Su Mei, like Zhang Yue, was pleased with Li Hanxiong's arrival. After calming down, she had a layer of worry, but she had not thought of countermeasures for the time being.

I just didn't expect that Li Hanxiong threw out the heavy bomb of Qu Lao in less than half an hour after entering the hotel. She didn't give her time to reflect and consider this time at all.

What's more, Xiao Xuan is still fearless, just like a brainless child, and he is not afraid of Li Hanxiong's doom.

Li Hanxiong thought for a moment and said, "I suggest holding a press conference immediately!"

Xiao Xuan smiled, rubbed his fingers and said, "what a coincidence! I think so too!"

Su Mei's silver teeth are about to break. She expects the press conference Q & a meeting to be tomorrow morning, and tonight she has to make some preparations to discuss some emergency response plans with the intelligent brain group, and even need to give Xiao Xuan and Zhang Yue some preventive measures.

"Isn't it too hasty to hold a press conference right away? After all, Taiben hasn't prepared yet." Su Mei pondered for a moment and still insisted on her original idea.

"No, Mr. Li is so smart. What kind of platform do you need for a small press conference? When the old man arranges it, the effect of the press conference will be greatly reduced, right? Mr. Li!" Xiao Xuan looked at Li Hanxiong with a smile.

Li Hanxiong just nodded slightly. tqR1

"Well, Mr. Li is ready. Let's arrange the press conference now!" Xiao Xuan said. He stood up, put his big hand through Su Mei's slim waist and took Su Mei out of Li Hanxiong's room.

When Xiao Xuan went out, Li Hanxiong looked at Xiao Xuan's back and was stunned. He didn't know what he was thinking

"Xiao Xuan, do you know how big the potential risk is? In case, I mean, in case Li Hanxiong says something at the press conference that is not good for you and Zhang Yue, you and Zhang Yue are likely to be taken away by the police on the spot. Moreover, as soon as the media is exposed and the Qu family adds fuel to the fire, the police will rush the ducks to the shelves and the ends of the earth will have to catch you!" Su Mei frowned and said.

"Well, why didn't you say it earlier? It's too late now!" Xiao Xuan smiled at Su Mei. He wanted to see what Su Mei would say about it.

"I fell asleep after drinking sun Ma's medicated food last night. I was burned by the stock price in the morning. I'm human, not God. How can I think so much! Li Hanxiong's special plane arrived in the South China Sea. What do you say? Why don't you buy a ticket with Zhang Yue to Xiangjiang immediately and go to other places from the Xiangjiang special plane. At that time, Li Hanxiong even talks nonsense, The police can't catch you for a while. Maybe it's ok... Otherwise, let's go and tell Li Hanxiong that the press conference will not be held! "

Su Mei seemed a little flustered. A little incoherent.

Xiao Xuan was happy. The medicated diet was prepared according to the prescription he gave. The dosage of tranquilizing drugs was very large. Can you stay awake after drinking?

Just seeing that Su Mei rarely showed this side, Xiao Xuan felt very comfortable and continued: "what about Yuya international?"

"Let fate take its course!" said Su Mei, gritting her teeth.


Su Mei is not as cold and ruthless as the outside world imagined! She just believes too much in her ability, but doesn't know how to express herself.

When she thinks it's a matter of life and death, what she shows is the most real her, right?

"All right, let's prepare for the press conference! I measured him and Li Hanxiong didn't dare to confuse black and white!" Xiao Xuan grinned and showed his white teeth.

confuse right and wrong? Su Mei was stunned. Mom, what's wrong with black and white? Li Hanxiong wants to say that Qu Xiangyang has nothing to do with you, Xiao Xuan. It's just to turn black and white upside down, okay?

But now is not the time to reason. Su Mei didn't know where Xiao Xuan came from. With such great confidence, she opened her mouth and asked, "are you sure? What if Li Hanxiong..."

"No chance!" Xiao Xuan said firmly.


"He's afraid I'll hit him!"


Su Mei couldn't beat Xiao Xuan at last. While she was still in a daze, Xiao Xuan had called Zhang Yue, "president Zhang, Su Mei asked you to prepare for the press conference! Well, bye!"

When Xiao Xuan hung up the phone, Su Mei was completely shocked, stamped her feet and said, "who let you decide for me?"

"Am I your husband?" Xiao Xuan approached Su Mei, and a live action version of "wall Dong" came, forcing Su Mei to lean against the wall.

Xiao Xuan's overbearing and hot breath hit Su Mei's face. The strong masculinity made Su Mei blush.

"..." Su Mei didn't know how to answer this question. She wanted to say before she was in the room and start over.

"Doesn't it look like it?!" Xiao Xuan laughed at himself, and the bending of the corners of his mouth made people feel inexplicably distressed.

"It's my husband. We have a marriage certificate." Su Mei said such a sentence.

