember at the airport, we said that the worst is that we are also friends, right?" Xiao Xuan showed his white teeth and a sincere smile.

Zhang Yue didn't insist any more and said an address.

Xiao Xuan drove the car very slowly. When he got downstairs, Xiao Xuan got out of the car first and pulled Zhang Yue, who was going to leave with her head down. Zhang Yue looked up at Xiao Xuan and replied that she was just a generous hug.

For some reason, Xiao Xuan suddenly wanted to hold the cold woman. Or I want to warm her, just like a person who once warmed him at a certain time. Or, he really has some heartache for this strong woman alone.

Zhang Yue felt the temperature in Xiao Xuan's chest and was stiff, allowing Xiao Xuan to hug him. When she looked up slightly, she saw Xiao Xuan's clean face without any blasphemy.

Let her slightly moved, but also let her feel at ease to stretch out her arm and tightly hug Xiao Xuan's waist.

At this moment, Xiao Xuan brought her comfort that she could not forget all her life.

Under the dim yellow street lights in the community, their shadows were pulled very long, very long.

But no one noticed that there was a familiar Bentley in the corner not far away. The man in the car was also full of tears.

Time seems to stagnate at this moment, and Zhang Yue seems to want to melt in the warmth of the moment and never come out again.

Until a cold wind hit her face and made her suddenly wake up. Everything in front of us is borrowed. It's like a mirror! The man she held was the man she led and the man of her good friend.

"I'll go up first!" Zhang Yue forgot her courage, pushed Xiao Xuan away, lowered her head and ran quickly into the community building.

Xiao Xuan stood downstairs for a while and walked slowly to the door of the community.

Out of the community, Xiao Xuan took a taxi and went straight home.

When she got home, Su Mei wasn't there, and Xiao Xuan didn't care. She just thought the company was busy and the woman was busy. Sitting alone in the living room, he waited. He still had something to tell Su Mei.

After waiting for about half an hour, the door lock rang.

Su Mei, who pushed through the door, looked a little dejected. Her pretty face was pale and bloodless. After entering the door, she just looked at Xiao Xuan empty and walked upstairs stunned.

"What's the matter with you?" Xiao Xuan asked like an idiot when he saw something wrong with Su Mei.

"Don't worry!" Su Mei looked back at Xiao Xuan coldly.

Xiao Xuan had seen such eyes. After a night of madness with Su Mei, Su Mei left with such hate and helpless eyes.

But he didn't provoke this woman today?

"We have something to say. Can we not lose our temper for no reason?" Xiao Xuan frowned and said.

As soon as these words came out, Su Mei completely blew her hair. Did she lose her temper for no reason? Luckily she worried all afternoon!!!

"Xiao Xuan, i... you..." Su Mei couldn't answer a word. She just felt the earth spinning and fainted directly

This time it wasn't pretending. Xiao Xuan saw it clearly. Just for a moment, Su Mei's face was blue and purple, like the one who had been angry on her back. She couldn't care to get angry, so she hurried forward and hugged her.

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