"Really admit it?" Xiao Xuan's eyes lit up. He only said that the emperor did not live up to his heart. He was sincere. Gold and stone are open. One hundred and two Qinguan pass finally belongs to Chu

"But you're not my man!" Su Mei said, biting her lips as if she had exhausted all her strength.

Yes, the man she wants is Xiao Xuan, not Xiao Xuan! After all, we've been together for such a long time. If Xiao xuansi didn't move her at all, she didn't get distracted, it would be farting.

She thought, or no one can tolerate her more than Xiao Xuan! No one can love her unconditionally like Xiao Xuan!

But as a woman! As a successful woman in the new era with three independent views, she definitely has her own mate selection criteria.

The man she wants, at least she is 100% willing to pay herself, will not have countless romantic debts outside.

Some people say that love is from 1 to 100 points. If you can't find a man with 100 points, you can find 90 points or 80 points.

But for Su Mei, love is not a score system, but only love, or not love!

Now she doesn't know what kind of palpitation she has for Xiao Xuan in her heart. If she said she didn't love, she would be jealous of other women around Xiao Xuan. If you say love, it's like a little less.

"Who said I wasn't your man? Did you have other men before me?" Xiao Xuan said with an evil smile.

Su Mei blushed and said, "Xiao Xuan, you know, I don't mean that. I just think there's something missing between us. I don't know what it is, but..."

Su Mei was incoherent, but Xiao Xuan knew what Su Mei meant.

What's missing? Less love and passion! Su Mei may have found Xiao Xuan at first. Although she had a night's passion, it was just an accident. Later, they simply lived together, let alone passion. Even the warmth between husband and wife was only sometimes.

"Hey, good wife, let's fall in love!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

Su Mei lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Xiao Xuan's eyes. If she hummed, she didn't know whether to promise or refuse.

At this time, Zhang Yue just came in a hurry. She came to find Li Hanxiong. She just didn't expect to run into such a scene in the corridor.

Zhang Yue coughed twice, looked slightly embarrassed and said, "the reporter has been ready for a long time. As soon as we said to hold a press conference, they were ready. Let's..."

With a red face, Su Mei pushed away Xiao Xuan, gathered her hair, and said calmly, "well, OK, I'll go down and have a look first!" then she hurried downstairs like running away.

Xiao Xuan's face was not red and his heart did not jump. He smiled and looked at Zhang Yue. He opened his mouth and was about to speak. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yue said goodbye and walked directly to Li Hanxiong's room.

"..." Xiao Xuan scratched the back of his head silently and went downstairs slowly.

His relationship with Zhang Yue is more unreasonable and more chaotic. It seems a little ambiguous and will cross the line at any time. But both sides seem to be exercising rational restraint.

Ambiguous things are really a little strange. If you can talk to others, you can also talk about things like getting along with each other or falling in love with each other over time, but you and Zhang Yue obviously don't want to see each other! But inexplicably ambiguous

Xiao Xuan also followed slowly to the hastily arranged reception venue. The venue is arranged in the large conference room of the hotel.

There are more than 300 square meters of conference rooms, which have long been surrounded by various media.

Li Hanxiong said that he came as a witness internally this time, but he held the banner of negotiating business with Yuya international.

With the status of the Li family's business empire, it is still Li Hanxiong's presence to negotiate business with companies such as Yuya international. This topic is in the financial sector, which is also heavy news.

After about half an hour of preparation, Li Hanxiong, accompanied by his secretary, came late side by side with Su Mei.

At the moment of appearance, the flash clicked and the media boiling.

Xiao Xuan was outside in the corridor, holding a cigarette obliquely. Looking at the scene inside, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Hello, media friends! The cooperation negotiation between Yuya international and Li is in progress. We are honored to invite President Li of Li's group to visit Nanhai City in person. Our media friends have been in a hurry. I'll make a long story short. Today we arranged a free Q & a meeting for journalists. Journalists can prepare their own questions and start preparing Q & A!"

Su Mei opened her mouth lightly and said a few simple words. Of course, the so-called simple words were completely prepared by Xiao Xuan. It's not that Su Mei won't say it, but that Xiao Xuan asked to say it! We must throw all the problems to Li Hanxiong!

Su Mei had no choice. Unconsciously, the whole thing had been carried out in full accordance with Xiao Xuan's arrangement. Even her strong helmsman had to become a member of Xiao Xuan's plan!

As soon as the voice fell, the following media exploded, and problems poured out like a tide.

"Mr. Su, I want to ask, was your husband Xiao Xuan really a security guard before?"

"Shit, who reporter is such an idiot to ask this at such a time?"

"I'm from Wangjing entertainment..."

"Gossip! Idiot! President Li, I would like to ask you, what is the cooperation between your company and Yuya international this time?"

"Mr. Li, I'd like to ask your views on the Asian economic environment!"

"Mr. Li, I heard that the boss of Huaxin company disappeared inexplicably when he went to London to negotiate business with your company. Can you say something about this?"

"Mr. Li, we heard that the murder of the boss of Huaxin involved a commercial conspiracy. What do you think of it?"

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